sprockets Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot Rodger Reynold's Architectural WIP
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. Great idea thanks for sharing sorry your surprise had a sad surprise
  2. All I did was import it all detail and color came with it
  3. found old cd from magazine with free lwo files so decided to import the largest ...it did a great job frreeModel1.mdl
  4. Tying an idea using cloth to make a ghost here is first decent attempt very rough ghost.prj
  5. Found this model while cleaning up hard drive anyone remember him ?? George.mdl
  6. I thought it might be interesting and wanted to test the conversion Glad you like it
  7. Downloaded 3mf file of chess set and then converted online to obj file and imported the obj file into AM thought I would post the results for anyone interested the pieces are okay but a bit rough chessset.prj
  8. Found this on a cd with a bunch of AM stuff I made or saved not sure if I did the model yellowdog.mdl
  9. thought I should do something for grandkids ..twisted Thoms arm and he agreed to help ebunny.prj
  10. saw this model on line and tried to duplicate it in AM a1yellowbird.prj
  11. Did a bit of research on slime problem here is first try
  12. great ideas will have to remodel my model As it is I tried to animated it and realized I am a bit rusty my slime and fire breath not working as I was planning
  13. Have not done much modeling lately decided to try a virus character idea (wonder why ?) Tell me what you like or don't like before I decide to try animating it monster1.prj
  14. Decided to look at some new textures and found this one interesting test1.prj
  15. How come your birthday does not show on the forum page   

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. robcat2075


      Thanks, John!


    3. Wildsided


      Is it your Birthday Robert? If so many happy returns of the day good sir. 

    4. robcat2075



      Thanks, Dan!

  16. Found this wav file and asked Thom if he would like to dance or something like that thomamplitudedance.avi Vacation.wav thomdance.prj
  17. Playing with alpha channel to get a sprite ended up with this test if interested will post project and sprite 9 copy.tga Martians.prj
  18. decided to play with the 3d fonts again I like the way you and choose any font on the computer and make it 3d Project1.prj
  19. sounds interesting but not sure if my 71 year old brain can undertake this adventure
  20. Put this together for the 14th if there is interest will post project/sprite
  21. Thanks not that familiar with what type it was just found it on a 2009 dvd from a 3d magazine and thought It might be fun trying the conversion in AM not planning to use it pretty sure it was copyrighted
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