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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. Am I correct that this would also be useful for not altering the original source models if you were altering the ones in the project because it was embedded.?


    I mean to say its a way for you to protect source models. But the converse is if you like an alteration of a model then you need to save it out as its own model?

  2. Embeding?


    1. When is it useful?

    2. What are the downsides to embedding, like when should I not use it?



    I ask because I recently have been having trouble when bringing projects to other systems even though the project is being accessed the same way via Ethernet storage from all systems. The other systems seem to have to re link to the source files? Dont know why.


    The only work around I have found is embed but aside from a large file I do not exactly know whats happening and what I should look out for.

  3. I'm curious what you did to get the camera moves. Are they hand animated? Having a shaky cam like that really pulls you out of the "oh it's cg" feeling. Makes it interesting.



    I completely agree, that is what I was going for. There is a term for that that was coined in the fifty's, I forget the term but it causes/triggers a primal uncomfortable felling in us human beings because what we are viewing is something that is not human or reality but is so closely imitating a human or reality.


    It can actually scare us when we see this in real life. The term that I cant remember has been brought up in resent years because of real life robots made in Japan that are so closely resembling actual human beings and our movements.


    I shot 4 takes with a real video camera at true 24fps as you can see below. So the Shots are mostly NOT hand animated at least not in AM/ CG land. The real life camera move is actually shakier so I smoothed the shot out in AM by just deleting every 2 key frames but as the shot gets towards the end I only delete every other key then not at all. I also modified the shot by "ADDING" an additional minor choreography action that modified the original move / action.


  4. ok took about an hour and 1/2 but its pretty much done

    you can do the minor retouching to suite your taste

    how would you like me to send it to you...

    post it here for everyone to grab or email you?


    oh and Homeslice the login for the form that you sent me is not working



    Nice work thanks. You can post it here or put it in the contributors cue.

  5. Hey,


    I've currently been using shadow passes all over the place in A:M..... Mostly for ground shadows....Ground plane must be set to "Receive Shadows Only" in it's options panel...... ALSO and important....USE .TGA FILES.....Then in the render settings set both the ALPHA and SHADOW buffers to "ON".... Leave the other buffers(light, etc.) at "off"......When you render set the multi passes low at maybe 2-3 passes...Then later you can soften them in a post App like After Effects... BTW.....You won't see the shadows until you go to composite so test a frame or two first... Cut all the render settings off in the render settings except the Multi-pass and shadows.


    THIS is a simple way for ground shadows that requires some compositing know how....... FOR shadows on the characters...I have found that rendering the shadows along with the character works best in A:M....Haven't seen a fast way to render just the shadows on the character itself....







    Thabnks for the valuable instructions.

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