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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I simply dont truly now what these do. I have never seen a comparison with a control






    Ca someone create an illustration showing the difference in these settings? Not the difference from each other but the difference in values from within themselves.


    I cant find anything on either of these.




    If the comparison illustration could be in this fashion or something like this that would be great



  2. ZT sysstem For $579.00 before tax and shipping.


    AMD 2 X4 3.0GHZ 945 Proc


    AM Bench Test Scored an unimpressive 9:20


    Ok for the price its not that bad of a score but I was expecting an 8 second time or lower.


    I paid Almost $650 for my HP 2.8GHZ AMD 2 X4 2.8GHZ Machine I think it took about 11 seconds or so for the test so like I said for the price it seems to be fine.


    If you want to paid double the price go with Intell and get about a 35% speed increase.

  3. ZT sysstem For $579.00 before tax and shipping.


    AMD Atholan 2 X4 3.0GHZ 945 Proc


    AM Bench Test Scored an unimpressive 9:20


    Ok for the price its not that bad of a score but I was expecting an 8 second time or lower.


    I paid Almost $650 for my HP 2.8GHZ AMD 2 X4 2.8GHZ Machine I think it took about 11 seconds or so for the test so like I said for the price it seems to be fine.


    If you want to paid double the price go with Intell and get about a 35% speed increase.

  4. Dont get me wrong I like AM but the other main stream packages allow for modeling with splines too. I think one of the benefits to AM is that you dont have the polygonal edges when you render. However that really isn't an issues for the other packages anymore as computers have gotten faster. I have been learning another mainstream package and am pleased to say that Problems I thought were limited to AM plague the other packages as well. In my opinion one of AM's biggest strengths is its ease of use. Although CG in my opinion is not for the faint of heart AM is easier as compared.

  5. Here is the link to the system I purchased but I have not tested it yet. It has not arrived. The results I posted above were from other users with comparable hardware. You may want to wait a few weeks until I get and test mine.





    Below is a link to a slightly faster proc, But I think the sweet spot is the system above for bang for your buck




    This system comes with two more gigs of ram but I still think the first link is the best buy



  6. Hey Robert


    Did you ever build your super fast System?


    I just ordered another system. I found a system called ZT systems. It cost $579.00 And comes with and AMD X4 945 3.0GHZ quad processor. 4G ram DDR 800MHZ, and a decent graphics card.


    I am curious how it will perform your bench test...


    I got cold feet and haven't built something yet. Let me know how it does that sounds like a good price although the general sense I get is that intel processors are way out ahead of AMD now.



    YOu have to do what you have to do to get the look right?


    True. I'm just wondering what a 1-ray light is doing that z-buffered lights couldn't do. And 10 of them!





    I could not get the same effect with all kleigs. I heard that AM works better with AMD? Either way Your bench test is the proof in the pudding. Here are some results from other users.


    Apples to orange test


    3.4 GHZ AMD 955 4 core proc 7:56 VS 3.33 GHZ Intel I7 975 4 core proc 6:38



    The winner Intell by 1:18 The comparable AMD Proc was 16.4% slower than Intel.


    The winner in Bang for your buck AMD $147 VS $565 AMD May be 16.4% slower than intel but its about 74% Less expensive.


    I got my figures via Google products.

  7. Hey Robert


    Did you ever build your super fast System?


    I just ordered another system. I found a system called ZT systems. It cost $579.00 And comes with and AMD X4 945 3.0GHZ quad processor. 4G ram DDR 800MHZ, and a decent graphics card.


    I am curious how it will perform your bench test. I am just using it purely to render. So I hope the low amount of ram is not an issue. I am thinking this system is perfect for me because its got a tiger under the hood in terms of Processors but everything else is kind of bare.

  8. I need some help rendering out a high res 1920x1080 scene. The good news is you can have the models I created for the scene as it is for my demo reel. The bad news is depending on how fast your system is it could take 9-15 hours to render one frame. I have about 30 cores rendering 30 instances but its still going to take me 9 days or so to finish.


    I don't recommend you volunteer unless your system renders Roberts AM Benchtest in less than 12 minutes or so. Any one who renders me 2 frames or more will get a DVD full of AM training Videos in addition to the models in the scene.



    Attached is about 95% of the scene rendered @ 720x405. to give you an idea. I wanted to use AM's motion blur at about 30% but it adds days to the render. I will have to do DOF and Motion blur in Post. I was thinking of using Real smart motion blur unless some one has a better idea.





