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Posts posted by Animus

  1. Hello!


    Here is my first try at 1_03_33 take2. I did not touch the lipsync yet but I think the mouth moves too much in a few words. I have a hard time figuring out all the eyes controls(eye target, master eye target, wich one?why?, when?) and everytime I use eyeblink pose on Woot, eyes shut period. I will have to experiment I guess. Comments welcome.





  2. Hi Martin,


    It looks good, he has lots of "atttude", the frowning works well. The rotation in the belly is a liitle fast in my opinion. It would be nice if the camera could take more of his body, showing the hands on the hips.



  3. Thank you all for the feedback!


    Nancy, you are right, it needs more body and leg reaction when he catches back the axe, I had put some but I guess it was too subtle, I tried to put more obvious here.


    John, I tried placing a little hesitation hop before you mentioned, it would give much more realism, but I could not achieve it right, and didn't have enough frames to fit it in.


    Well, I guess my problems with the police are not over yet, I tried having a bigger and faster push with the foot, and ajust the speed of the axe, it either goes too fast or looks like it's taking the elevator to some outerspace station. Blame it on girls ;)


    David, you are right about balance, I worked hours on this and overlooked that basic rule. I pushed the hips over the standing foot and I think it looks much better.




    I have to switch to another scene, look at something else with a fresh eye.




  4. Hi Dhar and Nancy


    I like the idea of a ballet move, it sure is much harder to achieve than having woodchopper just

    walking towards Nimmee, but those challenges are fun and worthed spending more time than in some

    easier scene. I am not an expert in jumps and even less in ballet, so take my observations for what it's

    worth. David already made the point that it needs more arcs. I think Woodchopper rotates a little too much

    after the first jump. Maybe the feet should hit the ground and then continue the rotation in the hips to

    counterbalance the shock on the ground. The hands of Woodchopper look a littlebit odd at 90 degrees

    towards him after the first jump, but maybe it's part of the ballet choreography. Maybe extend the arms

    more in a flying position on the second jump.

    Nimmee looks really good, but I would prefer some more delay between Woodchopper move and hers.

    And that's just my preference, I like more holds between poses in general. It is your choice in the end though.



  5. Hi!


    IK FK switching works very good on Tinman, I tried it many times so far (by the way George you are

    in IK when you work with the null). So let's say you're working FK on frame 100, you go to frame 120,

    modify your pose at frame 120, still working Fk but you want to switch to IK from there. So you switch

    to IK, so far there should not be any popping because everything in the arm is keyed in both IK and FK,

    you then decide to tweak the IK null at frame 120, now you get popping because all your FK bones are not going towards your new position. Now that is where that new rig is so great, there is a very easy solution.

    At frame 120 switch back to FK and that will reposition all your FK branch to that position, switch back to IK

    again, and no more pop. Of course you want to make sure you don't have a keyframe at frame 119 that

    would chop your motion. Hope that helps.



  6. Hi Ken!


    I liike what you are doing so far, it is a long scene and you give good

    emotions to Tinman. I think the beginning of the scene with Tinman leaving

    his arms on the rail and not moving right from the first frame (like we almost

    all do) brings the viewer to what he has to say. I agree the timing is not quite

    acurate when he takes his crown off. Good facial emotion.



  7. Just a note about something I just tried and could be useful to other animators.

    I have been assigned to finish a scene with Tinman juggling with the axe, and after

    watching act01_sc03mov (I cannot find anymore the page where I dowloaded those

    very useful clips), I found I really liked Tinman's pose done in the following scene(1_03_13 by

    Dee Jay I think), so for continuity and well... why redo what was done well? I wanted to use

    this pose for my last keyframe. So you can just export that choreography action to a action

    file, open that file in your project and copy and paste the frame you want where you want

    without adding a new action in the cho. It works even if you switch beetween IK FK. Maybe it

    is already obvious to many already, I tought it could be useful for continuity issues.



  8. Hi Jim!


    Looks good! I think it needs a couple holds especially on the right arm, which I think is a little bit too

    uniform in speed. The whole body could be more converging to clear poses including the left arm.

    Just suggestions.


    I am working myself with Tinman on the throne, and find it challenging. Thera are already many interpretations of our hero.


    Keep having fun.



  9. Thanks Ken!


    You're right, it does need overlapping on both arms, and that gives me a good starting

    point for the next step, since I have another week to refine it.

    I tought Woot's lean forward was too subtle and nobody would even notice it, I will emphasise that.


    I like your new avatar.



  10. Hi Dhar!


    Looks good. That's a challenging shot. One thing in my opinion is that the bending knees

    is coming too early. If you put more rotation in the hips and bend the knees after the impact,

    it would look stronger. My impression.



  11. I think I don't know how to switch from IK to FK in the correct way.


    I haven't looked at the Choreography, Yves, but, if you make the switch from IK to FK (or the other way around) and then move the arm in the same frame as the switch, it will jump to the new position in that single frame. The switch is an instant change and the controls won't work across it, it's a hand-off from one set of controls to the other.


    Hope that helps.


    I found that if you move the arm on the same frame you switched IK FK,

    turn off and on again on that frame it "updates your position", and no more pops.

    Beautiful rig David!



  12. Thank you for the precisions Martin and Nancy!


    I actually don't have the option of saving my action on my harddrive in the action window,

    I wonder if it creates a new act. file when you commit the project.

    Still working on it and having fun.



  13. Hi!


    This is a first blocking pass. I am trying to go pose to pose,

    and next I will offset to get a more natural and less simultaneous look.

    I tried some lipsync in the action window, but can't save the action,

    do I have to save the project? I tought we were supposed to save the cho

    and the action, but not the project.

    There is still a few hours of work to put in.


    Comments welcome!




  14. Thanks Jim!


    You're right about the look that is lost, I too tought that this was going a bit fast.

    It wasn't there in the first take when I started take2, and I wished there would have

    been some pause in the actor's voice to have some hold.



  15. [attachmentid=22403]




    This my first pass with tinman. It is a second take shot. I still have a few hours today,

    so crits welcome. I have to say I started learning abo this rig just yesterday, and bravo to the riggers.

    I love seamless IK FK switching,




  16. Thank you Jim!


    That is exactly what I needed to know. I wasn't clear on my third question though. I meant if I save the project today, on my computer, and tomorrow I look at it and, well...I feel it was better before I even touched it. Can I close the project and and reload only this ptoject from the TWO site, overwriting what I

    have on my computer without creating conflicts?


    I just read your answer Martin. That's clear, thank you!



  17. Hi!


    I got my first assignment this week, and have a couple questions regarding the way I should handle

    the files.

    First: I got assigned a second pass shot, and since it is my very first time exploring this rig, and I am not

    very experienced with facial expressions nor lipsync, I don't feel too comfortable overwriting the cho I have been assigned yet. So what would be the procedure? Saving a new cho, and overwriting only after the approval of the director(Rhett or Martin?), or just go ahead, overwrite and hope my changes will really

    improve the shot (what has been done by the first animator is incomplete but well done).

    Second: who decides when it is ready to upload on SVN? The director or myself?

    Third: Can you just reload the project file, if you feel you have not started right?(not the case yet but i haven't saved for a couple hours, wondering).

    Fourth; I was due yesterday but will be late, since I got more time on weekend.


    Maybe some of the answers should be obvious to you, but there are quite a few new things to learn

    the first time you jump in that big beautiful TWO project(SVN, new characters, new rig, new face controls).

    I am really enjoying learning all this though. I love animating but dumb sometimes with computers.



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