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Posts posted by Animus

  1. Hi Paul,


    I think like you that in that particular case, the animator should be given a sentence or an action to animate rather than a camera shot. Has the preceding shot been assigned yet? If not, I guess something could be arranged. The shot should match more the drawing, the camera is way too low the way it is layed out in what you got for a start.

    Your animation looks good, the lateral move of the head in the beginning is too fast I think, I like your animating for the eyes, and in my opinion the mouth going very narrow when he says"pardon" does not work well for a jaw made of tin.



  2. Hi,

    TIN WOODMAN shoots him a dark look, then composes himself.


    Yes, well, I… hmm. How long have you

    been… living in this cupboard


    A first pass with a keyframe every 12 frames in the cho, and some facial animation,comments are helpfull.




  3. Hi Ethan,


    I really like their sudden reaction, it is quick and believable. Small things: KK knees pop as mentioned before, I think because the hips go to far forward, he looks unbalanced. And Scarecrow's eyes should stay focused on KK after the backstep, right now he looks like he loses interest right away. Maybe Scarecrow's reaction could be delayed a few frames since he was looking somewhere else just before. I like the idea of Woot being curious and looking on the table.

    Very nice animating.



  4. Thank you Dhar,

    I think you are right, I should use one camera when assigned one shot, sticking more to the script. I used a camera pan that was already in the project this time.

    This one is simpler and shorter.


    I am not very experimented at it, but playing with the camera is fun.



  5. Hi!


    This is my first assignment at establishing a shot. I am not quite sure exactly how far I should go or if what I have done so far is right. Very little animating, I threw the walkcycles I found on SVN on each character . Let me know if I am on the right track.




  6. Hi Paula,


    Very nice poses, I especially like when Tinman falls back to his chair. I think the pose when he bends down with his arms open around frame 210 is maybe too much in a short period of time, holding the previous pose longer would make him look like he is digging in his memories. Now you have to work on offsets to get to your poses less simultaniously, I would say. Again very good posing.



  7. Thank you for your comments!


    True that the hands felt too stiff and everything seemed to stop at the middle pose. I added a "no" movement with the right hand as Nancy suggested, I don't know if I have done it right, but it does make him more alive. I pushed him further back to accentuate the "no" pose.




  8. Hi David


    That's coming along really well. Every orther scene you will be assigned after that will seem too easy after that tough one.


    A few observations;

    Scarecrow's second jump and landing work perfectly, body recovery is nice and fluid. The first jump still breaks the tempo though.

    Maybe Scarecrow's right elbow is too high around frames 20 to 35 and forearm could unfold a little so the hand does not come so close to the face.

    The antics on Scarecrow read well for me, I think the rolling between Tinman's legs was a fun challenge, but I prefer the choice you made.

    In my opinion Tinman should stand almost still for a few frames in the very beginning, it would read more as a reaction than complementary moves like in a dance.

    His hands have a strange position in the last frames. By the way, am I the only one who feels Tinman's arms are way too long?

    I understand you are still working on Tinman's feet, so maybe that's not relevant, but right now his shoes feel heavy.

    Looking forward for more.



  9. Hi David,

    I think your antics look really good, balanced and fluid. Everything looks right watching it frame by frame, except it looks to me one frame too long in the air.

    My feeling is that it would look even better if everything was done faster in less frames.



  10. Hi all you twisted minds ;)


    Actually I could not figure out what was wrong with the final pose until Steve noted the initial pose was ...strange. I will make it less disturbing.

    Steve, I like your animation; a few comments (I'm hijacking my own thread), the push works really well and I like the left hand poking twice at Scarecrow's back.

    Maybe Scarecrow looks a little too comfortable in Tinman's arms for somebody with backache in the beginning. You have taken the script further to where I started it, but I would like to try it from your last frame if you commit your scene.



  11. Hi Nancy,


    That looks pretty good. Nimmee is alive and believable, the swing sideways with the head and body when she says "even swethearts" with the rolling eyes is so goodl. I too think the eyes move too much in the beginning, I think you need more holds there. Although the left hand looks well animated at the end, in my opinion, it makes her look professoral, and I would prefer just animating the shoulders without raising hand. And your lipsync works. plus a very nice mouth move in the beginning.

    My 2cents.



  12. Hi David,


    It's coming along very good! I like Scarecrow's anticipation and swing, (although it could be faster I think), I would prefer a hold when he reaches Tinman with his right hand instead of pulling back right away,and maybe delay the start of Tinman's reaction a few frames. But that's just my opinion, you get last vote. I think Woot's push looks very believable.


    I have been assigned 2_06_25, it's a short scene like this one, Scarecrow is saying "Is that so?", but Woot is not in my scene, I wonder if it's important right now. I use pretty much the same camera, so I will try to be somewhat consistent with your scene.



  13. Hi Dhar,


    That is really very nice and fluid. Two small things,(after watching many times), Chopper's feet are sliding on the last turn, and his left elbow looks akward when he holds Nimmie's hand. Nimmee is very graciously dancing, great work.



  14. Hi!


    Here is an update. no major changes just tweaks in the curve editor, and added a blink.

    One question. I redid all head motion because I must have saved without noticing the head wasn't animated anymore. I found later that I had slided the 'head_manual_control under eye target in the project workspace.

    All the keys where there but I could not bring them back under the bones folder. Anybody knows a fix when this happens?



    Back to Tinman now.




  15. For the "Blink" pose, there are keys being set for the eyelid bones that shouldn't be there. If you delete the references to the eyelid bones in your Action or Choreography, the pose will work correctly. Hopefully, that's an acceptable workaround for you.


    The standard eye targets are controlled by the eye controller that is above the character's head, but they can also be moved individually or together when unhidden. Those controls move when the head moves. If you want the eyes to move independent of the head, unhide the master eye target and set the pose to 100% for the eyes to follow that. The master eye target is outside of the rest of the rig, so, it will stay where you place it instead of moving with the head


    Thank you David, it's clear now. It can be very useful to have both options for the eyes.

    Thank you Nancy.



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