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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. I will be adding a ton of training videos to this ftp link soon, so keep checking in. I got permision from Critin Mckee to post her training.

  2. Thanks for that info Nancy.


    You should not need Quicktime 10. I dont use it often. I like quicktime 7 as I am on a PC when using AM.


    The .mp4 movies with .mov extensions work fine on all of my 4 windows machines. Some running Vista some running Win 7. You are probably correct that I should always record to the H.264 codec as it seems to be more friendly to most viewers.

    I am a firm believer in being progressive. Being a Camera operator I refuse to take jobs that are Standard Definition. Luckily not one client in 2009 requested standard def. I didnt spend $10,000.00 on an HD camera to record in SD.

    With that said the solution for people in your position is to simply download the tutorial and use "cntrl 0" to shrink the video to half size. In my opinion you should be doing that anyway so you can add the file to your home library in case the site ever went down.


    Please dont take my response the wrong way, I am sure its vary frustrating to be unable to view the tutorial. And I mean no disrespect.


    I do have problems with most utube tutorials, aside from the lack of resolution I can not keep the video for my own library easily.


    I plan to start an paid site for tutorials and those tutorials will be available to view by the lowest common denominator.

  3. Some people said the Ogre zip file was corrupt so I uploaded the mov. please download before playing or it will be removed because of band width issues.

  4. The ZIP for the last one, "Ogre," appears to be corrupted. Two un-archivers refused to open it for me.


    I am uploading the original .mov file now. It should be up in 15 minutes

  5. This is a little try at making an AO style render with just z-buffered kleig lights.


    I chose the "Biobot" character from the extras disk because he has lots of crevices and bumps to challenge the occlusion effect.






    The result isn't quite as satisfying as a real AO image but it takes only 5 seconds per frame to render.


    The quicktime compression is making the shadows on the ground look patchier than they really are. In the original render they're quite smooth.


    Sweet render.


    I hope to see a Vtut when you perfect it.

  6. You know above in orange letters, what font was used for "A:M Forums" or does anyone have that Model?


    If anyone has this model in the picture below or how to get it please let me know. I want to use it for my presentation if possible. Preferably without the Yeti.


  7. I made the mistake of deleting a model that is used as an action object in a pose for another model. I though that the model contained the action object. I was wrong and hours of work were lost.


    Is there a way to embed action objects? So that you have everything contained in one model?

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