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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Heiner

  1. Hello,

    here is the next stage of my Rabbit. Hope it is not too scary anymore:-)

    By the way, i am having problems, that some Bias handles are static and i can not manipulate them. Maybe you can help me a bit, by trying if this CP handle is only locked on my machine, or if it is a general phenomenon. Therefore i add the model and a picture, which shows the CP in question.







  2. Wow, wow, wow!!! I knew that AM rocks, but even after working with this software for more than 10 yrs now (since it was called claymation), i learn new stuff all the time.

    Anyway, i really need to check this out by tomorrow (here in germany it is allready late)



  3. Hi there,


    the tunnel i made is based on a cicle with 8 controll points. All deformations of the tunnel shape itself is based on deformations of these cps. Now i started to add some stalagtites and stalagimites, which are seperate from the main modell. But i use the same settings for the material and the spots where the models blend work quite niceley, there are no bad changes in the texture.




  4. Hi there,


    i am also very interested in games design, but i am using quest3d. Anyway, i am looking for a way to use AM to create prerendered lightning. You know, setting up a game enviroment, then creating a scene with Lightning, and then getting the maps which are used on the models out of AM INCLUDING the lightning effects ....

    I know, this functionality is not there yet, but has somebody come up with an "workaround"?



  5. Thanks for the input,

    sorry, there are no animals involved into this animation, because i want it to be as neutral as possible (trying to set up a collection of basic animation footage, which can be used a background fo other stuff).

    Regarding light: I have a light constrained to the camera path, and it is flying quite a bit ahead of the camera. I am also thinking of doing a version, wherein the light has a lensflare, like a photon torpedo.



  6. I know, making a tunnel, and have a camera flying trough is one of the very first ideas almost every AM artist comes up with, in an very early stage ... anyway, i deceided to do something like this, just for fun, again.

    The tunnel is a bit longer and the flyby will have about 1000 frames. The texture is a enhance Darktree (i can highly recomend Darktree and enhance Dartktree), and i used a bloom post effect on the camera. I am quite happy with the rendering.

    What i am thinking about, is to make the athmosphere more submarine like, have the fog a bit stronger and add some solwly drifting particles ... jsut an idea ... what do you think?

    cheers, Heiner


  7. A question for all the AMers out there who are using mmf: Could a adventure game be made with mmf? Would it be easy? If yes, how professional could it be?

    I am looking for features like shrinking charakters which walk into the distance, graphics in the foreground, which cover the characters. Multiple scenes, cutscenes etc.



  8. The next step of evolution. With the side parts i am quite happy for now, also the lower front segment, with the external gun turrets. On the other side of the ship, there will be a second turret "arm" on the other side of the ship as well.

    So far i am happy with the developement of the ship, but i still have no clue at all, what i am going to do with the back of the ship and the thruster section.




  9. Ok,

    here come some concept drawings of my main character, "The Dark Hunter". I also have modeled this figure in A:M quite a while ago, and i will post him, when i found him again. I am working with 3 different computers, and my desk (as well as my computers) are allways a mess :-).

    Let me know what you think of him?



  10. Here is the next step, a cargo hatch on the front end of the ship.

    Bentothemax, you are right, currently, the ship looks a bit like that, but it is developing in my imagination, and after the next two or tree steps, it is going to be a homogenus piece of hardware.

    As you may have allready guessed, it is part of a story, in which it is the mobile main base of my main character, the "Dark Hunter" (i am going to post some drawings of him as well in my next addition of this). Therefore it serves the purpose of a mobile home as well as beeing a laboratory and and armory, and an hideout and, and, and ... It could be described as a mobile bat cave with a living room :-)

    Ok, so much for now guys, thanks for your interest.




  11. Hi,

    Mr Jage, you where right, the solution with the trusters was not very satisfactory. I got rid of them, and try to attach some more organic looking round viewport section like things, and some more tubes.

    I am not sure at the moment, how the edged and jaggy main body of the ship goes along with the round side section. What do you think guys?




  12. Ok,

    since i am also deep into games making, and since i am allways looking for "the holy grail" of making games whithout programming (i tryed it and i can not even programm to save my life) i came acoss a couple of possible solutions, which are not mentioned here till now.


    There is one nice thing coming from the netherlands called Quest3D (www.quest3d.com) which look nice, but is in fact quite confusing when you really use it. It also unfolds its real power only if you can script c++.


    Then there is a prog called "Cosmos Creator" which is also interesting. In the beginning they seemed to be a very customer oriented company and the chapest version of CC was about 99. In the meantime they got aquired by one of these companys, which are doing plugins for 3DS Max and other apps for a hell of a lot of money ... and the first thing they did, was rising the price for about 800%. Aside from the fact, that here also scripting is required to really unleash the true power of the app, this is in my opinion the major backdraw here. By the way ... for scripting they are using a certain Lisp like language. Who is still interested may risk a view under "www.radishworks.com"


    Finaly there is another, very promissing tool coming up, which is called "FPSCreator" which is short for "First Person Shooter Creator". It is done whith the core stuff coming out of Dark Basic, it supports all DX9 Shaders. It is highly dedicated for FPS games, but in this genre ig gives the user quite a lot of freedom of what can be done. They plann to have an "early adoper" version ready this month (january 2005) and the price is announced to be significantly below 100 €, even below 100$ which makes quite a difference these days. Unfortunateley there is not much info on this yet, but what there is you may access under www.fpscreator.com


    In my opinion the FPSCreator is the most promissing programm of the three i mentioned, especialy because there are allready huges plans what is going to be included in the version 1.5. Anyway ... i think i am going to buy it.




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