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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by TheSpleen

  1. Can we play pass the ball again? It looks like it was fun and would get everyone involved in sumpin. just sayin' GENE
  2. Today was a great day to animate. Got more done today than in the last 3 days! And several "happy" accidents just magically appeared. Very very pleased with todays output. Strange animating as I do with no notes or storyboard. Sometimes magic just happens. I have no plans and just start working and animating and things just sort of happen. And I kinda like it like that! I get stuff I would never have imagined otherwise. Good day.
  3. or when I finish I could just put a fresh copy of the song over it replacing the soundtrack. that should work!
  4. I believe what is causing that is a missing 1 or 2 frames. not sure how to fix it. I can try to figure out what marks that whole scene is and recreate it. adding a frame or 2. I dont have the choreography saved but I could redo it if I know the correct time marks,
  5. who knows by the end. I write the action frame by frame as I go. No Script except the song itself. Thanks!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbOa0Tu-gI link updated to finished video
  7. I like him! He has an attitude already.
  8. He has improved alot! Liking him more and more now!
  9. That quote just became my tagline.
  10. Absolutely! That was not mean as a discouraging criticism, Spleen, just stating the obvious I suppose and encouraging you to keep pushing on all fronts. In fact the roghness of the animation, and the weighting in the models, has it's own charm and with just a little cleanup could develop into a valid style of your own. You are working faster than most and with that come some sacrifices. In the 5 months that you have had A:M you have completed more shorts than I have in the more than a decade that I have had it. In fact I have never fully completed a short in A:M so dont take my comment to heart too much. I wouldn't want you to lose any of your spontanaity. Your shorts always make me laugh. In a good way! In a Good way! Oh I took nothing bad! LOL I too see the roughness. And yes it will evolve slowly. I have a fairly tough skin and often laugh at my own self. And to be honest....I animate and design to make myself laugh. And if I accomplish that then I have succeeded! And in turn others as well will laugh too.
  11. You are correct. very rough indeed. But each video I do seems to get a little bit better. Over time I will perfect everything. I have had the program 5 months now. And I think I bit off more than I could chew. LOL But as long as I keep plugging away at it I will improve Rodney great suggestion. By now that choreography is gone. I shall keep that in mind though as that guy has alot of slamming into things yet to go. LOL GENE
  12. Yall have me chewing my nails here.
  13. you have a very distinct style. Well done! That is one prissy little bird!
  14. I really really like this goat though. Perhaps make this the dad? add the beard?
  15. By popular demand what I have so far That last scene is too dark so I will fix that. and seems a bit of a skip in the song right there too. I will fix it. Gene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbOa0Tu-gI link updated to finished video
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