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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. I get ads on Facebook for AI noise reduction programs.

    I tried one on A:M Radiosity renders which have noticeable noise (speckling). It's pretty good. Better than Photoshop noise reduction.

    You'll need to click on them to see it at 100% to see the original noise clearly.





    Notice the loss of reflection detail in the wheel...


  2. I recall when radiosity renders took hours. Now it's a few minutes.

    I dropped some old models from the AM CD into my tiny house room lit with radiosity. All the lighting is just that one bulb light near the ceiling.


    Mach 5 Racer:











    Janitor of War:





    Space Marine. Something about the surface specularity on this model and the previous one is causing the conspicuous bright spots in the room ( I think).



    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Roger said:

    Is that Slugworth from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the newspaper there?   Sure looks like him.

    Different actor, different century.

    Wilfrid Brambell seems to have already been a well-known TV actor in Britain by 1964 but outside of the UK he's just "that guy in 'A Hard Day's Night'"

    According to Wiki he starred in a Broadway play that closed after one performance. Ouch. :D

  4. I'm watching "A Hard Days Night" and when they get to the television studio scene I'm wondering,  how did they shoot these video monitors on film without a big ugly scanning bar crawling through them? These are clearly real video images, not something matted in. The mismatch between 24 fps film and 30 fps video should be immediately apparent.



    Turns out, it's all 25fps. The UK is a 25fps PAL video country and is common there to shoot film meant for TV broadcast at 25, not 24 fps, just because it is simpler to run that to video than to convert 24 fps footage to 25 fps.

    This movie was not made for TV broadcast, but since they have the 25 fps film equipment commonly available , they shot these scenes at 25 fps and cut them into the rest of the 24 fps movie. The down-side-effect of the slowdown is that the music in these scenes is about a half step lower than the record versions of the songs. :D

  5. I do recall seeing "A Hard Day's Night," shown for the first time on US television in 1967.

    However, I missed this brief intro added to alert the viewers that NBC, the in-living-color-peacock-network, was about to show a black and white movie.




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  6. After the weekend Avatar 2 is up to $1.7 Billion

    It gained theaters also, from 4202 to 4340, which is unusual for an already wide-release that has been out for a month.


    The US boxoffice so far is $516 Million which is 30% of the worldwide total. That suggests that for Avatar 2 to reach $3 Billion worldwide the US gross will have to top $900 million.

    That has only been done once, by Star Wars Episode 7

    But maybe Avatar 2 is a better movie!


  7. Who is interested learning C++ and computer programming? C++ is the core language of A:M and just about everything of importance in computing.

    You will like programming if you like using small things to make something bigger.

    We've done this group twice before and at least one person made it to the end each time!

    We've found a free curriculum on Udemy that does a good job of introducing C++ and programming itself, so you don't need to know programming already.

    What you will need is some time. The early exercises are easy but later ones will need about three hours of devoted attention to get done.

    Rodney and I can pretty much answer any question you might have about the projects in the course or the use of MS Visual Studio.

    The course leads up to a particle explosion display as the final project. This is my variation of it...


    Midway through the course I was able to make this character graphics game...


    Let me know if you are interested.


    Start date is TBD.


    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, KingVidiot said:

    I've been using a Wacom Mobile Studio Pro tablet PC (blows away a Surface Pro) for Hash and ZBrush (also Adobe suite) for years and it's awesome.

    That's a serious PC, whats the battery life on that?



    Perhaps JPatch can be run on Android phones/tablets - haven't tried it yet.


    Something I've been thinking would be cool is to make a Cardboard VR viewer for A:M models that would run on an Android phone.  If Jpatch is open source, the patch display code (something I don't think is available in the A:M SDK) might be useable for that.

    Not that I'm programmer enough to do it.




  9. Quote

    I gave it a thought but as I understand displacement maps, their depth resolution is dependent on the patch resolution so to get sufficient detail I'd still need way, way more than just four patches (times four) for each side.


    The old "Fractal" maps required dense meshes but displacement maps are mesh independent. You can look at my Gremlin thread for examples of that.

    They do have anti-aliasing problems sometimes.

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