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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by largento

  1. Maybe if the indexing was updated? Not sure how you do that (I always thought it indexed your hard drive automatically.) Can you do a "Get Info" on one of the folders? If everything was right, it should look like this: Any Mac Users know how to get the OS to re-index these files ...or recognize them?
  2. It seems to me like your system isn't acknowledging the .hxt file format. Can you do a search and see if you have any other ".hxt" files? I've had issues in the past where I was unable to use A:M's shaders because the .shd file format name is shared by another application. The only solution that I've found is to uninstall the offending application.
  3. Working at 24fps is the standard. Most post apps will convert frame rates, meaning you don't have to render as many frames. Also, animation books are going to give you timing tips that are based on animating at 24fps.
  4. Very nice! Great choice for the narrator.
  5. A lesson too many of us have to learn the hard way. :-) I like the new truck and the drop-down drumkit is a cool idea!
  6. Thanks, Mark! I'm in the process of writing the follow-up. It's going okay, but the original had the advantage of having been written several times over a 16 year period. :-)
  7. Nice! Great atmosphere in that clip!
  8. Thanks, Chris! It is crazy that it took longer for you to get it in Canada than people across an ocean, but I'm glad you got it ...and especially glad you enjoyed it! My plan was to have the webseries as part of the DVD, but I just ran out of time. Not including the Paunk! Show pilot was just forgetfulness. I had intended on putting it on there. I think I got distracted by the Wannabe Pirates trailer finally being finished and it slipped my mind. Thanks again for your help!
  9. Thanks, guys. I'm just in the writing stage now. Amutt Time had the benefit of having had several "drafts" that were written over 16 years that I could use as the basis for the script. :-) The plan right now is to do both parts in one 15 minute movie, so there'll be a lot of things that will be trimmed out. I do have a running gag I like for Wesley Crusher in this, but I don't know if it will make it in yet. TNG serviced a lot more characters than TOS did, and this one adds Cmdr. Shelby as a large part of the show. Just thinking out loud, there's: Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf, Troi, Dr. Crusher, Wesley, Guinan, Shelby, an Admiral and then the Borg, of course. It's going to be tricky condensing all of this.
  10. That's the ticket! :-) It was great fun. I look forward to having both the "Stalled Trek" and "Stalled Trek: TMG" DVDs at the next one. Plus, the web series will be up by then, and I'll hopefully have more people aware of it. Thanks! It's a Storenvy store. I may do something more fancier with it later on, but it works for now.
  11. Thanks, Gerald! I'm going to make a run to the post office in the morning to mail both your's and Curtis' DVDs. It seems like most of the international packages are getting delivered in 7-8 days, so you should have it by next Wednesday!
  12. Okay, I'm going for it! There's a Fan Days convention here in October. Allowing time for DVDs to be made, that gives me 119 days to create another 15-minute film. And somehow do the web series, too. I've decided to do a parody of the TNG episode, "The Best of Both Worlds". It's probably one of their best-known episodes. It's the two-parter when Picard is captured by the Borg and turned into Locutus. This is going to be a big one, but it should be a lot of fun and appeal to a whole other generation. Pun intended.
  13. As promised, with the Dallas Comic-Con over, I am making the DVDs available for sale online! You can order one here.
  14. Thanks! Well, the second day went as well as the first and actually seemed to be a rush at the start of the day. The reaction from nearly everyone who saw it was great. Even the people who didn't stop to take a look, would say things like "awesome" or "hilarious" when they walked by. I had several animation people stop by to say they thought it looked great and of course to ask what program I used. I plugged Animation:Master pretty hard, pointing out that I could do all of this by myself in 4 1/2 months with a program that costs $79 a year! I ended up being interviewed twice. Once by a sci fi podcats and the other by ...I'm not sure what it was. :-) The producer was one of my Kickstarter backers from LA and I googled him and it looks like he produces TV shows (and even some web series stuff.) The lady across the aisle ended up sending her daughter over to buy one, saying they had been watching bits and pieces of it all weekend and were sold on it. :-) Sold to several people in Star Trek costumes. One of them made sure to point out that he "never bought anything" and another was asked by the person they were with, "I thought you never bought anything?" All in all, it was a great weekend. I haven't seen final numbers, but a story I saw says that there were at least 12K people there and probably much more. I was safely behind a table, but many people complained that crowd management was nonexistent and one guy told me it took him 25 minutes to go from the 4th floor to the 1st floor on the escalator. They had to stop them because they emptied out at the same junction where the ticket line and concession line intercepted. Craziness. As promised, I'm now making it available online! You can get it here. I had set up a store at this website over a year ago intending to sell books there and never did anything with it. A person suggested that I use them for the DVD and I was like, "hey, I'm already set up there." So I changed the name of the store and made it live.
  15. Hey, I didn't hit the ground and go splat! :-) Day actually went well. No outlandish sales, but respectable and the reaction from everyone was really positive. Sales were mostly to hardcore Trek fans (as expected) and it was fun to talk Trek with my fellows. One lady insisted I turn up the sound and laughed hysterically at the jokes, then went and got a few of her friends and they all bought DVDs. It's by far, the best I've ever done at a show and there's still tomorrow to go. I will DEFINITELY have plenty of DVDs leftover to sell online. :-)
  16. Haha! Thanks, Mark! (That's my favorite gag, too ...and one I've wanted to see animated for a loooong time.) That got to Spain really fast. Here I was thinking the international mail would be really slow, but it looks like people overseas are getting them in about a week's time. Thanks for supporting my dream, Mark and glad you liked it! Well, today's the day! Dallas Comic-Con 2012 starts in about 2 1/2 hours! Today I find out if all the hard work and effort, it's time to jump out of the ol' airplane and see if the chute opens. I am both very nervous and really excited. Geronimo! :-)
  17. Have a very happy birthday, Paul! Hope it's a great one!
  18. They cheated by looking at the photo on the cover of the box. :-)
  19. I thought there was one on the Extras DVD, but I don't see it. Named characters like that tend to be given other names for copyright issues.
  20. About time you got another one going! :-)
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