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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by ddavis

  1. Hey everybody, It's been while and I feel it's time we all got together. Don't know if I can top the excellent time we all had at "Club Hubukai" back in December but I can try. I was thinking Saturday the 31st of March at my house. Is anybody up for that?
  2. Hawaiian Pizza...Is that what that was, I thought I tasted something strange. I saw the chunks of yellow and thought it was some type of Christmas Fruit Cake Pizza. Anyway, Many thanks to John for hosting us all in his headquarters. It was great fun. Hope we can do it again soon. Keep Feb 23-25 open for a possible road trip. Vern, let me know when you get that movie blog up, I'll definitely contribute!!!
  3. This is soooo cool! You guys are the best, can't wait to see the first episode.
  4. John, Sorry for the delay in responding. As of right now I believe I am free and would love to come on Dec 2nd. Let me know what you need. Is anybody else out there????? HELLOOOO!!!!
  5. OK, As promised here are the directions http://amuser.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html If you have any questions you know where to find me. Who is making the cookies???
  6. OK! So far for the 19th we have... Hubukai - Yes Entity - Yes Vern - ? (I think yes) Leo - No (boo,hiss) Scott - Most likely no (Anniversary stuff) Zach - ? (probably jetting of to another movie festival/premier) Haven't heard from anybody else. Seems we're a little light this time, it is Summer after all. But I think the guys from Dark Skull Productions will put on a good show for whoever shows up. Plus there's going to be plenty of beer and chili. The second crop of peppers have just started to come in on my plants and they are always the better, bigger, hotter tasting. I'll post directions to my house this weekend.
  7. I would really love to do that Vern, but I think at this point it's out of the question, considering that SIGGRAPH is this week (July 30th to August 3rd), going on right now and already half over. Sorry, but if it's any consolation I will make sure to have enough beer to get you falling down drunk on the 19th... if you so choose.
  8. Leo, It's too bad you can't make it, all this time and we still haven't even met. Can't say that I blame you though... be sure that if you get to talk to David Prowse you ask him about A Clockwork Orange. Before there was Darth there was Julian
  9. OK.... So are we all on board for Saturday, August 19th? Beer and chillie on me (well not on me...ya know what I mean) If anybody would like to bring some cookies, whit, wisdom and...oh yah AM stuff you are more than welcome. I'll post directions to my house in the near future.
  10. Alright, Does anyone have a problem with the Saturday the 19th of August? This meeting will, most likely be at my house, deep in the heart of southern New Jersey. I will post directions later provided we can all agree on a date. By the way has anyone seen Rich Jackson (I mean the entity Jackson not the financially secure Jackson)??? Rich if you are out there make a sound or something, let us know you are OK. I for one did not know that Mennonites could gather at a beach, you learn something new every day. I think we need more Mennonite AM users.
  11. Hey, What? Am I talking to myself?? (I mean more than any other time?)
  12. Hey Everybody, Are any of you guys up for getting together the first or second Saturday in August (that would be the 5th or 12th). If so I'd like to host another AM Summer BBQ Bash. Let know what date works the best and we can work it out from there. I hear those DarkSkull guys have been doing some great work, can't wait to see it.
  13. I think your camera angle is a bit off. Maybe if you pulled in a bit closer and made the angle wider??? I'm guessing at this point because I'm not sure if I know what the problem is.
  14. Does your trench have a ground?? Could you remove the default ground? Or could you just raise your trench above the default ground?
  15. Once again I thank you all for making these meetings a pleasure to host. I really wish we could do it more often but the real world (damn their eyes) interferes too much. Leo, sorry you couldn't make it but we will be getting together again soon. Hope you can make it then. Same to you Zach, good luck with the Siggraph presentation.
  16. Rich, I was going to say that since Zach isn't coming I would provide the Coke... Then I thought about it......Hash, Coke, weed....these posts are certainly going to find their way to some government super computer for further analysis. I miss you and you're evil sense of humor (please don't hit me with lightning bolts)
  17. Yes, Everything will be as it was. (hey..that almost sounds Biblical) My work place at 12 noon on Saturday The directions... http://amuser.home.comcast.net/MAAM/maam.html I don't have a Mac so somebody might want to bring one, and something to connect the video to the projector. John, offerings of food are always welcome, if you want to bring some munchies all the better. I will take care of coffee, soda & water (and maybe some snacks). Scott is bringing the cookies (yippie) Vern is going to shop vac his keyboard and sofa cushions which ought to be good for a bowl of...something. And I thought I heard Rich say that he would bring some left over wedding cake (not sure though, I could be mistaken...maybe he said weeding???) Whatever you want to bring is fine with me.
  18. Well, Are we all still up for the 27th. I'd like to try and get a head count if possible. And who's going to bring the cookies? Vern, was that really you at the Hash Bash??? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21188&st=60 If so, I hope you can make it and tell us all the juicy, dirty, gooey, crunchy details. Looks like you guys had a good time while the rest of us were stuck at home... well, I guess somebody has to stay and help Liza take down the Hash booth in Philly.
  19. Sorry guys, I've (fill in generic excuse here) and on top of that the dog ate my homework. OK then, the 27th of May sounds good, as long as it works for most of you it works for me. That gives us all over a month to get ready. With a little luck we will be able to use my work place but I need to get back to ya all on that one. Does it work for the rest of you???
  20. Hey Xtaz, Really nice work...I mean really nice. I hope you will send a hires copies to Steve Sappington for the Hash booth.
  21. See...Isn't is sooo much nicer over here, there's so much more space to work with... and look at the view!!! OK, lets start by getting a general consensus about the date. Starting in May we have 4 Saturdays 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th 13th is the Saturday before Mother's Day, that might matter to some of you (it would to me if my wife wasn't going to be out of the country on business that weekend). I'm leaning toward the 20th or 27th. Maybe we could do the 13th at my house (remember that chili John?) Well, what say you all???
  22. Well, Glad to see you guys are all ready for another meeting. I was going to wait for another week or two before initiating this discussion but what the hell! Ya know what..I'm going to start a new post for this. See ya all on the other side
  23. Wow!! Congrats Zach!!! Somewhere, on some forum, there's a guy saying "when Spielberg and I were part of the same user group he told me... blah blah blah" Thanks to you, I hope to be that guy some day.
  24. Oh my God!!! You are right John! Can't be, he must know two other guys named Don Davis and Rich Jackson. I am deeply touched and honored by this. Thank you Zach!!!
  25. Once again it was my pleasure to provide a place where we could all get together. You guys astound me with your AM skills and the things you produce. (and the cookies, John...I really would appreciate that recipe) If we ever design a logo for our group it must include cookies. Thanks also John for bringing your shy yet powerful PC for our use. Thanks Zach for all your efforts and congrats again on the iTunes thing, I can't possibly imagine trying to come up with an idea for an animation every week, or month for that matter, all hail ZBG!!! Rich, don't know if I will make your deadline but I will try... thanks for those modeling metaclorians, I was just curious are they good or evil??? Vern, you come up with some pretty astounding ideas. It's a shame the "aliens" are taking them at night and using them as the basis for their world domination thing. Perhaps we should create a universe, set up some rules, develop some models make it all available through the forum and see where the story goes. Might be fun. I'm hoping we can do this again sometime soon, only next time it should be warmer.
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