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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Animus

  1. Hi Shelton,

    one small thing that would change his attitude would be to have his head

    pointing straight ahead, not rotating left to right. Think of a tough guy

    coming at you, his head and eyes keep straight.

    And maybe not tilting the foot so much. We don't see under the shoe

    of people we cross.

    Walk cycles...



  2. that's a charming piece! Great idea for a short.



    You should have done that as a segment for "BUS STOP".


    Thank you Robert! I did that piece 3 years ago, made some minor changes,

    but only the soundtrack is new. I wasn't doing any animating at the time "BUS STOP" was done.

    I didn't have any AM subscription for awhile.



    Yeah- bus stop... it may not be too late! just switch-out the background!


    It reminds me of a cartoon I saw once that is the story of my life... an old man and woman sitting in a mall on a bench. The woman is reading a book, the man is idley people-watching... a pair of young boys walk by- he watches them... an old woman in a walker... he watches her... a mother pushing a stroller. All the while his wife is just reading. Then- a hot store clerk in a mini dress and heels struts by... he watches her- but the old lady looks up- sees him looking and SLUGS him angrily.


    Yes, everybody who watches the clip seems to have some related story of his own, either from the left or right side of the bench.

    And we could switch the guy for the girl, it would be the same.


    Richard(soundtrack) did some little compression changes since I posted,

    here's the final version.



    I used compression tips from 11second club, under 3mgs for 30 seconds clip and soundtrack is fine.



  3. I like this version much better. These cuts give good rythm to the clip.

    You could maybe bring the volume of the song more slowly.

    It actually makes up for an entertaining trailer for TWO and SO.

    The big difference I see from we normally expect from a reel is that

    all the animation is done with the same type of characters, you want to

    show skill and also versatility. Maybe eventually spend some time animating

    more basic characters like Thom or Shaggy or any simple object.

    That would make cuts even more interesting.



  4. I had a nice 3.35, closer to "Poor" than "Needs a lot more work".

    It was no big surprise for me: the night I voted after not watching my clip

    for a few days, I realized when viewing it amongst others that it didn't work.

    (Still, after watching some of the clips rating better, Ouuchh!)

    I watched your entries in the club, you finished in the top 20 once,

    and it's a very good clip! Just to say it's still worth to work on your own short,

    A good idea, an interesting story, a personal touch are what you need.

    The Simpsons wouldn't win 11second club.


    Trying to cheer myself up as well,

    And yes this forum is very kind, gentle...





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