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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by ddustin

  1. Yup
  2. Very nice work Daniel. But R&R Fiasco???? What's that? David
  3. What are the Tick like creatures? They seem to be in a dark area, inconsistant with the rest of the shots. Very nice work however. David
  4. So........... Maybe July 2nd? David
  5. Count me in when you decide on a date, I'll work around it. The busy area didn't bother me, but I wish there was more table space. All the geeks with laptops take up a lot of room. David
  6. Gerry, I agree with your assessment of the litigation support. It seems that really like to have a jack of all trades available, who sleeps only occasionally. that pretty much personifies me. David
  7. Actually I'm hoping he gets into the modeling end as well, particularly organic characters. David
  8. Thanks for the comments. All I really did was explain "translate to" and "orient like" constraints, and he did the rest. We have a deal where I pay him for learning AM. He has more tallent in his pinky then I do in my whole body. Not to mention IQ etc. David
  9. What can I say, he has a macabre sense of humor!! Link to his animation He's 15. David
  10. Finally got the wringles in the shrink film to show up by adding some white ambiance to the material. Problem is now I can see the repeating pattern in it, and I should have added a core to the roll. My guess is the customer won't see it anyway. David
  11. Gerry, Try Fanuc Robotics link I doubt they'll use anything as they have thier own simulation software they sell for $10k (ouch). It can't touch the level of realism I get with my model, but theirs outputs FANUC robot code that can be implimented into an automated line. Most of them have seen my animations and other that being complimentary, they've never been interested in contracting to make anything. I have looked at your work before, very nice. Also, I purchased www.accident-recreation.com and have it forwarding to my dustinproductions site. I've been working at getting some of the lawyers in GA to contract for more work but it's a tough niche to wiggle into. I'll get there, no doubt. My intention is to have resources available with different areas of expertise, such as organic or mechanical modeling and rigging capabilities. There several people on the forum that I work with regularly, and buy models from them. David
  12. Gerry, Thanks, Yes there are things I need to change, might add conveyors before and after the machine. I just found out today, the customer might want a vertical sealing unit instead of the horizontal unit in the animation. The articulated arm is a FANUC, it took me 2 months, off and on to make it. Gene helped a bunch too. You have a major FANUC head quarters in Charlotte. I know a few of the guys there. David
  13. Gene, Thanks, but I actually got the brushed finish from Daniel of D. Joseph Designs. Not much tweaking required. It ended up looking like polished (and grained) 300 series Stainless Steel. Of course the floor was something I got from you!!! David
  14. I didn't apply the shrink film. There is a roll of it on the machine, and I put a lot of time creating wrinkles in it, and you can't even see them. The things being wrapped are actually rolls of roof venting material for a GA based company. David
  15. Steven, The shrink wrap machine is the lowest link on the page. Not knowing your industrial experience level, I'd offer the following: There is confusion at times between Shrink Wrapping and Stretch Wrapping. Shrink wrap travels through a heat tunnel which causes the material to contract around the product (like when you buy a 12 pack of water bottles). Stretch wrap is used extensively for wrapping around pallets containing products. The robot (top link) would surely require guarding meeting OSHA, RIA etc regulations. David
  16. Thanks, Yes everything was done in AM. David
  17. Here is a link to an industrial shrink wrapping machine. The video doesn't loop well, but the intention is to show the machine functions. Edit: the shrink wrap machine is the lowest link on the page. There may have been an error on the link to the shrink wrap machine. My appologies.... Link to file Material on machine is courtesy of Daniel, floor image and texture from Gene. David
  18. It looks like TIG Welded Aluminum. Right? David
  19. You'll get the flaws worked out I'm sure. David
  20. Will has pictures...
  21. Just a quick note to all from the Atlanta Users Group (man that sounds like therapy). I was great to meet all of you in Marietta, now there are faces to go with the forum names. Sorry I had to bale at the end while you were all snacking, but the fam was waiting for me to treat them (they really just wanted me to pay for it) to an early dinner. There is trully some great tallent in the Atlanta group. WOW. Thanks, David
  22. The best quality images I got was when I combined them in AE. I couldn't get the black background to be transparent. Just challenged. I'm going to need a crowd like this so it would be really cool if someone got it to the level of the demo on the marlin studios site. It would be an easy way to get a bunch of people in a scene. David
  23. Yup. I'll be there.
  24. Colin, Count me in. If I can convince my 14 year old (just starting in AM) there will be 2. David
  25. So......... Have we decided to meet in Feb?
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