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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Luxo

  1. Looks really nice. My only suggestion in too have a better "down" position to give the illusion of weight. The "down" is where the weight of the character is displayed, this character is fat and heavy so you need a better "down". Looks great though!
  2. Thanks Gerry and Nimblepix. Yah, the tail needs work, that's for that tip Nimblepix I'll go try it out.
  3. The poses you have are fine, just change the timing on some of them. Like the head turning, move the keyframes closes together and you should get a more frantic fealing. Of course it's not that easy, I think you just have to tweak the timing though.
  4. Looks great David. That only recommendations from me would be to make him more frantic, he seems a bit too relaxed for the horrible situation he is in. Also at the and where he's loosing consciousness I would say to make the arms float around since he's underwater. Very nice work good job on the bubbles.
  5. Thanks you so much Dimos! Wow, thanks for that critique it helped me a bunch! I fixed the 5th frame problem (but now you have to download to view), and yes, I do animate at 24fps. I tried to put in some secondary "drag" on the way down on this update, but not so much on the way up. I want the head to propel his heavy body up (I could show this a lot better). Personally I like the twinning, though not aesthetically pleasing but I think It works. If I offset the arm too much I think it wouldn't have the same effect, there's only 8 frames from down to up. Thanks for the comment though I appreciate it, just my personal take. I think I fixed the foot/knee problem, thanks! I tried to get a slight twisting movement in this update, not sure if I did enough however. The tail caused me major major problems because I using my own crude rig (thanks for the help mtpeak, now my future animations with this guy will be much easier!). It was a big headache but I did come out with something. Just a simple "whip" movement, I didn't want to take that much focus of the character with something fancy-shmancy, you can see it good on the back view. If anyone wants to see the back view I'll put it up. Thanks for all you help Dimos and everyone. Oh and no I didnt make the model. Ken Heslip did (I think), it's on the hash "CD" found in the Free Models sections of hash's homepage. This is my latest update. Close to final, critique away please!!! You'll have to download these to you HD and loop them in your chosen Multimedia player. Thanks. Click here to watch fronthash.mov Click here to watch side1.mov
  6. Thanks, Dimos that really means a lot! Be careful though, you dont want my head to explode with ego! What things can be tweaked? stop being so nice Is there anything that stands out? Thanks for the comments I appreciate it. P.S. Yah I am 16. Also you have some fantastic stuff on your site! You've worked on some great movies.
  7. Thanks everyone! KingSalami, I'd love to see you do that (you should have seen me prancing around my room acting out the action. I still have the file on my computer actually! I'm going to go trow my computer in the fireplace.). I'm having lots of trouble rigging the tail, I have a new-found respect for the people who build and rig these characters for the community. Hopefully I'll figure out a good rig for the tail and post my "final" animation here for critique sometime today. Thanks ya'll.
  8. Thanks guys. Glad I might have got a chuckle or two out of you This was fun to animate, just to loosen it up a bit and put some character in a exercise was nice. (the model is already full of character!). Thanks for your comments, robcat I'm not sure what's going on there, I'll investigate. I'm planning on rendering out a nice toon version (With multi-pass *gasp*!) once I'm done cleaning it up.
  9. Wow, that's surreal.
  10. Hi fellow hashers. I have here, fresh off the printing press, a cartoonish run cycle. "Cute" was sort of what I was going for---tell me what you think! Thank you very much! Josh. The tail is not animated. For some reason the target isnt working. I'll have to rig it myself For latest update go to page 2 Click here to watch LoopFRONT Click here to watch LoopSIDE Model credited to Ken Heslip, thanks for making this awesome model public Ken!
  11. Absolutely Fantastic! Wow man, I love it, it's my go-to model now. I've never seen such control in an Animation Master Rig. It's like "Thom on Steriods". Thanks a bunch.
