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Everything posted by ruscular

  1. I think when you rolled the foot foward it made the leg snap, and you need to drop the body a tad lower to compensate for the heel to flat foot shift. studyrunfrnt.mov
  2. when I get a chance I'll render out the realtime front and side view with bone showing. nice improvement, on the lower body, I'll have to send you the link to the upper portion for you to see, but don't share because I am under contract for a paid site. I did the breast with 2 bones per side, and I think I work out the dynamics perfectly and differently from the norm. I used to use 3-4 bone per side in the past, but I switch to cp weighting with transfer weight plug-in between the 2 bone and it came out great. Plus if she grab her own breast while running the end bone can be compensate attach to the hand bone and thus only the middle part of the breast will bounce.
  3. I see several things that you could be doing, and I posted an example of all the tips to add. When you run the feet needs to be closer together on a straight line, when they land. walking the feet could be further apart like a stagger, but that's manly looking, while women are more graceful, and shift their hips in order to walk straighter. so when feet touch the ground have them go closer to the center-line, and when they lift they will swing around. Heel touch then the foot flatten 1-2 frame later, and when that foot flatten down after the heel touch the body sink the hips to the floor on the opposing side. maybe 1-2 frame later on that. When the back legs are fully extended, I arch the upper body just a little bit to fully stretch on that side the back leg is pushing. Right at the landing I arch the lower back and the upper back as if the upper body is falling forward, and at the extended stroke of the legs arch the back more as if the legs are pushing thru. I do this very small adjustment, not too much movement, but it is this subtle movement that polish the mechanics of movement for a more human, and less robotic motion. Also twist the shoulder(collar bone) forward of the back legs. I didn't include that part because my model is naked and quite revealing. Girls run with their arms up high to cage their breast in, to keep them from flying all over the place. So the hands will be more inside and roll the wrist so that the palm is facing down on the up swing, maybe raise the shoulder up higher. Think of why girls in HS always carry their books across the front while guys carry the book in the arm hanging. Years of clutching book across the chest and raising the shoulders up high, also could be use to convey insecurities, protecting the heart (emotionally). I also animate the fist during the run. Clench on the up swing and loose on the down swing. SarennaRunstudy.mov
  4. I'm assuming that props are still not able to be rig for animation, and texture, then that would be the best bet. There is a free 3D plug in that can convert and export to 3DS or OBJ, and DXF that will work for AM called "Wings3D" The latest version works smoothly. I prefer OBJ in Quad polygon format.
  5. Very nice and just about the right number pf patches to animate with.
  6. I love Alice Cooper! I think if he saw this he would love it! I watch a Biography on him, and he moved up a notch in being cool.
  7. Nitrogen inflation? I didn't know..........that deter kids from inhaling air out of your tires?
  8. I heard his plan may take as much as 80% in taxes on people who make over 200,000 (might be a higher yearly wage but I believe that's it). Obama tax plan is raising the rich mostly by 4% over what McCain propose, and giving a break for the lower 60% of the population. Obama is increasing Corporate gains by 10% over McCain. But by and large most americans pay close to 35% of the income on tax. In Britain it's close to 50% of your income. When you get free health care it makes it kind of hard to fraudulent something that is free. The system that we have now makes it very inviting to fraud the insurance company. In the long run it is cheaper to have preventative health care than to wait until your health is failing. If health care become free, then practicing preventative care is much more likely to happen.
