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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by flashawd

  1. Hi Ramon - that would do it, thank you. David thank you for the links - if you know, what is the difference between the old rig and the one (squelch) from the tutorial - thank you . Eric
  2. Hi - I am playing around w/ CP Weighting and for some reason it isn't working. Is there anything beside clicking on "show advanced properties" in the options that I need to activate in order for CP Weights to work? I just made a 6 sectioned tube w/ 3 bones in it. "Has Falloff" is on and set at 75% and 30% for the bones - you can see from the image below. Anyone who knows what I am doing wrong, please let me know. - thanks - Eric
  3. Hi - I cannot figure out why my char forearm is raised when I bring her in an action and turn the "Ik Arms Setup" to "on". I just put the skeleton rig in this character for a second time since I screwed the first try up pretty bad. Has anyone run into this problem? Thanks - Eric
  4. Got it - thank you - playing around with it and just had to rotate the left and right hand targets - when I had to rotate the shoulder bone to get the arm bones correct it threw off the hand target. Thanks - E
  5. Hi - I did something wrong when rigging this character (newbie rigger) - I used the 2001 Skeleton from ex 13 in the manual. Below are two images - one of the skeleton, and one of the char brought into an action - she if offset to the left as you can see - can anyone tell me what I did wrong. Thank you - Eric
  6. Answered my own question again - when I render it out the problem isn't there. Thanks anyway - E
  7. Hi - I created a hair material and applied it to two seperate groups - one above the eye on the eyelid and one below on the lower eyelid. I created a pose slider "eyes closed" - when I moved the eyelids down in the closed motion the eyelid hair stayed where it was and kinda stretched it down - even though the group it was attached to "eyelid" moved down. Can I not do what I am trying to do, or am I doing something wrong. - Thanks E
  8. Perfect - thank you everyone. Have a great weekend - Eric
  9. Hi - doesn't anyone know of any links to decals for eyes, or a tutorial on how to make realistic looking decals for eyes they can point me to. Thanks - Eric
  10. Hey Timelord - followed exactly what you did and it worked perfect. Thank again for your time and help. - Eric
  11. Hi TimeLord - thanks for taking the time - I am opening a new project and duplicating what you did above to see if I can get it to work - I'll let you know how it goes.
  12. Hi John - I did that but, didn't seem to work - I'll start a new project and start from scratch see what that does - Using version 13 and on a windows XP platform. I'll let you know. Thanks again - Eric
  13. Hello - I got this question all the way to the last part, and having trouble there. I am trying to play a 10 second video clip on a object (television) I created. I imported the video clip as a sequence of targa images, and set it as a decal on the (television). That worked great and when I scrolled across the timeline it played the video. The problem is when I pull the TV into a Chor it doesn't show the video when I render it. Not sure what I am doing wrong - is there a setting in the options that I am missing or something? Thank you - Eric
  14. Continuation of last post - not sure what happened there... Project Workspace- - Shortcut to TV - Groups - Screen - add image (Right Click) - Other - 0001TargaImage Marked box "input as an animation" After that a box opened up that said "Unhandled Exception #1001 - program will close" Am I doing this the wrong way? Thanks - Eric
  15. Hi - finally getting around to trying to do this - here is what I am doing: I am trying to have a 8 second sequence of targa images play on a tv screen. I am trying to apply them as a decal. Here is what I am doing on the Project Workspace
  16. Ah, got it - thank u. Couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Have a great weekend - Eric
  17. Alright - I went back to the Tech Ref and thoroughly read through the Material Section, and yes I now see where my question was a little odd - Thanks for pointing it out. I am playing around with materials a bit and starting to get it - then I'll go to the link above (thank you) and download the materials that people have created and study those. I do have one more question - hopefully not a naive as the first one - I created a basic material and changed the displacement to 200 and the scales to 10% to give me a very bumpy look. The thing I am not getting is the color - if I don't add a diffuse color to as an attribute the material doesn't work when I render. If I add a diffuse color for example blue - the material works, but it renders as silver. If I go to the actual object and set the default color - it all works, the color and the material. How does that work... or probably more accurate - what am I doing wrong?
  18. Hi - I am a newbie to materials and how they work - I am looking through the tech ref and it is talking about Material Diplacement - they show 100% - 200% and it looks like actual bumps instead of just a flat surface. When I used Roughness and Roughness scale it doesn't give the bumpy look - just distorts the colors to make it look bumpy, but still has the flat look. I am not getting something here, can anyone clue me in. Here is a great example of a "real" look to everything I am looking to learn to do courtesy of Matt W Bradbury http://www.hash.com/users/amfeatu...pertiesRoom.jpg Thanks - Eric
  19. Hi Matt - what did you do to the chair to give it that look?
  20. Thanks again John, my personal Tutor
  21. Thanks John, I appreciate it - I'll take a look at it in the morning.
  22. flashawd


    Can anyone suggest some ideas to get a realistic looking carpet? Thanks - Eric
  23. Hi Rodney - have to read this through a little more thoroughly, but wanted to thank you. - Eric
  24. That's perfect Chris - thank you.
  25. Hi John - thanks for the mini Tut, like you don't have anything better to do. That is perfect, I'll check it out tomorrow. Have a great weekend - Eric
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