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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jfirestine

  1. I'm modelling the New Horizons Pluto Spacecraft for an areospace client.

    Here is my progress so far. Hope to complete it in the next couple of days. The client is asking for as much detail as possible. There are a ton of small appendages I still have to model. Thankfully they are all basic shapes, cubes, cylinders, etc.


  2. Looks Great!

    I still detect a problem showing the lack of gravity. Google the web and find some Nasa footage. Once you see some of the astonauts "hopping" around, you may have a better feel for animating.


    But... Overall, I think it looks very good! I like the lighting and lunar surface!


    Keep up the good work! Its coming along very well!

  3. I need to add a tongue to my bear project. What is the best way of accomplish this? I want to be able to have him hang it out, lick his lips at the sight of honey, etc. I probably will want to lipsync someday too.





    Any input is greatly appreciated.


  4. Backup Often! :D


    I dump stuff to CD-R all the time. They are cheap and stack easily! ;)


    CD-RW is good and you can use many times (up to 10000) from what I have read before, but I just use good old CD-R.


    Remember to try and stay organized. When I work on a project, I create a directory called whatever the project name is. With in this folder I crete sub folders called Models, actions, images, textures, audio files, WIP etc. Try to keep everything there. Then backups become a snap. Just dump the project directory to disc.


    Just my $0.02 worth. I lost alot of work before, so I make sure backups are my priority when I am working on a project.


    Happy Hashing!

  5. Here is a first motion test for my bear character "Pana-Boon". I wanted to test the rig, and I have already starting working on the problem spots. There are several problems that I am currently working on. Some of them have to do with patches not receiving the correct color (neck) and others are problems with the mesh near the joints. Overall I think its staring to take shape. I have not used any smart skin yet. Its all bones and fan bones. Texturing needs to be done, especially the mouth, teeth, eyelids, etc. Finally he will be covered with the new version 11 hair. The rig has been completely built by myself. It uses Fk on the arms and IK on the legs.


    Here is the clip: movie clip3MB


    I just wanted to post my progress and get some input. My original post can be found here: Original Post

  6. Victor, thanks for sharing your information about your rig. I like your test animation! You have a very interesting character to animate, and I look forward to see him in action.


    Thanks again for sharing, you have inspired me to create something good too!

  7. This is cool! I have created a couple, but v11beta3 always crashes on final render.

    Other than that, its fun, and hopefully the render problem will be fixed in a newer revision. I will post some pics when I am able to render.


    thanks for this cool tool!


    Keep HASHing!

  8. I like the image too! Nice!


    One crit, the grass just cuts off. Try and vary the size, color, or transparancy to give the grass a "not so freshly cut" look. Just my $.02 worth. The image looks great without my suggestion.


    Keep up the good work!



    Also, check here for hair help Hair

  9. How can I delete poses and pose sliders?

    Not much luck, they seem to stay.


    Sorry, a bit tired...busy week, babbling again.


    Any suggestions?

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