  9. Before you run away, you should know that there has been handful of CIA officer testified and brought document that Bush lied us to war and paid intelligence to produce a forge document from Niger, and literally hundreds of document were purposefully circumvented to reach Bush stating that Saddam was not a threat to us. There have also been a congressional investigation that concluded that Bush lied the US into war on falsified information that was fabricated. That being said, the congress have the lowest approval rating in history and much of it stems from lack of accountability toward the executive branch. But don't take my word for it, listen to their own, such as Scott McClellan talk about the fake document, and outing of a covert agent. I have no idea where you think that this is all made up, and probably the few that cling to that. Vern isn't pulling this out of thin air, with hard evidence, it is a fact that Bush lied the US into war. Read Ron Suskind book! Everything laid out in that book. "The Way of the World" and even though Whitehouse denies the allegation, London intelligence confirm Ron Suskind allegation. The downing street report is very old and confirm story of what took place there. I am just not sure how those report could be marginalize as being fiction? As for Obama hype, he repeatedly stated that its not him but the people. We as people are so hungry for a change and not recycle another 4 years of the same policy. It may be Obama charisma, but I think it may be more anything but another term of Bush failed policy. This RNconvention have resulted in the arrest of 3 award winning reporters on the street and a major network personality barred from the convention, and dozen of homes raided for suspect of participating in a plan protest rally. This isn't wiretapping, but makes you wonder if they have nothing to hide why suppress free speech from the media? But if Bush policy went so well and you want another third term of the same, then name me one positive thing Bush has accomplish? BTW Jeetman, fiction sell really well! what are you going to call your mini-book?
  10. The Canadian health care system is slower than Americans if you have the money, or insurance that covers it. If you have no insurance than the Canadians system is faster as oppose to never see you, until you are close to death. The Canadians encourage the people to have regular checkups, so that as soon as they detect anything then they can address it in timely matters. It is when they skip checkups that they end up being screwed and by the time they are being seen it's too late for any operable cure. The wait is sometimes up to 3-6 month to get an MRI in Canada, while for Americans, who have insurance coverage will be seen that afternoon. Companies that provide insurance for full time employees run a gamut of reducing the employment time just short of the requirement to avoid coverage. That is why in America, many people have many part time jobs and no insurance coverage. This is why there is a move to get away from corporation to help provide coverage and let govt take over. If govt takes over than this will also lift the burden off of small companies and allow them to grow, and encourage full time employment of one job.
  11. I think one of the biggest problem is not party system, but corporate control. After the robber baron days we put in laws against monopoly, and now we are making concession for some monopoly, and over the years releasing the beast of corporation by giving them the same rights of a US citizen, and entity of a person. We have heard many typical story of the board of director and stock holder making decision solely base on profit and not social responsibility. Ethics would require all party to follow suit for it to work, otherwise its a dog eat dog world. The one who forgo ethics in the name of profit wins these days in surviving in the marketplace. It is in the interest of the corporation to not educate too many people for cheap labor. When you have a large population of low educated workers, that can manage enough to push buttons all day (Metropolis) then you have vast source of cheap labor. (George Carlin) Discourage birth control and outlaw abortion, with the addition of low education spells vast cheap labor, and a population dependent on handout. Also encouraging crime rates and insurance payoff for replacement of stolen goods to add to the growing market. Most vehicle were made to be stolen, goods are made to fall apart, and products are made to be dependent upon the company to keep replacement on standby. Our representative in our govt are too occupied listening to whoever has the money. Even the Bush administration were caught enticing a fees to get an audience, much like it ever has throughout the history of kings and Lordship in the medieval times.
  12. Everyone been non confrontational and informative. No one calling anyone unpatriotic for their views. I say this has been a pretty civil discussion, and surprise that it is still going. My concern as for being aggressive nation is that this is the path that the Germans follow and it took the collaboration of many countries to take them down, and if the USA doesn't change its path it could also end the same way for us, as it did for the Germans in WWII. Keep in mind they thought that they were in the rights in dealing with those that they consider outsider to their culture, and their bad economy were blame on them. Those sentiment are ripe for this country and could be a problem if the situation is not fix rationally. It takes time to educate a society to make better choices and implement new ideas toward advancing the country forward. There is a war going on and its not military but technology and education.
  13. I agree that Washington would be an independent and there is something said for those that do not want the job end up being best for the job. On the socialist calling card for those that want to deal with poverty. It seem that whenever a candidate talk about redistribution of wealth to deal with poverty that ones become a socialist. Socialist become a cue card for the republican meaning that one is for helping out the poor. Just as Elite become a calling card as being to uppity for the average American. We talk about middle class and the rich, but somehow talking about the poor become a dirty word as they are poor because they are lazy or stupid. This year I was blown away at how many line up at the soup kitchen in Portland. It is far bigger than I have ever seen it in my life anywhere in the USA. As for my Christian belief, I don't think there is anything wrong about helping out the poor and it doesn't make you be a socialist, but makes you a decent human being with compassion for someone other than yourself.
