Woke Up Dead
21 topics in this forum
- 34 replies
I'm still plugging away at this! Been doing models and working on refining my animating skills. I am also still rewriting the script. Speaking of which!!! Hey Rodney, how's about some feedback?
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 8 replies
Started working on the butler today. Not sure where I will go with this one but here's what I got in an hour.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 17 replies
Here you will find the latest updates on the model Franky for the project. Hey Rodney just updated my svn and saw the spline layout you did for Franky. Love it That's exactly how I envisioned him when I was writing the script.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 3 replies
So keeping with my whole new production pipeline I have begun working on one of the sets I'll be needing. The house interior where Latimer's family shall reside. I will be doing the spline model and Rodney will be the color coordinator for me (Yes Rodney I have began redesigning.... Keep your fingers crossed... This first render is a simple gray model. Hard to pick out the details eh? Don't worry. This is simple the first pass to get the dimensions correct and start seeing what works and doesn't.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 1 reply
Some good news and some so so news here regarding a workflow for quickly moving resources from SVN directories into A:M. Uploading to SVN is an easy process... Just Commit (A:M will ask if you want to save)... so Save, and A:M will update SVN. (Note: You don't have to save for the Commit to work but you might as well.) Long ago I attempted to get a workflow of dragging and dropping Models from SVN directories into A:M but A:M generally wants to open the Model or other resource rather than drop it into the Chor, Action or whatever. I did find a workaround and I have confirmed that it still works in current release. 1. Using the A:M Community window I…
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
by Rodney- 16 replies
I was messin around with some lighting and decided to play with a few color tests. Have you given much thought to assigning each character a color? While it might be a big stereotypical for a villian I think Cleopatra would look really good in reds. Here are some quick color tests for consideration regarding the view outward from the graveyard (It seems to me that your story would work very well in grey tones throughout layered over with the colors that emphasize each character. The blending of different character colors could make for some colorful scenes). For instance, one of Edgar's primary colors might be brown (color of wood, cover of a book, com…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 23 replies
I have never been happy with my old original Cleo model so I started from scratch. She will make a brief appearance in the trailer so it is key that she be completed. Unfortunatly I am at work and only have a few hours to work. This is what I have so far and I will update as I continue her.
Last reply by Rodney, -
I just started a wiki for the project. There is little to see for now... http://wokeupdead.wikidot.com/
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
I tend to bounce around with this project working on one asset for a while and then another one. It helps me to not get burned out. Amazingly I have gotten a tremendous amount of work done. Here is a test pic of the dining area that will be used in the movie. The lighting is not final and is actually what I am staging right now. I know it's too early to be working on lighting but I'm simply playing with the model to see how it works. So far it isn't quite how I want it and this is just a test. The third is the latest lighting pic. So far I like it the best
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 23 replies
I really was not happy with the old father model. I wanted someone strong in character. Someone aging but still intimidating. So I started over The render we have here is the first general shaping pass. This is the general shape and look I want but now comes the adding and subtracting splines. Pushing and pulling cps in place. Kind of like sculpting clay. It sounds tedious but I find it easier to get the look I want this way.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 4 replies
I think one of the best parts of this whole project will be when the entire cast of characters are completed. But to encourage myself, as well as anyone who follows this, I will be adding group pictures of the cast as I finish a model. So if you see a character here it's a safe bet that I like the final look and am calling that particular cast member 100%...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
So this is the topic for Marc Antony. I have the base shape started and now I am considering revising him and shaping him a bit more. And an outfit. I'm open for suggestions Rodney. I would say go with an ancient scheme but considering this will be the after life and everyone is wearing oddball outfits I'm open to suggestions.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 9 replies
It took me a while to come up with a concept for Death. I mean I really been racking the old noggin on this one. If some of you remember a while back I did two skeletal models. After careful consideration and about a billion drawings I returned to these two models and decided I liked one in particular. Not everything about him of course. I will be modifying him quite a bit but the overall style fits in nicely with what I am looking for. So, here he is with a few said modifications. He still a work in progress so I will be posting more picks as I finish him up. Of course Death has two different looks. The one I am showing here and the final one near the conclusion of …
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 13 replies
So my question is can anyone out there on the forums do voices? I need someone who can do an older male character with a scottish accent. I tried doing it myself but my voice just isn't deep enough to pull it off. If your interested just PM or hit me up here. Thanks. Unfortunatly this isn't a payed gig. Though you will get your name in the credits of the trailer once it's uploaded and live.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 3 replies
I've been working on jump animations with Robcat. And I have learned a lot!!! One thing I learned was that the rig I had installed in my main character just wasn't cutting it. There were some issues with the main body bone and the IK bones for the feet. And the more and more I used the rig the more and more I learned to hate these issues. Yes, I could work with them but it really made things a pain. The other thing it brought to light was that I just didn't like the look of the character. The head is fine and is exactly how I want it. The body? NO! So I changed it. I modified the mesh to look more in line with what I envisioned. It required a complete re-rigging but …
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 3 replies
So after looking at my Gravedigger model, wondering how I can make him better, it occured to me he doesn't look dead! So I changed the face texture a bit and removed the eyes to see what he would look like as a skeleton sort of character.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 33 replies
00:00:00:00 Intro 00:00:00:00 Image of Latimer at his window (Lightning Flash with Thunder) (consider rain) 00:00:00:00 Image of Latimer's Parents at Graveside (Lightning Flash with Thunder) (consider rain) 00:00:00:00 Trees blowing / Leaves Falling (Dark Silhouette of Trees and Gravestones in lonely Graveyard) 00:00:00:00 Camera begins to zoom in on something large perched atop a Gravestone 00:00:00:00 Camera begins to move around the shape revealing it was the back of a character (Gravedigger). The Background subtly changes from that of the real world Graveyard to that of the land of the dead while circling Gravedigger. This acts as a bridging device betwee…
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
Woke Up Dead 1 2 3
by Ilidrake- 2 followers
- 145 replies
Things on this project are steadily moving forward...(so hard to find the energy)...So I have the script finished(until I read back through and start tweaking issues) but it's there. So I decided to start on the main character. Latimer. Here's the start of his head. I think it's about 30 minutes of work. Still needs massive amount of tweaking but it's a start.
Last reply by Ilidrake, -
- 2 replies
Thought I'd test a few Boolean cutters on a gravestone to chip off edges and engrave text. Using both Boolean cutters and added text where appropriate will give some nice differentiation on the various tombstones. The dirt was something of a surprise. It consists of just a brown surface color with Ambiance, Roughness, Roughness Scale and Specularity. It wouldn't work as well for moving dirt but might work pretty well for dirt that stays in place. I used a concrete decal for the tombstone but that almost isn't needed. Once the decal was applied I experimented with the Surface properties until it resembled the decal closely. As such the decal is mostly tr…
Last reply by johnl3d, -
- 3 replies
'Woke Up Dead' is now officially a special topic but... We're going to use this as an opportunity to start a new special topic that doesn't start out on the leader board (that group of images that appears on the front page). This to encourage others to push forward their own special topics and leave behind the world of WIPs to embrace full (or even limited) production. Eventually the leaderboard should assume more of an interactive look and feel while still maintaining the ability to click through to each of the represented special topics but at a guess I'd say we are still at least six months or more out from that. To Lloyd: Welcome to special topics... now…
Last reply by Rodney, -
Any pointers on making a good trailer?
Last reply by Rodney,