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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by ddavis

  1. OK, One more day, did you hear me, I said one more day... that's 24 hours from now (actually a few more since I'm posting this around 8:30 am) I'm picking up some munchies later, any requests? See ya all tomorrow (that includes you, Rich)
  2. Ugh! All this talk of cookies, is anybody bringing milk? Got Hash? Scott, sorry to hear you can't make it, you will be missed. Could we Skype you in to the meeting? Brainmuffin, there are several parking lots, check the link. http://amuser.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html The building is almost surrounded by parking lots. Cost of parking is $11 for the day. you could try to find meter parking. There are some meters along Appletree Street and on Arch Street. I'll look to see if there are any cheaper close by. Does anyone feel like going out to eat after the meeting or should we just order in???
  3. Sorry Rich, I knew I would make a mistake somewhere Yes its 19106 For both entrances of the building. I'll fix that later.
  4. FIRST: Here ya go Directions for Saturday, Feb. 18th http://amuser.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html If you have any questions just let me know. SECOND: Vern...what are you talkin about, I don't know whose meeting you missed but it wasn't ours, I hope you still plan on attending. I want to hear all about Klu-klip, TWO, and all the other fun stuff in the world of Vern. Brainmuffin, Sorry, I don't think we have any members that far north. I still hope you can make it. Does anyone have any suggestions??
  5. Hey Brainmuffin We'd love to have you show up. I understand 3 hours is a long ride but the action packed thrills and excitement more than make up for that. After all, us AM users aren't all bad. What if I throw in lunch?? Where are you located (if that can be revealed)? Perhaps we can help.
  6. I can't speak for Rich but... Damn, that's a nice looking logo. kudos to your friend.
  7. And by the way, Happy Birthday to you John! You belong in a MAAM meeting You look like an animator You smell like one too!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
  8. Ya know... I really miss this interaction. Don't you web guys always build some back door into your websites just in case a dead beat client becomes too dead beat. Website on, website off, website on, website off. Anyway... Rich, Just having your smiling face at the meeting will be ample reward. Oh, and if you could bestow some knowledge...that would be good too, but not necessary. Or just show up a little early to help set up. John, thanks for bringing the equipment, I will have the projector but we could use help with the other stuff. And Vern, I have no doubt that you will dazzle us all with how you touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses, how his naked ears were... wait no, uh...Oh the TWO project, some of that stuff is looking really cool, in addition to your usual Vern-O-Matic bag of Vernisims that will Vernacize our brains. We already got a top ten list which is more than I could have hoped for. I need to get working on posting a amp..no....pam...no...map, thats it a map (I'm getting too excited)
  9. OK, Looks like February 18th, 2006 will be our next MAAM meeting date. Lets say about 12 noon as a starting time. I'll post directions and such in the next week or two. If anyone has any questions just contact me. Oh... and check back here every once and a while to see if anything changes. Thanks
  10. OK, That's pretty good response for less than 24hrs, thanks guys! I'm thinking the 11th or the 18th of February. Does anyone have a preference. We can wait until next week to lock it down. I want to give anyone else who may be interested time to see this post and digest the whole thing. The usual things will be in place. I will try to take care of snacks and drinks. Anyone want to bring something...feel free. There will be two iv hookups, one coffee for Vern and one Coke for Zach. Scott, if you want to bring those scrumdiddilyumptious cookies again I'm sure nobody will stop you.(hinthint) I still don't have a Mac so if somebody would like to bring one it would be a help. Zach, if you could bring your projector connector it would be greatly appreciated. (PRO-jec-TOR-co-nec-TOR I like the way that sounds, and in the world of Speed Racer, do you think Inspector Detector has a projector connector?) Rich, you can now add GO-TO-MAAM-MEETING to the WORK-SLEEP-EAT routine (vicious cycle?) My new office is about two blocks away from the last one and its much nicer (8th and Arch). I assure you all its not anything like the last place. I'll post all the info with a map later. Any suggestions, just let me know.
  11. Hey, Sorry I've been absent for so long. Lot o stuff going on in the real world. On the up side I have a much nicer place we can use as a meeting space. Anyway, are any of you guys up for getting together in the next several weeks??? If so...give me some potential dates. And for any new users who live in the PA, NJ, DE, MD area.. The Mid Atlantic Animation Master Users Group could use you. Don
  12. Hey Dennis & Mike, I've heard that you New York guys were out there, this is the first time anyone has voiced it. I live in New Jersey....Southern New Jersey, I work in Philadelphia. A little over a year ago a few of us got together in Philadelphia for a user group meeting. We've been trying to make a semi regular thing of it, getting together a few times a year. Our last meeting was in May. I've had pretty good luck getting a location in Philadelphia. It's kind of central to some of our members, although many of the guys come from far away. We have members who drive over an hour (or two) from Maryland, Delaware, NJ and western parts of PA. I was hoping maybe, if our gang was up for it, we could get the MAAM together some time this Fall. If so would you be interested in coming to one of our meetings? I know it's not the "Big Apple" but you would be more than welcome in our group. I'm sure I could get a place in center city Philadelphia. We just need to find a time that works for everyone (that's usually the trick). Let me know what you think.
