We're rolling!
Assignment for Week 2:
Everything in Week 1 if you haven't done it already.
Watch Lesson 1 in the Udemy course. No assignment.
Skip Lessons 2 and 3. They are mostly about John Purcell's particular Mac environment.
Watch Lesson 4. Assignment: Your own "Hello world" program, typed from scratch.
Watch Lesson 5. Assignment: Make a program that will print a picture made with several lines of "cout" text.
Watch John Purcell type in his programs and type in the same into your Visual Studio. Do all the little tests and experiments that he does along the way.
Use the skills you learned to make your own version of the lesson for the assignment. But as a minimum... get a working version of John Purcell's project going.
Get started early! Don't wait until the day of class to try coding the lesson!
We're meeting at 7:30PM CDT next Sunday. Bring your projects to show and tell. If they don't work... we'll debug them!