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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by elliotclem1

  1. Ok thank you so much for your help. I will start making it now. I like the clouds and the flash. I am going to record the clouds over my house for about half an hour then using editing software speed it up so the clouds move fast. Elliot
  2. Wow nice logo. Do you mind if i use it? please can you add the project file and the models if i can Elliot
  3. Right then I have attached the project file and the model to this post. Emerald_Storm_LTD_letteing.mdl Emerald_Storm_LTD_anime_logo_1.prj Please can you help me make a lightning bolt because i have no idea. I have tried particle effects but i can't seem to find the effect i am looking for.
  4. I would like a lighting bolt at the end of the animation instead of the travelling light. How could i do this?
  5. Hi again Sorry it took a long time but I now have edited my logo and my website: Website New domain name - www.elliotclements.co.nr Uploaded all exercises Added a contact me page Added a Gallery Edited Site Name and Slogan Logo Added a motion blur Made the logo smaller in file size Made 'EmeraldStorm...' All one word (This is how it's meant to be spelt!) Emerald_Storm_LTD_anime_logo_1__BETA_version_1.2.3.0_.mov Hope you like it How can I improve? Elliot
  6. Maybe you could add a Force in front of the wings so it looks like the bird is flying though the sky.
  7. Wow thats fantastic. Can't wait for the tutorial then I can make one. It would be brilliant for using particle effects when they are shutting and on fire. Elliot
  8. Wow when is the deadline for v14? Your sink looks great. Do you need me to model or animate anything?
  9. Wow that's fantastic. Love the reflectivity. How long does it take you to render her? Elliot
  10. Thank you all for your information
  11. Hi there, Just woundering if you could put lights in the model panel. As this would help me with my road and my street lights. Will i have to just put loads of little lights on-top of the street lights? Would a glow effect work as a light? Elliot
  12. Wow your amazing. I think you have easily won this contest without even texturing it. Keep it up. It's going to look fantastic,
  13. Hi all. Your movie is coming along fantastically if you want me to help you animate I would love to help you. I would also would like to help you texture your models as I have A:M paint. If that is ok Elliot
  14. Hi, Here are some good site's for blueprints and rotoscopes. http://www.the-blueprints.com - Very good site for everything e.g Planes, Weapons, Cars http://www.militaryfactory.com/blueprints/..._blueprints.asp - Useful for planes and helicopters (basic blueprints). http://www.frazmtn.com/~punstr/blueprint/ - Less detail but good for Star Wars Blue prints If you have any more please add them below, and I will add them to my list. If you can't find a rotoscope or a blueprint that you want please reply with the name of it and I will try to find it Enjoy Elliot
  15. Thank you for your information. It is amazing what you can do with this program. I will post my version of water here when i have done. Elliot
  16. Hi all, I was just wondering how you make water? Elliot
  17. Hi all, I just wondered that in A:M there was a way to add titles and credits to my films as i am using Microsoft movie maker for them at the moment. Elliot
  18. That is fantastic. Looks so cool and in a way real. how do you do a white render?
  19. Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble when i render a Rotoscope (a picture). It seems to become really light when i render it. Why is this?
  20. Well done
  21. What does this mean?
  22. what settings did you originally put your stereo rendering properties on? As i think they are very good and would like to use them for my creations.
  23. Hi, I've made a few changes to my logo: Made It Green Glow Effect More Fluid Movement Slightly Transparent More Reflectivity Moved slightly further back from the camera Hope you like it logo_2.mov (Takes a long time to load) You can also view it off my website which has been compressed even more to make it even quicker to view. Please leave comments
  24. hi, I'm kind of new to A:M and i was just wondering how could you make lightning? Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks Elliot
  25. I think i have a similar related problem because when i render my picture it is brighter than what it should be. Why is this?
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