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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by oakchas

  1. Tony, I think TAO A:M addresses this only in this way... The walk Cycle is 01:01. So, in order to view it looping, set your render output frame range to 01:00. Your method would do the same thing.. I haven't seen the pause in a cycle unless looping the full 01:01. I won't have any more time to futz with this until Monday... Then we'll see what I get... I get your point about the length of the path for for him to "amble," but he really doesn't have to speed walk around it... I am looking at creating my own cycle for him but at this point I'm just trying to get a feel for the character (a modified Thom) and see what he looks like from all angles with different decaling or projection maps, etc.
  2. Okay... I've been futzin with this off and on for days... I've looked in the Tech Ref, I've looked in the TAO A:M. I've searched all over the forums and I get different answers. I think it would be beneficial to all newbies to "get" this... so I'm posting it here, hoping that an old tar like me will get an answer... I'll even do a tute on it once I get it figured out. Just as a test animation, I took Thom into the default choreography. I placed him on a figure-eight path to see him from all angles as he completes the walk along the path. I applied the resolute walk action to Thom. I want the finished render to be 3:00 long (that's 90 or 91 frames (another minor source of confusion for me... Is it 90 or 91?)). Thom "speed walks" the path. It seems as though Thom takes about 1000 steps to complete this figure-eight instead of about 20. I don't understand this. The resolute walk takes 1:01 to complete one cycle. The Chor is set for a length of 3:00 the render is set for a length of 3:00. This is what the Tech Ref says about this: Changing the Chor range changes the chor length as well.... so, I can get him to amble along the path... but it's a 15 second animation not a 3 second animation. Somewhere else, I got a suggestion to turn stride length off and just do repeats... tweaking the number of repeats to get hime to complete the path. that works... but still see slippage and can't seem to get 4.5 repeats only 5 or 6 (Don't know if only whole numbers are allowed). Elsewhere someone suggested setting the ease at 0 on frame 1 and at 100% on the final frame... that didn't do it either... sometimes he steps-skates-steps or else he steps-steps-steps then skates. Thom is doing some very odd things when I get ahold of him. I'd really like him to resolutely "amble" around this figure-eight over 3 seconds. All of this said, I know the answer is right in front of me. I have had him do exactly what I want. I cannot get him to repeat that. So I ain't gettin' it. Your help will be appreciated... and I promise to turn it into a wink tute or a PDF or something else useable once I "get it" with your assistance.
  3. Stian, Your model is INFREAKINGCREDIBLE! The beauty with which you modeled her is nothing short of amazing. I voted for it. Now for the crits... Too perfect. In the second scene above, both the Bismarck and the b25 just came out of the showroom... not the shipyard nor the aircraft plant. I realize the pilot of the plane has tremendous pride in her, but he hasn't the time to polish her to such a degree. And those engines drip and spit oil. And the ship has not been at sea. The water needs to reflect some of the explosion. But man, those are beautiful models... I would find it near impossible to grunge them up... but they desperately need it for photorealism. Stian, I simply cannot believe you are still looking for a job or carrer in A:M... your talent and abilities are incredible. Oh, and I need the first render in 1280X1024 resolution... find a bit more grass would you... she'll be my desktop. Uh... please?... pretty please? I'm beggin here, man...
  4. Why, of course! That makes too much sense Thanks for the answers guys... And I appreciate the "ctrl" scale tip.. Does that affect all the children of the selected bone and their CPs, too? ( I'll try it and find out)
  5. I'm just kinda going hmmm? Why not? When you open a model from the libraries (or, if you don't have your libraries set up; from the data folder)... Why, when you alter the model in wireframe mode, are you not also altering (scaling/translating) the skeleton? Since you are not actually changing the basic geometry, except to make it taller, skinnier, and thicker here and there; I don't understand why the skeleton doesn't scale as well. I think I'm missing some important aha moment here... because it seems logical to me that both would scale/translate at the same time. hmmm? why not?
  6. the walk is the default walk exhausted from the libraries... if I turn off stride length, i get it stuck at a portion of the walk cycle.
  7. attached is a short animation test. the chor is 3:01, the action (walk exhausted) is 4:00 long. I'm trying to figure out how to make the action slower. I can't. I must be getting "slower" with age. How can I make him walk more exhaustedly (slower)? test.mov
  8. It used to be here... may still be but I'm at work so it won't (work, that is... On the company pc... blocked content) hash A:M demo
  9. Kelley, here you go: marcel brickman's site
  10. the humanly attractiveness was turned off with one eye... so large. So, ya gotta go for one eyed many boobed.. or how about putting her legs on backwards... Ya got yer "men in black" fighting over who's gonna examine her... They're fighting for a reason.... iff'n her legs were on backwards... and she bent over backwards as well... and had boobs everywhere.... well... being men and all... It'd certainly be difficult to make it look acceptable...
  11. Why not a ring of boobs around her torso... 3 in front, three in back... arms naturally fall between each set of three. Or a "sash" of breasts, breasts that wrap around in a semi spiral Kinda like the sash worn by beauty cotestants... that would be novel!
  12. Tony deserves ALL the credit on this one, Dan...
  13. Aging the pages... one at a time... my tape's a bit too yellow... but it's getting there
  14. I repeat: Where are those Qvids? Here they are: go to the bottom left of the page and click on the cube...
  15. T, You are much more perserverant than I... I'm glad to know you are still working on this... And I sincerely apologize for abandoning you, my heart just wasn't in it. If I can help in any way, I should, and I would try. My time is so limited, I can't guarantee anything. As it is, I spend about 20 minutes a day tinkering with A:M... not enough to be proficient at anything. It certainly is looking good!
  16. Thanks Rodney, You're always so positive! I'm trying to figure out distortion box action for the flame. then it's mostly just environment and tweaking the materials on the models.
  17. Here's a still from frame 26. The scale has been corrected in this shot.
  18. The story begins to unfold... added the pages from a 1939 Popular Mechanix... The scale is off, though; the engine on its stand is hardly as long as one page wide... But I'm getting there... I think i need some reflective fall off on the brass parts as well.. they shouldn't reflect the pages so well.... candle_engine9b.mov I would like some crits and some inputs as to how to progress if you've got the time.
  19. If your original square is all one spline, it does not form a patch. make 3 sides of your square and then add the fourth side. By pressing 9 on the numbers above the letters on your keyboard (NOT THE NUMBER PAD on the right) you will be in shaded mode and you should see a square patch. Then extrude that. 8 above the letter keys puts you back in wireframe mode. 0 above " " " " " in shaded wireframe.
  20. How? How'd I miss this? Whoa! I'm so sorry this hasn't gone further. Eyes be dammed! This is powerful stuff. Looking at it as though I knew nothing of 12 rules (and I know so little, anyway), this is great story and animation, believable, wonderful stuff. Real potential here.. REEL feature potential. Sad thing I'm not rich, or you'd have some funding. Gonna go watch it again
  21. minor update: Got rid of cheesy base, working on tweaking the walnut one. tried messing with flame... almost lost everything... just ended up losing the ground. (whew) Tweaked the metals a bit and the lamp. candle_engine9a.mov
  22. يبدو لي جيد! احب الافكار في الطلاء والزجاج ، يبدو اكثر واقعيه. Looks good to me! I like the reflections in the paint and glass, it looks more real.
  23. You see just how far I have to go when you view this similar engine... But it gives me somthing to shoot for. Untitled.mov I had NO IDEA they were capable of this speed!
  24. What FUN! that last one looks as believable as can be!
  25. Like the character and the beginnings if the walk cycle... would like to see the walk cycle loop for continuities sake.
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