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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. Thank you. Does anybody know how to delete attachments again. Somehow the quicktime in my second post is not moving and I would like to get rid of it again......
  2. Hi Nino, Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi all, Did some more testing on my working-pipeline with my cartoony cokebottle Vette. 15h on PC ,1024x576 - 200 frames about 8 minutes each frame rendertime, 5 passes, shadows, reflections (ground 4%), matcap shader on the Vettes body, chrome mat on chrome parts, apple matcap on interior parts, fake rimlight mat on the whole model, threepointlighting of defaultchor, keylight 55% and Gloabl Ambiance type Global color white at 30 %. the model is "waterproofed" (thick doublesided bodyparts) because I inserted volumetric lights in it. One major drawback: Cant see the posesliders effects in realtime while I set the keyframes, though they are there when I restart AM. But cant really animate like this "blindfolded". Hope this is due to some thing with 15 h still..... Second what buffles me, seems that, when I put the volumetric lights to "ON" in the poseslider, it cuts the rendertimes to half! It should be the other way round, right. Any crits and advises welcome. CorvetteH.mov
  4. jakerupert

    face rig

    Finally could see it, looking very good. A pity I am still struggeling with bodyrigging, but some day I will get there. As far as I understand it, could your facerig be combined with TSM2 and also with muscleposes?
  5. jakerupert

    face rig

    It seems to me, that your work and help is really much more apreciated here on the forum then you are thinking. Its just that most of us are not that far into some more diffucult topics like for instance rigging like you, so it takes some time for us to catch up. So please be patient with us...
  6. >First your model needs to be "mirror split" That is, Copy/flip/attached. And that's the hard part. After that it's just a matter of posing, copying the pose, making the new pose, and pasting MIRRORED. oh yeah, make sure you are in the respective modes when copying and pasting. (If copying bone poses, be in bones mode when you copy AND paste and the same if copying muscle poses) I was a bit confused, because of the percentages in the pose just being the keyframes and not to have them select manually...
  7. I a taking a new run on this: Lets´say I have down some muscle smile for the right half of my model in a pose. How would I go about creating a new pose mirroring the musclepose to the left side? Probably asked this before, but since I never get mirroring muscle poses in a symetrical model to work, maybe I need some more explanation. Any help anybody?
  8. Hey , you got quite far already! I would stop the right hands movement a bit right before the wave. Also the left hand cuts through her breast on its way up. You use the 2008 rig on that girl, right? How did you do the lighting , with global illumination?
  9. jakerupert


    upload it as zip file
  10. >Hit the asterisk key on the numpad to expand the tree of bones that are children of the selected bone...if you select the "Bones" folder and hit it, it will expand the trees of all bones in the model. though according to Mark..... >Select the body bone to use the mirrorbones plugin, on a TSM2 rigged model. It doesn't matter that the body bone doesn't and shouldn't have any cps assigned to it. Thank you both for your help!
  11. Jipiee, I made it my first selfrigged chara with TSM2 fanbones and cogjoints ( no cp weights, no smartskin so far ) I am quite happy how it performs, even more happy that I have a workflow established now, that I can handle. (See Carolines TSM2 thread ) SantaTest281009.mov
  12. >Select the bones instead of the geometry. Thanks a lot itsjustme. Seems I didn`t understand the instructions correctly. By the way: Is there an easy way to extend the pws bones tree completly instead of just opening each subsection manually? Now that I have my workflow finally completed, I am pretty optimistic to show something animated in that "new challenge" Thread soon. Thanks again!
  13. Yes I even use a tolerance of 0.05 but keep geting an error message. I uploaded my model here, so maybe you can try it on your computer to detect what I am doing wrong here. That would be very helpfull. Thank you. SantaClausTSM_2Test_221009.mdl
  14. Hi Jason, Guess we are kind of stuck here, since Caroline has abandoned the forum long time ago. Anyway, I will try to clarify my workflow and have one question left myself. beforehand: The right side of the model is on the left, when you look at it from the frontview ( Little confusing) So what I do, have my chara, run TSM rigger adopt the rig to my mesh and asign cps, create fan bones and cog joints, asign cps and create an on/off pose in which I create the fanbones constraints. then I save under a new name step2.mdl or something to keep my original model untoutched run TSM flipper HERE I would like to be able to flip cp asignments also to the left side! ( When I tried the mirror bones plugin just for the mesh I get a warning: " no cp weights detected " , so this doesn`t work ) Next I run TSM rigger save again and test the meshbehavior in an action. If bad meshbehavior, I correct things in my version step1.mdl and rerun the whole process. if o.k. then, I mirror the constraints ( of my fanbones ) and am done. (Then I would create another ON/OFF pose and hide all the fanbones, so that they wonnt get in my way during animating.) BUT STILL NO CP ASIGNMENT FOR MY LEFT HALF. Any help anybody? Robcat, Mark, John Bigboote, It`s just me? PLease any help on that part would be highly apreciated?
  15. >Actually that was the original plan, but Steffen Gross has a flipping plugin that will flip CP assignments. Cant seem to find it. Or do you mean the mirror bone plug-in? That does the TSM flipper already. Geting a bit confused now.... ANybody knows how to flip just asignments of cps (no weighting)?
  16. Hi Nino, Excellent modeling! How do you plan to rig him?
  17. >Actually that was the original plan, but Steffen Gross has a flipping plugin that will flip CP assignments. Cant seem to find it. Or do you mean the mirror bone plug-in? That does the TSM flipper already. Geting a bit confused now....
  18. Hi Nino, great, I am looking forward to your animation... I am making some progress in rigging my Santa with TSM2 , but ... I have a probably silliely simple to answer question. I have the right half of TSM2 rig ready with proberlyassigned bones, then I am doing the flipp but how the hell do I flipp the bones asignments then as well? Can`t possibly be, that I would have to do the left side by hand again, right? What am I overlooking here? Any help somebody please?
  19. Hi Nino, Somewhere in your pictures I saw a very nice Santa Claus and so I was wondering, if this model was also done by you? These vinyl signs are for shops advertising I suppose? Do you have an example?
  20. I don`t think z-brush can do this...
  21. I exported 1 poly per patch and since the original patch mesh was absolutly symetrical I would expect the resulting obj polymesh also to be symetrical, right? I don`t know nothing about polymodeling, so am not capable of doing any correctings later. My intention was, to get a clean polymesh on which I could paint on some displacements later with another app.
  22. I tried to export a clean obj polygonmesh from an absolut symetrical patch model (A) and get strange ireggularities especially in the fivepointpatches. (see shoulders picture As the model is symetrical I would it expect to export with at least symetrical iregularities as well. How come and could this be avoided somehow?
  23. Euler is the answer. wheelturn.zip
  24. Hi Nino, Anything new from you? Is that Santa model from you?
  25. Very nice model only thing, don`t you think that the SSS looks a bit like wax?
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