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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. Also, wouldn't animating a gradient mat accomplish what you want?

    Yes, I would suggest applying a gradient material to the group. Make the top attribute 100% transparent. Leave the bottom attribute untouched.

    Apply the material to the group and adjust the gradient material shortcut on the model so the transition is to your taste.

    Then translate the material shortcut in the model down until the whole group is transparent.

    Make a new percentage pose.

    While the pose window is open, there will be a new temporary Action in the Actions container. This temporary Action allows you to animate any group or material properties in the pose.

    Click on the "Show More Than Drivers" icon next to the temporary Action and drill down until you see the gradient material.

    When the Pose Slider is at 100%, Translate the material up until the whole group is visible.


    If the group has any specularity or ambiance, you may need to slide the Pose Slider to 0% and set the Specular Intensity and Ambiance to 0%. Then move the Pose Slider to 100% and set those properties to their original values.


    This is hard to wrap my head around. can someone make a quick video tutorial?

  2. My problem with that solution is that I need a group of an object to go from 100% Transparent to 0% but from bottom to top. Kind of like a scanner scanning across a document.


    It would be perfect if like Rob said a material effector had light list capabilities. Or another solution could be if in group properties there was an option like "Effected by material effector" On/Off

  3. Try this, Jason. The number decals weren't included, so I just went with 36 degrees for each. I went with a combination of Expression and keyframes...although I'm sure it could have been done with just Expressions. Hope that helps.




    Thanks very helpful

  4. Hi Folks


    I am not good with expressions


    attached is a model I made. The numbers need to spin like a counter adding up to 103. That means the right needs to spin the fastest, the middle needs to spin a slower and the first digit needs to spin the slowest. Eventually the number needs to land on 103 for my project.


    I made some expressions. currently to animate the dial you need to rotate bone 4 in an action. Thats the fist digits bone.


    Although this can kind of fake what I need however the rotation of the 2nd and 3rd digits rotate from clockwise to counter clock wise at some points. so you loose the illusion if you spin too slowly.


    In my fantasy I would like to create an expression that allows the 2nd or middle digit to increase by a value of 1 every time the 34r or farthest right digit has increased by a value of 10. The 1st digit should increase by a value of 1 every time the 2nd digit increases by a value of 10.


    Keep in mind at the end of the animation the final number needs to land on 103. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.






  5. It seems that When glow is set to on and you have reflection on something like the ground, the reflection does not render correctly.



    Is this a known issue? Should I bother to put in a bug report?

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