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Posts posted by Heiner

  1. Hello,


    i am doing a cartoony animation at the moment. I am pretty happy with what i got so far, but there are still some things, which need to be sorted out. For example, i can not get the renderer to give me manga toon shading and shadows ... doh ... and i used square, flat elements, to decal my soundwords on them (since i have no sound, this is a must). But even set to cookie cut map, the give me these nasty edges, which i can not get rid of. No, it is not the picture file, having inconsistencys in the key colour, i doublechecked this!


    How do you like the crude style?



  2. Ok, i connected the mesh, which should be cloth to the rest of the mesh, i ran the simulation only for the lower end of the coat and still it falls to the ground, pulling the connection splines along with it.

    Any more ideas?



  3. i too having troubles deleting hooks, especialiy when working in a shaded view, switch to wireframe display, then you can see the hooked end of the spline beeing highlighted when selected, and you can see better, what you are deleting ...



  4. Hi all,

    thanks for your help. I tryed one thing allready, here is what happend:


    I made a part of my coat a cloth group, another part, shoulders, where not in there: Still the whole coat flew to the ground.


    Regarding the idea solving the problem with dynamic bones: I never used them till now, they are a great feature, but anyway, i want to do this with cloth, because i want to learn about cloth.


    One thing about the Huntress clip: Aside from her ähmm "primary features", i found them wings on her helmet much more impressive.



  5. Hi there,

    i just played around with the cloth wizard, and i wanted to have my character to wear a coat. I wanted to wave this coat in the wind, and all works just fine. But the coat does not stay on my character ... it wave in the wind an falls to the ground ... :-(

    It is all in one model ... ho do i keep the coat on my character?

    Any Idea?



  6. Hi,

    the hair is getting its colour out of an decal. Currently i am quite happy with the hair, but i am sure, there can be done more. The problem is the render time which is getting bigger. 500x500 in full quality with all the bells and whistles now takes about an hour to render :-(




  7. Basicly it is like this:

    You model in AM, put your decals onto your model (empty pictures), then you export your model as OBJ, which is imported into zbrush. In zbrush you assign the image, which you used as decal, as a texture and paint on it. When you save your work (the image, which is used as decal/texture) you just have to go back to AM, update your Decal image, and what you painted onto the model in zbrush is in AM, without reimporting the model.

    Just recently in this thread the issue of importing models from zbrush into am popped up, but this is (in my opinion) more a sidetrack ...

    hope this helps


  8. Hi there,

    while working with decals, i very often want to have two decals share the same position and placement. For example: I create a color decal, apply it, and then i turn the decal picture into a black and white image, do some fine tuning, and then use it as a bump map decal. This decal off course must share the very same size and position like the color decal.

    Until now i am still using rulers, while applying the color decal, to mark size and position. Is there another, smarter (faster?) way to do that?




  9. Hey,

    i enjoy Martins Minutes really a lot, and since i work with a lot of guys in one office, who are smoking weird stuff all the time, i like the minutes best, which are covering these little things which happen, when you have a name, which is the same like the one of a very popular soft drug.

    These little storys are so hillarious ... that i am wondering all the time, why there is not allready a MH-Cartoon, of course made with our famous software!




  10. Ok, step by step it is getting better ... as you hopefully can see :-)

    Now i have a problem, and i dont know where it is coming from:

    I am getting the color for my hair from a decal. The hair emitting geometry is divided in two Groups which have indepedent, unconected geometry. The one group for the main hair has two overpaling, but unconected groups of geometry.

    I did this to gain mor controll of the hair, and where it is going ...

    Now the problem is, that on the main hair, only one part gets its color from the Decal, the other side does not :-( ... it is in the same group, shares the same material shortcut, but does not show the color ...

    Any ideas how to fix this?



  11. Hi all,

    just wanted to share the results of my current project. Color of hair in generated by a bitmap.

    The Hairsystem is so cool, but after working a while with it, i would love to have som additional tools/options: It would be great to group/hide control splines. Brushing seems to affect only tle last controllpoints on a spline :-(

    If i highlight a cp in one view and change to another, the selection is gone :-(

    aside from that ... cool stuff!




  12. The hair, the hair ...

    it is so great ... and so hard to master!

    I am currently working on a female character, which should a realistic hair when it is finished. My client gave a picture to me, how the hair should look like ... piece of cake i thought, now i am sitting here and trying to set up the hait correctly and all the time i am sying to myself: every barber in town must have attended university to archieve what they do all day :-)

    As you can see, waaaaaaay to go ...




  13. Thanks, i found the material and used it. I made the same experience like Ken, not much of a difference ... doh ...

    I really would love to have "smoothing groups" ... sigh ...


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