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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Frank Silas

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by Frank Silas

  1. Dhar, well done!! I truly enjoyed watching that. Very very cool. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  2. Satyajit, keep doing your thing man! I watched the animation wip. It is going to be fantastic when it's done. Kudos! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  3. Cute character. Nicely animated. Very charming. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  4. Hi Noah, Kudos on your Bubble Gum Crisis film!!! I'm sure your next project is also going to be amazing! Go get'em kid!!! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  5. Stain you ROCK!!! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  6. Alright here's a screenshot of Beauty and the Brute before the clothes. Frank Silas
  7. Added the changes for more torso detail. Tweaked his body some more. I think I'm finally ready to do clothes for both Beauty and the Brute. I'll post progress for that also. I think the clothes may actually be harder than the body modelling, with the exception of the modelling the heads. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  8. Mike, thanks! MMZ_TimeLord, I'll add that tonight. Thank for all the crits and input. Jon, you are right! I'll fix that. I started using some reference of Arnold Schwarzenegger and your nipple width discription matches what I'm looking at. Thanks. :-) Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  9. Very cool Dimos! :-) Frank Silas
  10. Still adding muscle and underlaying bone detail to torso. Getting ready to add rib cage detail. Frank Silas
  11. MMZ_TimeLord, got some reference. Made the changes you suggested. I think I need some rib cage area detail now. Zaryin, yep collar bones were comming. I still need to add more muscle detail. Any comments or crits are welcome and needed. Thanks guys here's the latest screenshot, Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  12. MMZ_TimeLord, I agree with all your assessments in that last post. Here's the quarter view you requested. Thanks for the feedback. I need to use some reference. Paul Forwood, Hi Paul...no it's not a parody on Beauty and the Beast, except maybe the title. I don't want to give away too much as to what the setup is until I post the environment that they are in to this thread, but I will say that they are Pirates! Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  13. And here's that shot of the girl with long hair in wire frame. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  14. Spent some time on Brute. I need to really give him muscle definition above the waist since he's not going to be wearing a shirt. Needs more work. Any comments or crits welcome. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  15. Hi Zaryin, thanks! I'm sure you can. I'll post some wire frames of it if that helps. I'll work on the breast area a bit too. Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback. Frank Silas
  16. Thanks Dhar, I'll work on smoothing that out. :-) Frank Silas
  17. Front shots of long hair. Now it's on to making her clothes. Any comments or crits welcome. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  18. Almost done with the long hair. Finishing it from front view at this very moment. I'll post that view in a few minutes. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  19. Zaryin, I'm placing guide splines then modelling the hair into the guidespline volume of space. I can get the exact hairstyle I want that way. Dhar, I plan to fully rig it, but then make most of the movement automated. Kind of like the dynamics on the squetchy rig, but leaving me the ability to keyframe whatever I want. I've always wanted to model and animate a girl with long hair. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  20. I decided to do her hair before doing the clothes. This is a shot of the start of that process as well as a shot of the wire frame for her face. I'm still tweaking her so any comments and crits are welcome. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  21. Lovin' it Zaryin! What material are you using on her skin in the first image you posted? Looks very cool. Love those boots too. Frank Silas
  22. Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it. That's why it's in the WIP section. That parts been annoying me too Dhar. Frank Silas
  23. Modern Horse, You're right...I just hate that T-Pose so much that I didn't do it this time. I took care when modelling the shoulder and underarm area to put in enough splinage so that it should be fine. We'll see. Luckbat, thanks I'll tone it down a bit. ;-) Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  24. Here's my progress so far on the girl. I need to spend a bit more time on her so that her muscle structure is more defined. Here's what I have so far. Any comments and crits are welcome. (oh, and she's technically not nude...i did not model any detail in the unmentionable areas...) This is right before the hair and clothes go on.. Frank Silas http://www.franksilas.com
  25. Thanks Chris! I'm making clothes for them at the moment. Frank Silas
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