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Everything posted by ZachBG

  1. I thought this was fantastic. The quick, darting eye movements really added a lot to his thought process. (Although I'll never understand why you didn't give him eyelids.) It might have been nice to make him more casual when answering the phone, to provide a contrast with his reaction as The News was relayed. Oh, and don't be so stingy with the compression! (Said the cable modem whore.)
  2. Wow, that's really good. Looks like a Gund bear. I've been wanting to do this, too, with one of my daughter's bears. It's encouraging to know that it is possible.
  3. Hi: Looks good, but consider removing the extra teeth-show on the P of the first "shop." Just seems like an odd and unneccesary pop. Also, the first movement of all seems to pop into place--maybe some ease-in? (As much as is possible, given how short the clip is, anyway...)
  4. a) it's <ESC> (now do I have to make one called <ETC>, where a poor abbreviation is hounded by big words?) no, it wasn't any better visually, actually, I was embarrassed by my lighting & texturing. But that's just my opinion... c) according to the blurb on the Nicktoons site, the animator just recorded what the kid said. That's why it was so charming. Anyway, Greg, it's on again at 10 PM and 1 AM tonight (EST).
  5. Thanks, dude! I couldn't get most of my friends or family to stay up late enough to see it. Ah well... Rodney: there's still time! It's running again tonight! Thanks everyone for your kind comments...
  6. Regarding the face test of the girl: Wow. Just wow. Beautiful model, beautiful test. The Fisherman... well... how detailed a crit (if any) are you looking for? Sorry, but a few threads in the WIP section have made me tread carefully.
  7. He looks great so far. What settings did you use for his hair? How about his surfacing? And any chance of seeing a wireframe? (I always ask that. It's my weak spot.)
  8. Wow, good idears... But... but... I'm trying to reclaim Courier from Drudge! It sounds like the general consensus is to ditch Courier. Oh well. That's a good idea. Is there any way to do that in plain-vanilla HTML? But then what would I put for "Star Wars 1.5"; "Officially Sued by Lucasfilm"?
  9. Shove it. just kidding... Yow! Down, fellas! Thank you! And don't forget, you can see that very same cartoon this Sunday at 10 PM EST on Nicktoons (plug, plug, plug)! Hmm, I see your point. Do you think it'd be sufficient to move "featured films" to the head of the list, or should I change the link to "home"? Meaning, there's no link back to the main page? Good catch, I'll fix it. Thanks, y'all. I did axe, so keep the axes chopping. Oh, and P.S.: What are you, drunk?
  10. Hi folks: I finally got around to updating my animation web site after over a year. Please check it out if you're so inclined: http://www.hash.com/users/zachbg/ Comments and crits on the web design are actively encouraged. Comments and crits on the films are also welcome, but they're all finished work, so I'll be listening, but not implementing. Thanks in advance and Happy Thanksgiving to the folks from the States...
  11. I don't drink coffee; I will provide my own intravenous drip of Coca-Cola.
  12. Nice. Will he be animated? Care to share a wireframe? (And what's that effect on the floor? Weird!)
  13. That's actually what my hair looks like after a too-late band rehearsal...
  14. Wow. That's really good. I'd love to see the final run in slo-mo.
  15. An original page from Kingdom Come?! That's it, I'm visiting Vancouver by hook or by crook... someday... And back on topic, excellent model, Colin. I wish I had the money to commission you to do a Spidey...
  16. I'll be there!
  17. Thus are empires born!
  18. Got any wireframes? I love the sculpting of his face.
  19. Ed, that looks amazing--I can't wait to see it so I can play (and learn).
  20. It was; I made it for the Internet Ray-Tracing Competition, back in late 2003. The whole thing took 8 days to make for the contest, but for the version on AMFilms (and what will be on Nicktoons) I re-did a little of the animation and many of the keyboard textures. The deadline has passed for this season, but they might do it again next year (this is pure speculation on my part, not inside information).
  21. Thanks, all! Sorry, man. I wish it was, truly. Probably just plain too long (ESC is 1 minute, Duck Sauce is 8). Well, there is that $10,000 prize... but somehow that doesn't seem likely...
  22. I just got this in the mail! I can't believe this. It must be a practical joke. Thank (insert deity here) I just got cable last month! The film, by the way, is this one.
  23. Nice! I don't know if you're trying to make Mr. Incredible himself, or just someone like him, but if you're after Mr. I you should note that his brow is much stronger--almost a straight horizontal shelf above his nose.
  24. Sublime! I might add a little more creasing and cheek-puff to the smile pose, but that's all I got in the way of suggestions. Nice work as usual. Zach
  25. I would like to go, depending on where in Pennsy it is. I'm a Marylander...
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