sprockets Short film by Svetlik Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders Animated Commercial by Soulcage Tralfaz's Lost In Space Robot
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. The bee gif I showed on Face Book did not have any rigging  I did the movements  with poses  controlling different  parts  of the model  as I went from frame to frame and the arm was not attached to the body yet  and  so it  showed up that way by accident

    1. robcat2075


      That's the way it was in the old old old days!

      We'd just move the mesh around from frame to frame.

    2. johnl3d


      This was just something on the spur of the moment  just for fun 

    3. robcat2075


      Fun is what we are here for!

  2. triedto animate my bee but not getting anywhere got a dump file I sent to Jason 

    1. johnl3d


      think I fixed my issue reinstalled O and I could  animate  did a quick render to test

    2. robcat2075


      If you can duplicate the crash and know the steps that do it that can make up a bug report.

      But it sounds like we're too late!

      Glad the problem is solved.

  3. having issues with new version and got attached file after  a project closed  thought you might want to see it


  4. The Texas cold is on the tv again tonight,,, a lot harder to handle then the cold and snow in Wisconsin since the power is on here as well as the gas heat for the furnace.
  5. tried out idea and had Amplitude control pose trombone.avi trom.prj
  6. Tried this idea late last night did rough test of what I did ~20 minutes butter.prj
  7. looking through some cd's thought this might by fun to look at
  8. Now have to bone him and get him moving
  9. Is N official  because I down loaded it  and it said it could not find a lot of HXT files 64 bit version

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. johnl3d


      yes just thought it strange when the library was blank


    3. robcat2075


      Steffen has this fixed in the beta "release candidate" for v19o I got today.

    4. johnl3d
  10. Playing with sprites again neb.tga Projectgood.prj
  11. Found my Studio 45 cd with basic bones and relations from 2002 ,,,with have tore view what I forgot gif is 4 frame quick trial of tiger used on cd
  12. saw this link (adobe.ly/2JjoYLA) on face book and tried a simple animate version in AM Desktop.zip
  13. Detail of what was on this package about the AM cd
  14. The latest date on the box giving credit for included items showa 1997 if you want can scan the part
  15. Just decided to tinker some more Project1.prj
  16. Thumbs up on that idea
  17. Anyone else remember this character found old disk with 1998 stuff Who_KB.MDL
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