  14. I agree! what half of us disagree is whether the ability to pre-empt an attack before it happen to create peace, and holding people under a barrel to promote Democracy. What George Washington did was unprecedented in treating the captive of the revolutionary war with humanity and no torture. Amazing scholar and ahead of his time, or not degenerative of our times.
  15. I now acknowledge that Obama made a gaffe on the number of states. And it does now make more sense that he meant to say 47 states, when he pointed out that he was advised to not see the other 2 states. And thanks for the links BTW. We disagree that the surge has work, as it is lately falling apart in that region. If anything the numbers of Al quieda has increase with our presence in that region. When Obama propose a withdrawal back in 2007 he plan on a responsible withdrawal well into March of 2008. That isn't a immediate withdrawal. And just because he was against going into the war from beginning doesn't mean he supported an immediate withdrawal. I have a beef with Obama on that issue because I am for an immediate withdrawal, and I am frustrated with Obama for not going along with that as Kucinich and Ron Paul views. If anything we now have a very weak national security and I feel Putin is now taking advantage of that. The more you wave the military strength to the other country makes the other country more violent and dangerous. We disagree with how to obtain peace, and I have to side with Jesus Christ that turning weapon into plowshare is really the way to go. You have faith in peace and believe that love is stronger than hate to abide with the teaching of Christ, which is something that the religious right winger don't embrace. I think you would benefit from reading Dr Sues on the butter battle, than listening to Bill O'Rielly, no spin zone. I do recognize the Soros attack, and yes I am referring to the advertisement as slander for linking Barrack to a terrorist group when he was nine years old. Doesn't the age of Obama of being nine seem ludicrous in linking him with a terrorist, or that he was register as a Muslim as a boy? Even if he was a Muslim at age 30 and he decided to convert to Christianity, I would never say but he was once a Muslim and his Christian faith is weaken by that. In his case he was a Christian as a young man and was raise by his devout Christian mother. "McCain graduated from the Naval Academy near the very bottom of his class, and some were surprised he graduated at all. Wednesday he said the fact that he is now a candidate for president shows that in America, anything is possible." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/02/...olitics_3991081 John McCain as a senator is far different from John McCain as a candidate and voting 95% as John claim he did with George Bush doesn't make him that much of a maverick. The left wing media is giving John an extra 5% in his favor. So if you really are for the income distribution of eliminating the middle class as your definition of the being a anti-socialist country in favor of the 1% being richer than the whole 99% put together, then vote for John McCain! Which do you think is a bigger gaffe, getting the number of states wrong or referring to anyone who makes less than 5 million dollar as middle class? I give him that he wasn't serious about his comment but he was out of touch making it a joke. Obama has a better tax break for the lower 60% of the population than McCain. If you are making over $200,000 than McCain should be the guy you vote for as you'll get a better deal from there and on upward in the income. I take it that building roads and govt infrastructure as being socialist. $3 Million dollar for study on DNA bears have more to do with Hibernation than paternity test. That expenditure at this time needs to be reexamine. But it is nothing compared to the spending of military versus social infrastructure. According to wikipedia "The 2005 U.S. military budget is almost as much as the rest of the world's defense spending combined [7] and is over eight times larger than the official military budget of China. (Note that this comparison is done in nominal value US dollars and thus is not adjusted for purchasing power parity.) The United States and its close allies are responsible for about two-thirds of the world's military spending (of which, in turn, the U.S. is responsible for the majority)." This is where the Dr Suess story of the Butter Battle come in handy!