  12. Thanks everyone! Lol, that is a weird optical illusion. Cristin, thanks, I was originally going for a completely realistic walk but this guy's feet are so gigantic I had to push some of the poses for him to lift them up-and they still go through the ground. I added head bobs but the upper body needs work it's still stiff. As you can see in these updates (below) there's something kinda important missing-ARMS! The arms are driving me crazy, there something wrong with the rotation IK/FK/AK/OK or whatever, technical stuff isn't my cup of tea. So I left the arms off for now and I'll try and fix the problem. Great rig BTW whoever made the model-fun to use (I'm sure the arm thing is all my fault) So please ignore the fact he has a few limbs missing and let me know what you think! (Feet need work among other things) http://media.putfile.com/SideLOop11 Side http://media.putfile.com/FrontHashForums Thank-Ya'll
  13. Wow Thanks Robcat!! I love what you've done with the diagram, I've learned a lot from your comments. Thanks for taking the time to go above and beyond to get the point across! Thanks Russ, I dont usually play around with the camera, I feel it takes to focus away from the animation itself. Thanks for the Comments!
  14. ***Latest Update about 4 posts down**** Hey Everyone I've got a walk cycle up for comment/critique, be harsh that's how I learn! This is a work in progress and is currently in the "step"/blocking phase. Tell me what ya think, and thanks! Download onto your Hard Drive and loop in your multimedia player please-needed to keep the size down. walksteppedkey_0.mov
  15. Thanks for replying, your model's great!! You are right I did have keys on successive frames I need to work on not doing that till i've smoothed it out. Thanks for the comments!
  16. I love your tests John! Crude but fun, keep it up, always exiting to see what youve come up with!
  17. Thanks for the comments and tips Nosferatu, I'll try to work on his wieght. Anyone else?
  18. Yup-It was done in animation master, thanks for the comment.
  19. Hello all, I would love any comments or critiques on my latest animation. http://media.putfile.com/jump189 I'm not that happy with it but I sure learned a lot-thanks! Model by jamagica, I think.
  20. Thank you both you've been very helpful! Yes, your right I think I'll hold the squash and stretch a couple more frames, make it match up o that movement, thanks for catching that! correct me if I'm wrong but on the 180 turn he's off balance when he's turning? So I should move him more on his left foot, correct? Thanks for your help again you two. Anyone else?
  21. Hey everyone I'm back!-that's right I left . I took a 3 month break from the forums so I could focus more on animation. Here's what I pooped out. (I would really appreciate critiques. Forget that "Dont say anything at all if you dont have anything nice to say" stuff, rip them apart, that's how I learn.) Please be patient with files, they can take while to load, but do not exceed 4mb Lets start from where we left off, heres the revised version of my first walk that I posted three months ago. I still cant get the 'choppiness' of the last frames to go away. ***Walk*** + Walk in Simplified Shapes (Eliminates most of the choppy parts) A ball reacting to gravity, can you find the hidden words in the mound of letters? fallingball A sphere with internal motivations, I'm aware that the first hop is faster than the others, need ta fix that.Click Bouncing ball w/legs (overlap/secondary action exersise)-On Ice! Sorry'bout how far away the camera is, I had to find a way to fit it all in.Bouncingballwithlegs Walk; from the hips down, just learning the mechanics of a walk.Hip-Walk 180 turn, I have a newer version-with no big changes-but due to tech difficulties I cant show you it (thats another post)Turn 180 Side step, again from the hips down, trying not to jump ahead of myself, please notify me if I am.Click here to watch sidestep_7 I have a couple more I'll upload here, I also have four 2d animations ready to be shown, am I allowed to them here? I know people are a bit touchy about non-hash art posted here, that's understandable since this is a hash forum. Thanks for spending your time looking at these, any comments, critiques, even ideas for future exercises for me are appreciated, thanks! Josh ****EDIT**** I made a mistake and posted my work in WIP, could a mod please move my post to Showcase. Thanks!!
  22. Sorry Patrick, I'm not following. Could you give me an aprrox frame number please?
  23. Fantastic! It seems everyone is working on a short film but no ones posting. Dearmad, you did a really good job on this, I love the animation, your balance is solid through out. Dress needs a little work though. Great job. Uodate: Never mind I take back what I said about the dress, looks great.
  24. Great! I love the detail of the dial on the base. My only crit is the scale's sandpaper-ish material, I think it could be better, maybe it's just the render. But I dont know the first thing about materials, so ignore me.
  25. Thank you all for your help! Wow, Tom thanks for the picture, what do you think this is, Animation Mentor? Yah, the feet and the floor are problem I have been having. It seems like a need to lessen the stride length, that diagram was really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to comment everyone, I'll post my finished animation here
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