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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. That looks quite good! I could only step thru it, it's too slow to play even at half size on my PC.




    The kleig lighting has helped to keep the background from being too uniform.


    I suppose grime details would be things like scrapes in the floor moulding where people have nicked it with their shoes.


    The "Diffuse" map was intended for things like that, anywhere you want to darken a surface without having to paint that into the color map or figure out how to get a material to show such a thing.



    Thanks, I will have to learn how to use that Diffuse map.

  2. Before downloading to your desktop, and playing the qicktime, remember these commands. For PC users "Cntrl F" for full screen and "Cntrl 0" Zero not the letter O for Half size if the picture is too large for your display. For mac users substatute CNTRL with the Command key.



    I hesitate to show this clip because its no where near finished and I am not happy with it at all. Not to mention this is one shot out of about 16 and its out of context so it will not be to impressive to you.


    The shot lacks the render quality/ look that I desire. My inexperience caused me to shoe horn in some AO into an indoor scene and it kind of works but so far I feel a Radiosity look or an IBL look may be closer to what I am striving for in terms of render and lighting quality. I may try to use the skycast rig as it shows promise but I dont now if it will be applicable to indoors. I plan to add pictures on the walls as well as grime up the floors particularly the corners. I hate the humaginised clean look of CG and it apperas that It will take much effort to get the grime of reality I am looking for.


    I still feel that lighting will give the highest % of quality/ look that I am going for. That type of look that catches your eye and will not let go because it looks so close to reality and yet kind of beyond.






    For example this shot has a little of that




    and so does this



  3. when you say you use an "emitter" for hair... ??


    All particle and hair systems use an emitter, right?


    I mean an emitter IMAGE instead of "none" - sorry, I wasn't clear.


    EDIT - examples of quickly changing emitter Image used as well as the image driving the color (via decal)




  4. could you make a video tutorial?


    ha, seems most times when someone posts someone useful you ask for a vid tut, we should like nickname you jason (vidtut) 1025 :)


    This isn't the freebie forum.

    Jason has about ten more chances to ask in this fashion before the requests start being removed.

    Even a useful request can run the limits of its use.


    At a minimum I suspect such requests for tutorials should be followed up by a licensed copy of Camtasia so the creator can more easily make their tutorials. Subsequent videos would likely require an additional financial support mechanism too.



    Facinating insight Malo,

    I'm glad someone is able to dig deep like that.

    My brain doesn't quite keep up with you.



    I don't understand. I thought the purpose of this forum was to advance the knowledge of the program and help users? Would it not be helpful if we had a video tutorial? Why would you delete the request? Thats rude. such requests are just that a question? it can always go unanswered or ignored. It is a simple question.


    I did not say I would not pay for it. In fact I have purchased every tutorial available regarding AM. I cant think of anything video tutorial related to AM that was or is for sale that I have not purchased.


    I am offended by your response to my request. I also feel that I seem to be on your radar lately being singled out. Have you read some of the requests hash has made? Its all a matter of opinion weather its not right for the forum.


    With that said thanks for giving me 10 more chances I will use them wisely knowing big brother is always watching.

  5. ha, seems most times when someone posts someone useful you ask for a vid tut, we should like nickname you jason (vidtut) 1025 :)



    I find that vid tuts are often more accurate than texted documentation. Although they both are needed to get a well rounded understanding. You ever notice when someone does a vid tut and they themselves did not get the result they want to achieve? and then they figure it out? Those moments are particularly important because it forces the tutorial to address every detail in practice that are often overlooked when an author is writing a texted tutorial. It may just be me but texted tutorials always seem to have a point where they stop me dead in my tracks. Its usually something simple that the author assumed you already new or you are mis interpreting the documentation much like talking to some one via a texted chat room a large portion of the human element such as inflections is lost. Video tutorials are not perfect but they bridge many gags that just cant get addressed in documentation.


    Its in every ones best interest to creat video tutorials. I find my self reviewing my own vid tutorials when I cant remember how to do something. You also reach a larger audience with a vid tutorial. more people like to watch a vid tut on a subject than read a lengthy texted document.


    They both have there place and help to cross reference a solution.


    P.S. in my opinion a good vid tut often shows the result at the beginning of the tutorial and other examples of the result so that the audience has a vision of the goal to focus on.

  6. back to the sock for a moment, here's my best success so far with tighter cloth.


    The cloth is riding pretty tight on the hand form without blowing up the simulation. No pass thrus either.





    I was also able to close the mouth a bit more here.


    When cloth gets caught between two deflectors with no room to spare beyond the collision tolerance, that's when things start flying all over the place



    But this cloth is working so well it's tempting to think you could make a few rough forms for the body of your character, throw a shirt and pants on him and ... no more CP weighting!



    Looks very photo real

  7. I looked at your THing_Test model and it's not quite the same as the Cylinder Primitive. What stock A:M model is it?



    Yes i altered it but I did not alter the part with the issue.



    I think I have found a work around. If I experience the problem. I will create a tutorial later

  8. Hey jason, you're lucky that what you're seeing actually coincides with some splines. I was getting artifacts in my Christmas animation that didn't correspond to anything that actually existed in the model or choreography. I did post queries about that yellow shape appearing in the middle of a render, but there were other artifacts that i never mentioned here. Some I fixed and some I just left because they were onscreen for just a couple of frames. But I'll take an artifact arising from a spline than one appearing from nowhere anyday!


    Also, the models in the library or the extras cd do need to be tweaked sometimes, just like 3D text often needs some splines recreated, refined or moved.


    I here ya

  9. I would guess that has to do with having all of those deadend splines on that central patch. I avoid deadenders unless they can be hidden somewhere discrete, and peferably somewhere that won't be animated. It is unfortunate but using four deadend splines on one very prominant patch like that is just asking for trouble.


    I understand, but thats a tough pill to swallow since the head of this model is simply a stock model from the Hash library that comes with AM. It only started happening in Version G and H. So are you telling me that the stock library models are modeled in a flawed way and AM cant render properly its own models that it provides.


    Dont mean to sound harsh. Its just frustrating.

  10. Hi Folks


    since updating to 15.g or H I have been having theses strange anomaly's happen intermittently. I am not sure whats causing this occasionally hitting the space bar corrects the problem but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes rebooting works but sometimes it happens on some models and not others no rhyme or reason. its very difficult if not imossable to work around when I have a chor with lots of models.


    Any thoughts any ideas?


    As you can see the problem appears and sometimes its gone. But most importantly it renders exactly how it looks in the shaded view.











    The crease looks like its modeled in but its not the surface is perfectly flat in the modeling window.





    The crease went away when I hit the space bar. here



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