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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Heiner

  1. Hi there,

    i am working und the hooded ghosts, and because of my bread and butter job, i had to leave it alone for about a week. Tonight i was going to take on the work again, and wanted to finish one of the two ghosts. Then all of a sudden, when i started to work on a certain CP (on the right side of the hood in the gap), AM started to crash, with an realtime rendering error. It was allways the same cp and i was not even able to delete it. Then i tied to save the modell in a progessive version, i got another crash, and this timne i was not able to load and of the two versions i was working on :(

    since i was working in AM 12, i tried to load the model in V13, and got the message "Bogus CP", whatever this may mean. So i am now left with a lot of work in an corrupted modell file ...

    Can someone at hash please look into that file and see if there is a easy way to save what i have done so far?

    Thanks for helping me!!!!



  2. Good start. I think the ghouls are transparent and refractive, so that you can only see their shape via the distortion of what's behind them. You'll need to experiment with the effect in an environment.


    oops, if it is transparent, i guess i need to model the full head, even which is covered by the hood. No problem. I wantched the 6.AVI, but the scetch of the demons is not too clear. Is there another scetch, maybe an character sheet for these guys?


  3. Dude, yesterday evening i had a fire in my house, and i was extinguishing with my partner. Maaan, that was a blazing inferno. This morning i had a second look at it, and it was baaaad, but not as baaad as i thougt. And now, i am up and running again.

    What i wanted to say is: Its allways going on, and you just need to hold on to be still on the train when the good time come back again .... and they will!

    Best of luck!


  4. So, by now i am thinking about the main logo and i made the "Caveman" by now. Since the whole name is Caveman & worm i will try to make something like have the "&" be "written" by a worm, who wriggles itself so, that he looks like a & in the end. For the Rigg and the setup i have some pretty good ides with nulls, to which the geometry bones are hirarchicaly atached, and the nulls are constraint to a path. If it works like i think it should work, i will just have to pull on one end of the worm. We will see ...




  5. Ok, next stage.

    The project is getting along nice. Today i moddeled the tail of the worm and rigged it. I have a different modell for tha tail, because it is having some quite delicate animations, for which the general worm model is not to good suited. I am prepearing pic of the worm, but till they are ready, you will have to live with a shot of scene 2. Hope you like it.




  6. Hi there,

    a little update on the first scene: I have redone lightning, textures of ground, the volcano now has smoke (just a picture with alpha, but its doing the job quite niceley). Regarding a bellybutton: I had one modeled in an earlyer version, but i was not able to get the the belly to be smooth after that (i guess too much 5 point patches). So i droped it. But may be i am going to add one by using a decal. Anyway, hope you like the stuff so far.




  7. Ok, got a bit further. Now he has ears, and i build an enviroment around him. The volcano in the distance will get heavy smoke on top, but till now i am not sure, how i will do it, by particles, or just by painting something. I also pretty much finished the storyxboarding for the first episode, so what i am missing now, is the Logo, and the second main character, the worm. Allready have some scribbles, how he should look like, but nothing what can be really shown.

    On the story side, i am planning to have em very satiric, black humourous and defineatley political incorrect with lots of bad taste jokes.




  8. Hi there,

    i just recently had the idea on an cartoon filem with an caveman and an huge dinosaur like worm which lives underground. I had the idea for quite some time now, but now i finaly found the time to model, texture and reigg at least the caveman. There is still some work to do, but it is going in the right direction. To set up this caracter, modelling, texturing and rigging (Setupmachine) took me about 2 days.

    What do you think guys?




  9. I would like to add: The reason why i decided to go with Wire Fusion is, that it does not need a Plugin, and i want to offer my service to customers and agencys, because when it comes to presentations for a large amount of peoples, and you say "then your customer just has to install a plugin" you lost him, exept you can add quickly Flash or something else from Adobe/Macromedia.

    WireFusion is also running on Linux and on OS as well.

    I would love to go with HR:AM but for this particular field i think there is more potential for WF.

    However, AM is still my main tool for creating 3D Content, and i just would love to have its power present in WF.



  10. Hi there,

    this belongs not really in the games-section, but since it is about interactivity, i thought, it is a good place for it.

    First please have a look at this, and plese dont be scared away because it is german.




    it is about interactive achitecture, and it is made with an quite cool piece of software called Wire Fusion by Demicron. So far so good. In general AM would be an ideal tool to make models for this software, if (as usual there is an if) If there would be and exporter for VRLM.

    Especially because of AMs animation capabilitys.

    Ok, however: If somebody knows a way how to get animated models out of AM into the VRLM Format, it would be cool if he could share this knowledge with me.

    An then: If there somebody out there, who has an client, who would like to have something like this, i would love to help!



  11. --> Alweb:

    What do you think about something like this for a coat of arm? The unicorn needs to be redone a bit, i am not really good at drawing horses.


    --> Mediaho:

    You are right, it looks a bit like an L, because the sling of the Z which should entangle the lower porten of the O is not really finetuned yet. But anyway, the concept of the Z entangling the O is confusing, and it gets hard to recognize the actual word, so i deceided to separate the letters more, and now it is OZ, and it reads OZ.






  12. Hi there,

    i followed the TWO project now for quite some time, and so i also found the this tread about the logo. Hmmmm, first thing which comes to my mind, is that it does not really look OZish. When i think of OZ, i always think of entangled letters in a long handwriting type. Since i did not just wanted to complain, i tried to sketch down a rough idea, of my idea of a TWO logo.




  13. Ok, i added stars to the background, modified the lightning a bit, and changed something on the clouds. It is getting better it think. Yes, the lightning is not really "realistic" but i am more looking for some kind of a B movie look, with weird colors.

    Hope you like it



  14. My bread and butter job is it, to edit and layout magazinea about cheats for computer games. While most of this work is basicali quite boring, i get for each mag the chance, to produce on full page illustration. Most of the time i have to do it quickly because i am most of the time on a tight schedule. So i put them pieces together and look what i can get out of the leftovers. This one on these pictures, the latest one, which turned out to be quite nice, in my opinion. It is made out of a couple of dungeon wall and floor pieces, two root modells, a couple of DT-Textures, one particle system and a modifyed bloom post effect.

    Hope you like it!




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