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Everything posted by TheSpleen

  1. anyones welcome to do mine I am busy with another project right now.
  2. No, we want them! I can retime them in Aftereffects. Was originally rendered at 30 or 24 fps? I strictly used the project file. And I was assuming the camera was set. But yes I normally work at 30fps. sorry for all the difficulties with the clips. Gene
  3. just forget my entries. problem solved.
  4. I figured there would be music like in pass the ball last year
  5. Maybe I got the wrong ones? I got "aaabus3", "bus1" and "busnew". yeah thats it pecked butterfly then crowd of birds
  6. Yes I did. What order should they go in? Thank you They should be numbered 1 2 and 3 pecked to death then butterfly then crowd of birds please. Again thanks! Gene
  7. Your right screen cap shows the "Lock CPs" button on. The one with the picture of a lock on it. ^^ this. I'm surprised rebooting A:M fixed it, because A:M saves what points you have locked. This is actually a ridiculously useful feature for assigning bones to CPs - just select what you want, lock, then go into bone mode. I unlocked like Robcat suggested then rebooted.
  8. This has grinded my work to a halt and is frustrating/ I made this snake from scratch and his eyes teeth and tongue wont let me assign the cps to any bone. please help!
  9. try these links https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12376524/bus1/bus1.mov https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12376524/bus2/busnew.mov https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12376524/bus3/aaabus3.mov
  10. Yay! no soundtracks on mine either.
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