You would call the "Transfer Department" on the 8th floor and ask for Jill. She has the "3D transfer forms" that need to be filled out and will put one in the mail for you. Fax the completed form back to the the Transfer Department (Make sure to include the "Transfer Allocation ID number" when you fill out the form.). Usually after 6 to 8 weeks they will get back to you with the proper documents and approvals from the background check for you to apply for a "3D Transfer License". It could take another 3 to 6 weeks before you get your official "3D transfer ID Card". Once you have your ID card, post here and we can tell you how to use it with AM to "transfer a picture to 3d".
I'm just pulling your leg. there is no Jill on the 8th floor... it's Alice on the 6th floor.
I'm kidding again!
Seriously though, if you could give us a little more information about what you are trying to do we can help you better. AM can do a lot of things with a picture (decal it, warp it, make it move, rotoscope it, etc). If you narrow it down it may save time. And of course try to do the tutorials (if you don't do the tutorials Denise in Human Resources on the second floor will put mean post it notes on your desk).
p.s. I should have been a bureaucrat. I could have designed really complex processes for getting information.
p.s.s. There is no Denise in Human Resources.