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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by flashawd

  1. Nevermind - I posted too soon, I got it. There was an "x" over the little bone Icon - I just needed to click on it to activate it. Thanks - Eric
  2. Hi - I am playing around w/ one of the characters "Eddie" to see how the skeletal structure is set up and I am not seeing the bones for his eyes, I am guessing they are turned off - where is the setting to see all the bones of a character? Thanks - Eric
  3. Perfect. Thank you both.
  4. Hi again - When you have 2 sentences for example the KeeKat tutorial: "I have a secret. Can you keep a secret" Between the two sentences there is a pause, but my characters mouth is slowing starting to open during the pause. How do I keep his mouth completely shut until the second sentence starts "Can you keep a secret"?
  5. Alright, no need to respond - the lip poses I created had something wrong with them, it wouldn't even let me edit them, so I just deleted them and started over - working fine now. Thanks - E
  6. That's odd - I started a new action and just tried to slide the pose sliders for the lip poses over to see if they were working and they are not. I'll try to figure out why not. - Thanks
  7. Hi - I created a character and created all the 9 mouth alphabet positions for the character as pose sliders and named them appropriately. I created a new action and dropped in "secret" audio clip from KeeKat Tutorial. I made a new dope sheet for it and it automatically filled in everything. The problem is his mouth isn't moving, but everything is set up and working fine - when I scroll over the audio all the pose sliders are moving back and forth as they should - just no mouth movement. I tested it w/ KeeKat and it worked fine, so the issue is something I did with this model. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Thanks - Eric
  8. Thank you
  9. Hi - can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial that someone has created that uses a particle system for jet engine effect? A solid, almost pointed short stream of fire. Thanks - Eric
  10. Thanks David - sound like to do it right and not lazy it - get in the habit of bones for everything. Have a good night - Eric
  11. Hi Paul - thank you. So pretty much the only thing you wouldn't use a bone for is when you are creating the mouth poses for the dope sheet? That's where I was getting confused. Thanks again - Eric
  12. Hi - I created a character and need to set up some pose sliders for eye lids shutting, turning left & right, etc. Should I set these up using CP's or put small bones for the eyelids, eyes, etc? What is the proper way? Thanks - Eric
  13. Ah, thank you David for your reply
  14. Hi - I creted two facial pose sliders for a character - "New - Pose - Percentage". The pose sliders are listed under "Properties', but not Pose Sliders. And when I slide it from "0" to "100" is doesn't do anything unless I right click on it and click "edit relationship" and then slide it. Please let me know what I did wrong. Thanks, Eric
  15. Nevermind, figured it out - I was in skeletal mode, not muscle mode.
  16. I am trying to make a pose slider - I go to "new" - "pose" - "percentage" - that works fine it pulls up the model in the main screen, but none of the control points are active on the model - to create the pose. Not sure what I am doing wrong, and suggestions? Thanks - Eric
  17. Too Funny Phatso - just caught that.
  18. Hi - Yes I did mean "normals", thank you. I found it, and put the icon on the front up w/ the others. Several of the normals needed to be flipped. Thanks again - Eric
  19. Hi Noober - after a couple of years, I am just getting back into this program and running through the tutorial manual again. I needed to model some eyeballs and posted and someone nicely sent me here http://www.colins-loft.net/new_coop_tutorial/tutorials.html Tutorials are a great and pretty much only way to learn this program - anything you create to help others learn will definately be greatly appreciated. So count me in, I'll use your tutorials. I would post and try to get as many links as you can to current tutorials, so you don't recreate any tuturials already out there. Thanks - Eric
  20. Also, Jon - how do you tell if your faced are outward-facing? Don't remember that in the tutorial book lessons.
  21. Tralfaz - that was it - I was playing around trying to give the body of the model a nice glossy finish and I had the reflections of the body set at 100%, and had forgotten about it - thank you for the answer. Apparently not the way to give the body a nice glossy finish look - what is the way to do that while I am talking about it? It currenlty has a matt finish look to it. Thank you eveyone else for your quick responses. -Eric
  22. Hey Scott - no it happens in different areas at different angles - very odd. I restarted the program and computer and still have the same problem - here is a pic of the wireframe - pretty simple, don't think I am doing anything wrong. Thanks - Eric
  23. Hi - I am playing around creating an animated fan character and I am getting these weird distortions when I render the image in different areas of the model - Here is a pic of the back of the fan - I have the distortion circled. Thanks
  24. Ah perfect - thank you Jesse.
  25. Hi Again - I have an object grouped and gave it a name and colored it red. I wanted to change a color of the portion of it to black, so I grouped that portion and gave it a seperate name - I tried to change the color of that to black - it is showing as black in the properties box but the model is still red- can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
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