  9. Hi Steve.


    Thanks for that info. It makes me want to purchase NR but for $500.00 Its just too steep. But For Multicore support I would pay it. FYi Jason Told me NR users must request updates before he will compile them. So If you want 15.J+ request it.

  10. I dont think anything will come of this. Thanks though. Net render is obsolete in my opinion. I would purchase it for there price if it could do multiple cores but until then Its worth about 100 not $500

  11. Is this for net render or for cd version with multiple instances?


    multiple instances.


    I realize this is not as convenient as if Netrender transparently handled multiple cores.


    I just see it as a shortcut to setting up multiple instance renders.



    Can you make a feature request? It may have more impact coming from you.

  12. I'm sure it can be done. Submit it as a feature request, if you haven't already.


    In the meantime I can imagine someone making a simple text editing app that, given a Chor set to render all the frames, would spit out X copies with each set to a different frame range. Then you'd just have to load each copy on to a different core and set it rendering without having to dig into each one to reset the frame ranges.




    -this app would search thru the .CHO file for the defined frame range,

    -extract the start_frame and end_frame numbers,

    -extract the number_of_cores to be used from a string embedded in the PRJ title


    then, in a loop, write number_of_cores copies with


    Copy_0.cho set to render start_frame to end_frame, step=number_of_cores

    Copy_1.cho set to render start_frame+1 to end_frame, step=number_of_cores

    Copy_2.cho set to render start_frame+2 to end_frame, step=number_of_cores


    and so on until number_of_cores .cho files had been written out.


    (alternatively each copy could be set to render contiguous ranges if that was preferred.)


    that would be a simple program to write, there's probably a text editor out there with sufficient macro ability to do it.




    Is this for net render or for cd version with multiple instances?

  13. Just to mention it: Preview-Renderings are faster.

    -> green Buttons.


    But Final Renderings aren't. For the non-programmer that sounds odd, but

    this is because of many final-rendering-operations which are not programmed to be multithreadable.


    NetRenderer is for several computers, not for several cores!

    That means, you can get much out of it with 100 single-core-pcs but not with a 4-core-system.

    For that you should open instances, etc.





    Unfortunately I dont fit either of those scenarios. I have 6 computers that have a combined 30cores. Sounds like Net render needs to be updated. I know they wont because its not economical but at my last staff job we had a Net render that looked exactly like Hashes, it worked the same way. It easily took advantage of all cores as if each core was its own computer. We gave it access to two 8 core machines. It was proprietary software that that could plug into almost any render er. In our case our net render was utilizing Red's trans coding software. I think it was called Red alert. Its only job was to transcode Red Raw 4k Video footage and turn it into a Targa sequences.



    Its spooky when I see the gui of net render because it looks just like ours. There must be some sort of universal component there.

  14. I was thinking of purchasing Net Render. I had a bunch of questions about the product and Jason S said that aside from open MP support it cant use multiple procs/cores. This got me thinking, Does open MP work. After testing the answer is no or at least it didn't work for me in regards to decreasing render times. You can see the results below.


    Can some one concur?





  15. Viper Mark II

    The Mark II is an older version of the Viper commonly used on the Battlestar Galactica after the attack by the Cylons. These ships are extremely maneuverable and capable of both space and planetary flight. These ships are not equipped with FTL drives, but carry two rapid firing guns and have the ability to load missiles on the undersides of the wings.


    This model is essentially complete, except for some more work on the cockpit and more decal work, but until then, here is the model.

    Model has 11,294 patches.







    Thank you, great job

  16. OPTION A: So your saying the "Group" aka the models surface property that is the screen is normally set to 100% Ambiance when doing the TV screen model when not using a decal to drive ambience?
    Yes. This makes the decal not get shadowed by anything and not need any particular light on it,


    OPTION B: So you are also saying my method of using the image sequence twice one for color and one as ambiance is not standard practice in regards to driving ambiance VIA decals?. You say to Just use a single white decal to drive the ambiance when using the decal method?
    Yes and yes. If you use the image decal to drive ambiance, then white will be white, but a 50% gray driven by 50% ambiance will only render 25% gray. 50% gray with 100% ambience will be 50% gray, which is what you want.




    Robert. I cant thank you enough for your help. Image sequences have never been reliable for me when rendering. I fallowed your idea about keying the "frame" option for each frame. Then I got smarter and keyed over time witch is what you meant. This worked flawlessly. Image sequences are 100% reliable with this method.

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