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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by JohnArtbox

  1. Chad Below is the 9.5 obj hxt file, it imported the zbrush landscape in the next post with no problems OBJ.hxt
  2. Sharky:...ask and depending on my work level I'll answer, generally I get around to answering everything....eventually Zued: nope it's not just your computer. This is the case with the exporter. Variable exports additional polygons where there are greater angular changes in the mesh, but the resulting mesh is not uniform and is not usable in another program. Im not really sure why 4 doesn't work, but again it's an option I avoid. 1(after the ava export and import fix) and 16 are the options I use.
  3. Sharky, to texture an AM model in Zbrush you need to apply a single decal to all the patches. Then export the model as an AVA file to convert five point patches to four. Export the model as an obj file and allow it to copy the decal to the dame directory as the obj file. import the obj file into zbrush. Watch the zbrush help zscripts on texturemaster or projection master. They pretty much explain everything. Zbrush can only import and export in the full version, the demo is limited in this regard.
  4. Here's Graeme. The LHS has the skintone map and zbrush's displacement map imported at the same time as the mesh. The displacement map doesn't work properly where the import has created a discontinuous mesh (noticebly on his face and at the end of his penis) but again I've been pleasantly surprised at the results. One important factor was the use of the GroupUVTiles option within ZBrush. Using the AUV tiles option caused complications in the mapping. Apart from that and having to flip the textures vertically and resave them, it was a straightforward process. Rendertime was a pleasant 14 minutes on an Athlon 2100, with a twin SkyCast light and 25 passes. From unpainted model through import and setup for render was about 40 minutes
  5. And here's the original image.
  6. I've always avoided importing models into AM because I figured it was just as easy to model them in AM. Graeme the Barbarian is from an image I painted in zbrush last night, and while he's a lot more spline heavy than my usual the import isn't half bad. There's some splinage that needs to be converted with hooks and 5 point patches but he's a pretty good start for less than 40minutes of modelling time. Plus sketching him in threeD allowed me to resove a few problems before I hit them in AM. This is a straight import, all I've added is a colour and bump material, and lighting.
  7. Nope Shaun, all modelled. When I built them displacement maps were broken.
  8. When you but Skycast US$25 you get access to a bonus area which includes models, seamless textures, materials and stuff.....including all the furniture models. I'm trying to expand the service, but I need to setup a proper infrastructure and expanded webhosting It's always time, time, time.
  9. Very nice rappel Ross. The sudden appearance of the spider is great 4 hours including modelling the spider? I'd be ecstatic.
  10. thanks guys Chris: It's for a job, but I can't say anymore at the moment. Wade: I couldn't get you link to work I know about the ship/boat thing...it's a very minor manifestation of my anti authoritarian streak . Why is a sub a boat though? Is it a hangover from UBoats? Robert: Slight water update
  11. Thanks All. Ken:I really like the detail displacement adds, without having to worry about spline topology...Quick, everyone use displacement and tell Hash so we can get more control over it Ross/Rodney the image was more in the nature of a quick test of displacement than a final map. The yellow was just something to look at. Mike: it's a costume. but it needs more work before it's done.
  12. Nothing much to say...it's a boat. The model's for illustrating how the ship handles, and isn't intended to be photoreal, especially as it's for a proposal only.
  13. if you've got the full version of ZB1.5 then you get a free upgrade to ZB2.0. The pipeline for 1.5 is similar, the main addition is that ZB2 can generate displacement and bump maps. If you are using the demo you're out of luck because it can't import obj files, it's one of the demo limitations
  14. Found an interesting side effect to the displacement maps. If you toon render them with a toon bias of one you get an edge around each subdivision, giving a kind of sketchy look. Because the effect is based on 3d geometry it animates well with very little jitter.
  15. Thumbs (pseudopods)up,up,up,up caterpillars have lots. Beautiful model/render Shaun...gonna be really interesting to animate Guess school holdays will help Cuckoo is along
  16. I was sent these questions, but thought that the answers were worth putting in this thread. That way it becomes a mini FAQ 1. In the latest beta this seems to be much better. I have found that it's not good to have hooks into the texture seam patches ie the ones that are on the outside of the stamp. When I run some more tests I'll post the results. 2. The texture map doesn't get carried across, but the UV's are written into the obj file. Once you load the object file into ZBrush, load the texture, flip it vertically and then assign it to the object. it will sit perfectly in place. the obj exporter I have is 96KB and dated 9 Jan 2004. 4.When you drop the object in projection master the texture map disappears because it and the model combine to become a pixol surface. You can then modify the 2.5D image quickly and with a wider range of tools than available with a 3D model. When you use Projection Master to pick the model back up it rebuilds the model and texture to encompass the changes you have made. This is the latest image I have done using this technique from the Superhero thread. To get greater percieved surface resolution I'm currently using the zbrush model to generate a displacement effect, and then (using the difference between the AM displacement and ideal subpixel displacement) generating a bump map which adds the smaller displacements as bumps.
  17. nice design, personally I'd make it from scratch. It's unlikely that someone else will have built it exactly as you've drawn it.
  18. This belongs on the painting in zbrush WIP as well. Here's the beginning of texturing with basic displacement and colour. It's been a while because of work committments, but the project is still slowly happening. I try not to post unless there's something to look at. Displacements are back Thanks Hash dudes. Ross: I think I can make it work we'll know soon enough. King & Rod Thanks Matt Good to hear from you man, island living is good Update as ordered
  19. Great character, wouldn't mind seeing a wireframe
  20. model file attached. It's demonstrating techniques and nowhere near finished. droplet.zip
  21. http://skycast.artboxanimation.com Cost is US$25.00
  22. Robert.. If I ever make it to your corner of the world, you owe me a beer
  23. Robert, Here's how I would build the character. Draw splinage skech over the image. More too come
  24. more interior decorating . and reed fencing was easy with fur.
  25. Thanks Marcel, without TreeZ and AM11 it would have been a lot more time consuming This project is illustrations only.
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