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Everything posted by MikeSanderson

  1. WOW Stephen!! ........................Absolutely Awesome Work!!!!!
  2. I think it is the "SATURN Summer Spot"
  3. Dan you should Post the other shots here that you put on my Radiocity string! .............. they give another angle of view.
  4. How much lettering do you need on it? If there is not too much lettering you might try Font Wizard & stitch it into the Geometry -or- try a Boolean Cutting the lettering into the star. HOwever, Booleans are tricky.
  5. Shades fo Metropolis!! .........Fritz Lang returns!!
  6. Hey it's Yoda's younger brother!
  7. WOW Patrick, this POPBOT image is Awesome!! Don't know how I missed this, but man it kicks butt!! Bet that Bazillion Hours of render was a nailbiter!
  8. looked at the model on the link.............. -Round the outer sides of the pecs, get rid of outer edge. -Also pull the bicep back under the deltoid where they meet, tuck it under - the tricep looks good -Add a bit of size to the bottom of the forearm at its thickest point -That lower back dent really hurts me, looks way too deep, that area is usually faily flat. -Take his hooves to a good blackSmithe & get him some new shoes That is One Nasty texture on there, .........that's a Positive Comment! Looking good Man!!!!
  9. Looks like a Paper Bag or Cardboard Carton crushing on impact I envision having some groceries in a shopping bag crashing to the ground with some celery stalks and other stuff flying out, milk spilling, grapes rolling, etc. ...... this has got some really good & useful possibilities! Cheers!
  10. LOL that was a HOOT!!! TurboGorilla you need to see "WINGS" the first film to win the Academy Award for a bit of inspiration. It is long, (& silent) but the story is really good ..... surprized it has not been redone in some fashion.
  11. William GO here to..... Rodney's useful Links: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11392 (TONS of good stuff here) Under Materials and Texturing "Jim Talbot" Decaling Tutorials: "Flatten Tutorial" (Zip file) AND: Hash, Inc. Forums -> General Discussion -> Showcase The Making of the Leopard Queen, my fantasy entry by "Jim Talbot" http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13564 ........check out his texture Maps. ALSO go here & chek out the Decaling and Texturing Tutes: http://www.hash.com/amtutes/ Cheers
  12. Modeling looks great!......Nice work! Good to see a realistic, "Normal" figure without Overly Enhanced attributes. Lighting maybe a bit brighter on the Rim Lite. Your shadows look grainy ........what are you using? If it is a shadow map up the resolution on the map. Decals look just fine, it all depends on teh resolution you will render at. Again, Nice Work!!
  13. So are you using Cloth Wizard at all?
  14. Ken S W E E E E E E E E E E E E T !!!!!! .... What more can I say!
  15. Nice Work John!! ....Can't believe I missed this one!
  16. Who cares ....................... Beautiful Job!!
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