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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I need to know if there is a difference between hiding a model vs making it 100% Transparent.


    I have a rig for a camera that simulates a Jib and dolly. I need to see the jib when setting up the camera moves. But I know that render times decrease when there are less patches or models in the chor. Because the rig will never be seen in the final render I need to find out the most efficient way to make it disappear easily.


    I could hide the model in the modeling window before I render


    Or I could make it 100% Transparent.


    I prefer the transparency method because I can create a Pose to easily turn off and on. However Hiding it in my mind assures me that AM is not taking time to calculate it in rendering.


    Am I inccorect? Is it safe to just create a pose to make it 100% Transparent? No difference between the two options?

  2. It may be possible to splice group surface settings into a material in a text editor.


    save simple examples of both and look at them to see the file structure.



    Good idea but it would be nice if this was a feature. I requested something like that before but it was rejected because Yoda believed that my idea was redundant because we have the ability to save materials.


    But we don't really. We have to create materials from scratch and transcribe settings.

  3. Cool Guys



    Who has a lap top out of the people who want to meet up? What should we do when we meet up? Should we create an 11 second club project? Each one of us contributing something. When we meet up we can discuss and help each other with problems whlie continuing the project via the net.


    Just an idea.

  4. Jason,

    Hopefully this version will work for you.

    No decals or anything will be present but perhaps that's okay based on what you plan to do with it?

    To get a clean model with nothing extra you might copy/paste the mesh into a new file.


    Hipogyraf is a very cool model! (Courtesy of those who worked on TWO)




    Thanks Rodney!!!

  5. I live in Valencia California. Looking for users who want to get together on a biweekly or monthly basis to teach each other new things with AM, share are work and so on. We can take turns meeting at each others house or we can pick neutral spots that are congruent distances from each other.




    1. Must live somewhere in the circle below. or be willing to drive for a long time.

    2. Must be willing to commit to meetings, a minimum of 1 per month.

    3. We need at least 4 people for this to work. I think 2 people are a couple, 3 is a trio and 4 can finally constitute a group.

    4. Must be a contributor who plays with AM for work or pleasure at least twice a week to continue growing with the group.

    5. If your willing to commit reply with your email so I can contact you.


    Hope this works. :)



  6. high_definition_camera_5550_01.jpgSo, I may have a project and need to give a quote by the days end. I know this may seem rude and crazy, but I swear it's a real deal. I can't model this camera (kinda new at 3D I'm an After Effects guy) so I'm looking for one of you... a brilliant A:M GOD! Just need it modeled. I should be getting better pix very soon.


    If you're interested let me know.





    Interested. May need you to take High res 5Mpixel or higher pictures of camera for decals. charge $35 per hour or if you prefer a flat rate $600.00 but I need more info of what you want.


    Remember the quality of the final model often is in the render. depending on what you want the price could go up or down. These are ball park figures. Based on my experience this could take up to 14 hours.

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