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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by JavierP

  1. Hi guys, Just wanted to share a render of a little test I was working on. It started out as an attempt at a glass of coke, but turned out more like a glass of dark beer . No secrets, just native materials . Javier
  2. That's a good observation,but that's the finess part of the animation that I mentioned. I also plan to add, engine shuddder and some flowing action to the plasma flame. I just didn't have the time to add it to the test anim. Javier
  3. Ok, here's the animation test (with a camera pan ), as well as a pic of what the rocket looks like from the other side. It lacks little finess, but it is only a test after all . and the animation can be found here. Javier
  4. Seriously, Ed, that looks like it works too well! How is that set up? Are you importing the mocap data that you made or is that some kind of stock motion. Javier
  5. Hey Jim, He's really lookin' good. Definitely turning into a great character. Javier
  6. I designed it to perform well for the intended task in my project. It would be nice to be able to concieve of every single eventuality and make something to please the whims of everyone, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Javier
  7. I am not a fan of gratuitous camera pan/tracking Besides, the planes don't hold up well to the movements when the camera is exactly perpendicular to them. They interpenetrate for one frame and a popping effect is visible. I think that an exotic rig cold prevent that but that is my weakest skill in AM, so I haven't really made a serious effort to explore that. However, except for the planes everyting holds up well. Maybe I could do a fly-by of the front only...... Javier
  8. Thanks guys, Here is a wire frame shot of the image. I think it pretty much reveals the trick. natess44, you're right, I don't have sprites, but my technique behaves like a sprite emitter. They are flat patches arranged in a row and, with the help of constraints, they face the camera automatically and can travel along a path. The only difference is animation is a bit more difficult. Also, I dont know if you can apply an animated procedural to a sprite emitter; can you? Well that's pretty much it. I will post an animation later, if anyone wants to see it. Javier
  9. Hi Mike, Is the same model you were working on a while ago on the list (ie when it was just a head)? It is looking good. Perhaps you might need to add some more resolution to the model in a few areas, so that it doesn't look so "spliney". Or you could use porcelain, as others have suggested. Keep up the great work. Javier
  10. Paul: Thanks. There is no real secret to the technique. It's just a simple model with some procedurals applied. I'll post a wireframe shortly, and a little explanation as to how it was done. Jim: Thanks. I think its a few seconds to render at 800x600. I don't have the animation yet, but I'm workin' on it. It was made for animation, so I expect it to respond well. OdinsEye2k: Thanks. Like I said, no secrets, just a little basic splinemanship I'm not entering the animation contest, so I can give you one of my edges, just make sure you keep it sharp Also, thats not a diffuser/fan it's an "ion intake apperature" .......yeah... that's what it is... Javier
  11. Hi Guys, This is a little test I have been working on for an upcoming project. I decided to post it because it seemed like one of those "can AM do blah blah?" kind of effects. So, I guess what I'm saying is 'AM can do plasma rockets too Oh yeah, and its all procedural as well. Javier
  12. I always thought about using a boolean iris. How does that work in an animation situation? Javier
  13. Hi David, That is some nice smooth modeling. Great character! What is he; a samurai squash? How 'bout a wireframe? Javier
  14. Hi Joseph, Your model is really looking great! The only crit I have is, as others have mentioned, that the spline pattern around the face may not deform well when you create expressions. I made a little bear as well, here is a screenshot of the wire frame, maybe it could give you some ideas. Here is also a shot of how it deforms. His mouth can open even wider for more extreme poses. Hope this helps, and keep up the good work. Javier
  15. Your work is coming along nicely. It looks as if you activated the glow property on your previous eye model. That might be why you weren't getting the results you wanted. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon. You've already progressed a lot already. Javier
  16. Thanks guys. As to what he is; he is a sort of creature that is so repulsive that he has to cover himself almost completely, in a body suit and a dimwitted personality. In fact the only parts of him that are at all presentable are his ears. Which is why they are so prominently on display. I haven't quite decided on a name yet though. Javier
  17. Uhhhh.......Ok. Is that some kind of Hailku? Here's a wireframe for anybody who's interested. He's got feet now. Javier
  18. Hi Jim, That's a smashing good job,ol' top Great model, he really has a lot of character. Don't forget his brandy snifter. Javier
  19. They're talking about this: http://www.hash.com/imagecontest/Oct02/44.jpg The model in this thread is not supposed to be a bear. Javier
  20. Hi Pengy, You have a nice start there. I think that the patch doesn't accept the mat because you rebuilt the patch and so it is no longer in the same group the mat is applied to. Keep up the good work. Javier
  21. I guess you're trying to make a truck right, or at least some kind of vehicle? The first thing I would say is model the vehicle the same way they are build in real life, i.e. in separate parts. Make the hood, front fender, door, roof, etc. all as separate pieces. This makes the model look model more "real" and it avoids the wierd connection problems that you are having, as well as makes it easier to make things smooth. Hope this helps. Javier
  22. Update: Here is a new shot of him so far. I finally got some free time to work on him. Arms and feet are the next in line; then... texturing and rigging ( although not necessarily in that order). Javier
  23. JavierP

    The view

    Hi iocane, Why is the sky reflective to begin with?
  24. Thanks guys. It is a bear. Someone else called it a pig before too Javier
  25. Hi Kole00, I think that some of your problems have arisen because, as you stated earlier, you didn't have any concepts or anything. I think it is always wise to make a plan whenever you create a model of any kind. This is because you are always faced with 3 problems when modelling; Design, Form, and Surfacing. If you can work some or all of these out beforehand it makes modelling fun instead of frustrating ( and you won't have to redo a model from scratch). If you just rush into a job, wrangling these three problems all at once is a daunting task. I hope this helps. Javier
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