  13. Hi age234, Over all I like it and found it funny. Your KeyKat motion is good, seems very fluid. I didn't know that about Michiganians (good tip) I don't know how much you can improve, what do you want to do with it? Perhaps add a crowd in the foreground (bobbing heads or something)
  14. I think it's either a frog or a Rorschach test. Either way I can't wait to see it animated. John, you always find a way to make whatever you do visually spectacular.
  15. Thanks to all of you for coming and making it a great experience. Rich, thanks for coming early and helping with the set up. You owe me nothing. (but I wouldn't mind some modeling lessons sometime) John, thanks for bringing your new megaspeed machine, it worked great. (you've inspired me to build my own, could you post the specs for that machine?) Scott, thanks for attending and jumping right in the deep end.... oh yah and the cookies (yum) Mack & Candice, thanks for being part of the experience your work was some of the coolest stuff I've seen. You should post the small clip you showed, I'm sure it would give ideas to others out there. Zach, your work is spectacular, I don't know if it's the acting background or what, but you seem to have and innate ability to animate perfectly natural movement in all your work. Vern, even when recovering from a bad cold you still manage to raise the energy level x10. Those on the forum who view your images don't realize the level of detail that goes into them. I'm glad we have the chance to see it and that it doesn't stay locked up in your brain/hard drive. I'll let you all know when I have the audio portions edited and ready for some images. If everyone is OK with their part we can make it available to the community. Thanks again to everybody and I hope to see you all again in a few months.
  16. Rich.... Wow!!! Sorry I came late to the party. This is fantastic. I am really impressed. I didn't know you had the time to do any of this. Your model looks great. It seems that you are really getting the hang of the animation part. How long did the last example take to render? Hope you will bring your latest to the meeting. I would also really love some private modeling lessons some time (yah, as if we had the time)
  17. Rich, Iway oughtthay Iway ouldcay etgay oremay eoplepay isthay ayway. On'tday ewscray itway upway orfay emay. hehehe, Please everybody pay no attention to Rich, he's been working too hard.
  18. Sorry this took so long. http://amuser.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html If I left anything out just let me know. Thanks
  19. Ok, Mac, deal... I'll try to have something worthy to show. Zach, Great that's exactly what we need, please please please bring it. Vern, sorry to hear you're not going to the Hash bash but you will always be a hero to me (with occasional villain leanings). Love the new avatar. I personally wouldn't mind an explanation of your "bag O goop" from the Dandy DNA project. But just having your shining personality is worth the price of admission alone. Scott, thats great, whatever you want to bring is fine. Feel free to save your questions, it makes for a better meeting. I'll be posting directions next week. As always, any questions just let me know. Don
  20. Hey Gang, OK looks like we are on for Saturday the 14th of May I will be posting directions and other information in the next week or two so keep checking back. Scott: Yes, bring anything you want (with in reason), laptop, project files on CD, books, what ever you feel you need. I bring my laptop, I will try to have a desktop that we can use, I also have access to a projector which I can hook up to a PC. Many of the guys use Mac and I'm sure at least one of them will bring a powerbook. Any questions, just let me know.
  21. Hey Scott, Wow, how did you get tickets for Spamalot? You didn't make a deal with that Lou Cypher guy, did you? As for the MAAM we usually get about 6 or so members to attend. If everyone who expressed an interest shows up we could have 8 or more. You can never tell. I think our best showing was at my house last August when we had 7. So much more relaxing when beer is involved. (we need to do that again) Let me see what I can do about the 14th BTW, has anybody seen Rich??
  22. Hi Everybody!!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. It's that time again (at least I hope it is) for the fun and excitement that is the Spring MAAM Meeting. They said we couldn't do it.. but this is our one year anniversary and my thanks to all of you who have made organizing the MAAM meetings a real pleasure. And to all of you who are lurking in the shadows... show your selves! You'd be surprised how much you can learn from just ten minutes of sitting with other AM users and talking over any problems you may be having. I also need to add that when you get more than three AM users together in a room we are able to fly, defy time and space, shoot laser beams out of our eyes and drink our weight in coffee...what fun. OK, maybe I exaggerate a bit but these get togethers are great fun and we have a really great group of guys who are always willing to share and tackle any AM problem known to man....and some known to fish. Currently we have members who make the journey from Pennsylvania, (big deal) New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. I would love to have some New York representatives attend this meeting (hint hint) I want to get a date when everyone can attend so let me throw this out, I was thinking that Saturday, May 21st would be a good date. What do you think? If not we may be able to do the Saturday the 14th. I'm also trying to get a room at my work place which is located in Center City Philadelphia but I need to work on that a bit more. No matter what we will have a decent place to meet. Once we reach a consensus on the date I can lock down the meeting place for us. What say you all????
  23. Very cool John, What's next? Inquiring minds want to know.
  24. Hi Jess, Love the model I've always liked that ship, and of course the sound. How many times have you been watching some other show or movie and recognized that sound being used? Lots of good references on the web, I'm sure you already saw it but for the rest of us this link seems to be the best. http://www.cloudster.com/Sets&Vehicles/War...rMachineTop.htm From the pictures you posted I can't tell but does the "death ray" have the bumpy look to it? A particle emitter should look great as the beam. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Thanks Rodney, for giving this some thought. Before we started I had asked several times about a user group and never got an answer. Something like what you propose would be a big help for new users and getting other interested in attending. Just give me an ides of what you need, I'll be happy to help in any way I can. Maybe a post to the general forum asking for the location of all user groups in the world might be a start.
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