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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jfirestine

  1. My original post: original bear WIP post

    Something just did not seem right, so I started working on a simpler "more youthful" design...see below. The animation is about a youthful,playful bear, and the original design just did'nt give me that feeling. My children like this new design better.


    I want to put hair/fur all over the body, so I want to keep the spline count down, hopefully will make it easier to animate. Having the arms and legs as seperate opjects cause problems with the hair/fur?


    Looking for some input about the overall proportions, design, etc. I guess I am inspired by Keith Lango's simple character designs. Thanks for the inspiration Keith!


    Any thoughts, crits, etc... always welcomed!


  2. Excellent work!


    Can you post some wireframe images of the body? I'm interested in taking a peek at how you splined the joints.


    Sweet model!

  3. Looking good!


    I'm a true Stones fan, and I really think you are really starting to capture the spirit of the band in your characters. I can't wait to see more refined movements and a full length version. Hair looks good!


    Keep it up! Looks great!


    PS: I have always wanted to animate a popular music group or artist.... Your video makes me want to dust off that Jimi model I started to spline a couple of years ago....


    Rock on... uh, I mean... Animate on!

  4. Nice start William!

    I would place the camera lower to give the viewer a feeling that this dude is tall.


    Overall textures and particle effects look very good.


    I need to rub the goose bumps off my Hobbit feet, get out my pipe, and smoke some "Old Toby" to calm down.


  5. Zachary, I'm going to try some recruiting. I know a couple others that will come.

    Spread the word... Mid to End of September is good for me.




    Attention! Anyone in Central California interested in an A:M user group? Please email me privately if interested in attending. I was thinking everyone can come show their work, or just come and watch, if anyone is interested in a mini tutorial, let me know. Anyone have suggestions? I can give a mini-tute about setting up a simple character rig. I have an old PII 400 laptop that runs AM pretty good (a little slow) but we can keep the tutes simple.


    We can meet at a coffee shop. Location to follow, date to follow (End of September on a Saturday)


    Email me privately if interested.

  6. Aww yeah...


    Now that ain't workin'

    That's the way you do it

    You play the guitar on the MTV

    That ain't workin'

    That's the way you do it

    Money for nothin' and your chicks for free


    Ah, the memories...




    LOL!!! You got it! My wife made same exact comment when she first saw this render. That video still amazes and obviously inspires me!

  7. Meet Mr. Blocky.

    I want to do some animation using my own character design. This guy was thrown together and rigged pretty quickly. I have rigged him from scratch using the same type of constraints that Jeff Lew uses on his video. So far all I need to finish up are the mouth poses and he is ready to animate.


    What do you think?


    Happy Hashing!


  8. Pretty darn good! I'm glad to hear that you never gave up on your project. I tend to start projects and have tons of ideas, but some how always get side tracked.

    Good job!

    My only crits are:

    I would like to see your lighting changed. It makes the feel of the animation flat.

    I would also like to see more improvement on the textures. Get away from the computer generated stale look.

    The animation timing seems a bit too slow or off. Maybe rework it a bit.


    Just my 2 cents worth.

    Great effort!


    Have a great day

  9. Pretty darn good! I'm glad to hear that you never gave up on your project. I tend to start projects and have tons of ideas, but some how always get side tracked.

    Good job!

    My only crits are:

    I would like to see your lighting changed. It makes the feel of the animation flat.

    I would also like to see more improvement on the textures. Get away from the computer generated stale look.

    The animation timing seems a bit too slow or off. Maybe rework it a bit.


    Just my 2 cents worth.

    Great effort!


    Have a great day

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