Work In Progress / Sweatbox
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Works In Progress (WIP) (59,250 visits to this link)
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- 5 replies
I was goofing around with some of my characters to create a desktop image for my computer... just thought i'd share. Not sure if this post will go through as I seem to be having some problems with "timing out". original is at 1024 x 768. The hair on the guy is "inspired" by Adam Sessler for you XPlay viewers out there.
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 6 replies
Hi there, Well, finally got round to running a fly-round of my female character. I think I better getting on slapping some bones in her, and start doing some animation with her... I think she still needs smoothing out some more, but I'm just spinning my wheels at the moment, hence the need for some animation. Maybe some clothes on her as well - yes, she's nude, so you have been warned. I based the body on Joe Williamsen's awesome Bisley Warrior Princess, and the head on every single wireframe that I've seen by Jim Talbot - thanks for the constant inspiration, both of ya! The hair and ears were obtained from Vuk Pavlovic (sp?), so thanks go to him. The…
Last reply by Zaryin, -
- 19 replies
Just playing around with A:M's mocap again, this time in v11. No real changes but I'm consistantly amazed by how well it's implemented. This took me about 60 seconds to set up: (2.7MB) Just imagine if I spent 2 minutes on the setup. If you didn't catch them before, here are a few more tests I did in v's 10 and 10.5: Thanks for such a well-implemented, advanced feature guys!
Last reply by Joe Jacks, -
- 6 replies
Someone asked about more information on the Boids of a Feather project and workflow. With apologies to the creators if I'm stepping out of line by posting here on their behalf, I submit the following link: Boids of a Feather Information contained therein is a must read (IMNSHO) for anyone wanting to produce a finished short film in Animation Master.
Last reply by mediaho, -
Game Scene
by KenH- 1 reply
Here's a scene from a pda adventure game I'm working on. All work done in AM with a little help from Photoshop. The car was inspired by pictures in this very forum! C and C welcome.
Last reply by lazarter,