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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jason1025

  1. Fantastic tutorial. Forgive my lack of imagination but how could this solution be applied? WHere might it come in handy?




    I could see expressions working for hydraulics on a train connected to the trains wheels. As the wheels rotate the hydraulics need to extend and contract.



    The Expression in this tutorial could be applied in more situations than I could list...usually as a small part of a lot of Expressions and constraints. Off the top of my head, I know it has been used in things like the Hand Gizmo and the face rig in the Squetch Rig...it's a building block for a lot of setups. It's similar to an "orient like" constraint, but the rotation is able to be isolated on a per axis basis and requires actual rotation being applied to the source bone.


    Expressions in general are extremely powerful...this tutorial is a very simple example. They are a big part of a rigging toolkit along with constraints, Smartskin and bone parenting...each used for different reasons depending on the situation.


    Hope that is helpful, Jason.



    Thanks again

  2. Fantastic tutorial. Forgive my lack of imagination but how could this solution be applied? WHere might it come in handy?




    I could see expressions working for hydraulics on a train connected to the trains wheels. As the wheels rotate the hydraulics need to extend and contract.


    Thank you for these invaluable tutorials. They breath new life into Animation master for people like me.

  3. Looks great. Is there anyway to take that snap/hiccup/jerk out of a walk cycle?


    I have never liked walk cycles because I always see the tell tail sign of the nap/hiccup/jerk when it starts over. I used to think it was the animators lack of finess but I am starting to think its a known accepted issue.


    By the way, I hope to see this creation in the maskot submissions.

  4. I think Rob should use pay-pals free subscription payment option and allow all of us to subscribe to his video tutorials for like $10.00 per person per month. In exchange for us each getting $10.00 debited from our accounts each month Rob posts 1 video tutorial every week continuously. If he got 20 of us to subscribe he would make $200.00 per month minus paypals take "2.9% plus 30cents per debit"


    3 of the 4 "VIDEO" tutorials each month could be short and tiny lessor known features of AM that may or may not help with everyday productivity. But he could have 1 grand Video tutorial each month where he shows us how to do something really cool like make that Slinky animate down stairs or How to make a parachute carry a ball.


    He could possibly take requests if he ran out of ideas.

  5. Just to clear the air.


    I sent Robert a check for $50.00 for this information.


    We had a nice conversation on the phone. I urged him to make video tutorials on this information as it would help the community. My recollection of Roberts response was that he said he would put it in a book if he ever got around to writing it. I responded with something like "video tutorials are much easier for me to understand because of the nature and complexity of the subject"

    Robert agreed but because of a small community and lack of enthusiasm he was reluctant. I took from that response that he may never write the book.


    After my paid tech support call I still continued to struggle with this subject and some other cloth related issues. After figuring it out on my own trying to recall Roberts instructions I felt this information was worth a video tutorial.


    I honestly felt Robert was going to be happy that I had created a video tutorial with his help. He never mentioned that this was a trade secret and not to pass it on.


    I really like Robert he has helped me out on numerous occasions for free. He is disappointed in me for creating this video tutorial and I am disappointed that after our nice phone call I could have completely miss understood the "sensitive" nature of this subject.


    I didn't even think of taking it down after his fisrt email because I thought the damage had already been done and didn't see the point.


    I also don't feel this one video tutorial will hurt sales of his book.


    Robert I will be the first to buy your book when it comes out!


    Who else will join me? Let Robert know

  6. I am trying to drop some objects in a cloth bag. I have the bag material but I cant make a hard cloth material that allows the objects like plastic or metal to maintain their shape. Deflector cloths don't seem to get effected by gravity. Newton dynamics and cloth have undesirable effects as well.


    Any ideas or hard cloth materials to donate?

  7. Report:

    Version 15.H

    render time min:sec 42:34

    CPU Brand and model 2006 Intel Zeon Woodcrest 3GHZ Processor

    Actual CPU speed in GHz

    how many cores A:M is using: single core I think unless 15.H is capable of harnessing the power of multiple cores for render to file.

    RAM 12GB 666MHZ

    OS Snow Leopard OSX 10.6



    mine was:



    late 2006 Apple Mac Pro Tower intel

    Intel Zeon Woodcrest 3GHZ Processor

    1 core

    RAM 12GB 666MHZ

    OS Snow Leopard OSX 10.6









  8. Spoiler alert. I saw it in 3D imax. I was left disappointed. So much potential so many flaws.


    The movie is called Tron Legacy but Tron was not really a player in the movie. I work in the biz so i will let you in on a secret. The fact that Tron is mentioned at all in the movie was an after thought after test screenings when people like me complained about the title not having the character. Originally Tron was not in the movie at all. What they did was "repurpose" The character of the snotty young computer wiz played by actor Cillian Murphy with Tron.


    Originally kind of like the wizard of OZ or the original Tron people from the real world have program counter parts in the computer world aka the Grid. So when you see the character of Tron in the film NOT IN FLASHBACK it is really the character of Cillian Murphy but they dont take off the helmet instead they added the helmet over the actors face when they decided to change the character to Tron but they did not have the time nor budget to create the actor who played Tron on Cillian Murphy's body.


    His character was supposed to die in a climactic fight scene when they are in the flyers but they knew people would complain about killing Tron so they hacked together that crap you saw in the movie. When I say hacked I mean with a dull hatchet. They sure made a mess.


    There are a bunch of other plot holes. Most viewers get lost in the plot. Ask yourself what was the end goal of Clue? This was another quick rewrite. In the end its not clear what his motives are. Some potentials discussed on the writers table were that clue wanted to get out of the closed system onto the internet, In fact they shot with that in mind but then changed it to the real world at the last minute, which made no sense because he's trying to put a ship full of hundreds if not thousands into the tiny room in Flyns basement.



    The miracle being thing was also a Disney executive after thought. They felt that there needed to be something really special because the matrix and the first Tron had already dealt with people existing inside a computer world, that was old hat to this executive so he made the movie more special NOT by making them add The Miracle.


    To me the character of Quara would have been more interesting if they had left the original plot where she was simply designed has a body guard program to protect FLynn, Jeff Bridges. It made way more sense in the original script. All the programs were motivated by their programing. Each program had a purpose like in real life. MS word cant play video games and so on.


    In the end I feel bad for my body Cillian Murphy. rough way to get cut out of a movie. We just want you acting in a suite. Just your body except when we replace it with cg or stunt double but we dont ever want your face.

  9. Finally I'm in the game again...


    My new desktop is running fast and furious:


    MB - EVGA X58

    Processor - QuadCore Intel Core i7 950, 3051 MHz (8 threads) (overclocked to 4,0 Ghz) ( cooler Zalman X10 Extreme )

    Memory - 24 Gb Corsais X3 DDR3

    Graphic - GT 480


    v16 64BIT beta 5:






    Wow that is extremely fast. Can you try running 4 instances at once and post the render times?

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