  16. LOL I'm glad he didn't. Can't wait to see "The Chosen One" ascend the Greek Coliseum he's having built for himself LOL. I don't know who has a bigger ego, Obama or Biden. McCain after he launch an attack of Obama claiming to be the chosen one he had his website scrub all reference of him being the chosen one. LOL "don't throw rocks in glass houses" unless there is no door and you desperately need to get outside, then throw a rock. http://mithridates.blogspot.com/2008/08/mc...elf-as-one.html
  17. The exact same argument can be said for politician who claim that they are going to provide good healthcare for all or that they're going to just raise the taxes of the rich. Any informed person knows that trying to provide healthcare for everyone (including the millions of illegal alliens - we can't forget them) is living in a dream world. Unfortunately the same voters you speak of buy into this BULL. Obama's a socialist and the fact that he's using his power to try to stifle free speech should be worrysome to everyone. http://word.truthintheword.org/archives/1750 Obama is a lawyer and yes he is using legal means to stop someone from slandering him, but that doesn't mean he is a socialist for doing that. If someone says that your a terrorist and publish that in public then as an American you have a right to sue for slander if they can not prove that you are. In Obama case that he was nine years old makes his case strong that he was not a nine year old terrorist. I be more worried if your afraid of a nine year old boy.
  18. If Obama does become president, he will have all that power pass onto him. what he does with it remains to be seen, as he will be vulnerable to all the restructuring of the three branches and the missing fair and balance media. BTW anyone wants my Bush character fully rig let me know! I am in a need of a McCain or Obama!
  19. There was Pat Buchanan in 2000. He probably impacted the race in a way he never intended by receiving votes from people too stupid to know who they were voting for in Florida. I don't remember him campaigning for the illiterate vote but even he admitted he got way more votes than he expected in some counties. Isn’t “Do these morons really want another "4 years of Bush"? “ really the same irrelevant “smear” you complain about? Bush isn’t running and won’t be part of any McCain administration. At least talk about McCain's failings, real or imagined. Obama’s big issue of Iraq can’t be discussed because it will kill him to admit the surge has been effective. The withdrawal date will be negotiated well before the election, is Obama going to oppose a withdrawal date because it was negotiated by Rice? The usual Democrat platform of higher taxes and hate is all he has left. Obama should be twenty points up in the polls but he is even and fading, he should have picked Billary. I am not sure that can be taking away from Obama since he was the first to suggest those changes, as people see it, that Bush has been implementing of What Obama has propose to take it away from him and make it there own. Obama was the one that first propose these changes of a deadline withdrawals. As for the 50+ states dont forget those pesky territorial states, The United States possesses five major territories with indigenous populations: Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands in the Caribbean; and American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific. Those born in the territories (except for American Samoa) possess U.S. citizenship. Which means the rights to vote for any US citizenship regardless if your in the 50 states. As for any rebuttal of John McCain gaffe is always resort to the POW clause, and that somehow forgo that because he didn't have a house in 5 years that remembering how many he has now is moot point. Both candidate combine only receive public campaign funding of .9% from ordinary folks like yourself while the rest is corporates. Speaking of which AT&T set up shop in the democratic party as the wind seem to be blowing in their favor, as John "Maverick" McCain, the sidekicks that votes 95% of what Bush wanted in keeping the failed policy going for another 4 years. The republican are drifting into the democratic party and setting up the same kind of secrecy for elite party member only club. Bottom line is that the majority of the people don't have a say in govt, but what the other 99.1% corporates contributor do say in govt. McCain is much like Bush in a way that they both are malleable as far as being told what to do by the corporates. They both graduated from the bottom of the class and high favoritism in the military. McCain got his nickname "Maverick" in the military for crashing the planes repeatedly, and was consider dubious that he was even given a plane with his low score and blunders. But same could be said for drunken Pappy Boyington, but Pappy never ran for president. I just love these kind of discussion! you guys make it so easy! As for the best man to run for president? first we need to own the media and maybe get a fair chance to actually pick what the people want and not what distortion we are given to decide with. Read 2 books for and against the candidate for each party is about the best we can decide with. Throw away the TV!
  20. They look like "Allstate" insurance hands!
  21. How funny! I was a paper route boy with a subscription to Starlog and a 8MM camera as well! I would have been a fat boy if I had AM: and a computer.
  22. Is it a male or female or Unisex?
  23. Did you see the breaking news that Raf is giving away his setup machine for free now? http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32426
  24. Looks pretty good! My main concern is the brain mass eyebrow, as in the picture the mass come froward over the eyes. It's apparent of how the creature shows emotion. Looks like the mass loops back into the base of the head instead of just sticking up like a cauliflower. There is sort of a heart shape contour that sweep back on the outside crown.
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