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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Heiner

  1. Thats the question i ask myself, because i want to do something using liquids, and i hope that i dont have to go along the old try'n'error road.




    There u go: What parameter will i have to crank if i want to have a contious flow of liquid and not only droplets? Or has that something to do with the general size used in the scene?

  2. Hi there,

    i am back on AM and doing my teddy bear character Livingstone, and its proceeding fine so far. But now i am once again on the point. where i have to set up smart skins in areas like shoulders, ellbows, knees and so on. The smart skins i made in the past worked, kind of, erm ... not especially well. Now i want to do it right and make my "ultimate" character, and therefore i also want to have the smartskin as good as possible.

    Therefore the following questions:


    When a joint can bend and/or twist in different directions, should i define the smart skin for every angle in a seperate smartskin, or all at once in one smartskin?


    When i have a joint, which bends 120 degrees, should i define the smartskin first for the keyframe at 90 degrees and the one for 120 degrees or would it be the best, to make smartskin keyframes at 20. 40. 60, 90, 110 and 120 degrees?


    Is there a good smartskin tutorial, which covers the use of smartskin on joints, maybe even in relation with TSM2?


    Thanks for helping me on this, this is still one of blank spots on my mental map of AM knowledge.



  3. Hi there,


    i would like to ask a favour of the comunity: I am desperateley looking for a guy in an business suit. I vagueley remember that there was one on a website or on a CD for download and for free non comercial use. Can someone point me in the right direction, or may be share the modell with me, if there is no source to download?

    Thanks for helping me on this guys



  4. After some time, which i had to spend on other projects, it was time to come back to Pingi & Livingstone. Here is a major update on the anatomy of Livingstone, which now is much more like in the illustration. I also did the UV mapping allready and put some proxy decals on him.







  5. If there is such a thing, like a positve charged "Pandoras Box", filled with good things, then its Animation Master:

    You start off quickly and have some simple stuff there in no time, which gives you a really high motivation to go on.

    Then, while you dig deeper into the program, your projects get more ambitious and complex, and Animation Master

    never lets you down. Armed with your own creativity, the backup of a great comunity and the features of an outstandig

    piece of software not even the sky is the limit for your visual imagination!



    Sounds a bit like marketing stuff, and its intended to be that. But other than the marketing buzz for quite a lot of other products,

    after writing this, it gives me the feeling of beeing honest and humble ...



  6. Whoooa ... what was that?

    I followed the instructions with the posable rigg and made all suggested steps in an action ...

    .. a bit confusing till i got that right (thanks mtpeak2 thanks Dhar), but then, when i had that sorted out and was doing IT, it was the most ***ing, outstanding, ecellent friggin rigging thing i ever did.

    I always thought the TSM2 is cool, but copared to that it just ... a plugin (a good one none the less).

    Guys, everybody who was involved making this rigg come true ... THANK YOU SO MUCH!


    The last thing i am now missing is a guide, how to assign the CPs

    (erm, not how, but which ones to which bone ...)

    Once again


    and thank you Hash for Animation Master ... every once in a while working with this software feels like a relevation.



  7. Doh ... now you completley confused me ...

    Ok, what i am using is called:




    Now as you say it, i recognize the "posable" in the name. But in the video, the rigging takes place in the modelling window (i am pretty sure of that).- So, is there another versionsion of the rigg?

    Can i use this one and just do the setup in an action window?

    A bit confused ...



  8. Hi there,

    currently i am trying to get the squetch rigg implemented into my Livingstone Charakter. While doing that, i rely heavily on the cool tutorial videos. But, i came to a point, where my rigg (08_10_2007 rigg) behaves differently as it does in the video. I am currently positioning the right_tigh_INSTALL bone, and in the video, the right_calf_INSTALL bone seems to be connected and scale along with the thigh bone. While i am doing that in real life, it is not scaling along with the tigh.

    Am i missing here something?

    Thanks for hgelping me on this



    Sorry, i forgot to mention i am using V 13.0 t

  9. Hi there,

    just to show something new out of my workshop: Pingi and Livingstone.

    Based on a concept of a friend of mine, i started to develop this character. I started with the one of the two, which i consider to be more complicated: Livingstone. Citic and comments are apprechiated, as usual.

    Cheers Heiner




  10. I dont think, that this will show up in the US, but you never know what kind of deals the big ones in this business are making, when they are on a trade fair and some beers are allready history.

    And rest assured, i am allready working on some other motives, for bouncy castles without this skeleton. With the Multitower skeleton, i am sure, that they will approach me for other stuff, as soon as this baby is printed, cuted out, assembled, inflated and good looking.

    Right now, they have a 70 000 € toy, which looks rather like some scaffolding (hope thats the right term for the things which workers use on constrution sites), but not like something where you can play on.



  11. After a long and bad time, of no job, no money and almost no perspective, i finaly have a new client, who confronted me with an quite unusual task. This guy is doing "bouncy castles" and he needs someone who designs this stuff and is doing the layouts for the final cutting forms, which are used to assemble that stuff in the end.

    My first job for him was to design some "cosmetics" for an large construction, called "Multi Tower". Its a constuction where kids can play, climb and do some trampolin jumping. When they finished that thing, they found, that it looks like everything else, but not like something to play with. Since the cost of this baby is somewhere around 70 000 €, the clients where affraid, that it might not attract the customes just by itself because of its strange look, which does not suggest something to play with. So, they came up with the idea of an enhancement, which can be inflated, and enhance the play value and the overall appeal of the whole thing. That was the point wher i cam in, because i got the task, to desing and develop that enhancement.

    Now the design stage is over, the customer is quite happy with the enhancement, and will start to do the developement. During the design stage, all work was done with A:M, and i wanted to share the results of my work. From here on, i will have to use a number of other programms, in order to archive the results i need.

    So, thats the whole story, hope you like the "Caribean Adventure Enhancement".




  12. Thats indeed sad news since the AMtex exporter is the only real connection to lots of games engines. But your deceision must be respected. Anyway, i just hope, that you take care, that the project will go on and that you pass it on to someone, who continues the good work. Hash would be the best option ... in my humble opinion.




  13. Hi there,

    i was asking because of the corrupted model of the hooded ghost. I just wanted to know, if someone was able to take a look at it, and maybe fix it. If there is no chance to fix it, i will have ro ressume my work form a quite early stage. therefore ... any news?


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