Information for previous releases of A:M
67 topics in this forum
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Posting a link to these here. They will be available via AMFILMS soon but have a few problems still getting them integrated. For now here are direct links. ** Caution large files ** Tech Talk #1 "AM v11 Hair" - Randy Croucher 201 Megabytes Tech Talk #2 "CP Weights" - Bob Croucher 72 Megabytes Tech Talk #3 "Dynamic Contraints" - Bob Croucher 165 Megabytes These may not stream well, so it might be best to right-click and select "save-as" to save to local drive before viewing. Clips are saved in quicktime and require the Ensharpen Codec (Camtasia) Tips for optimizing your viewing experience: PC users, in the explorer view menu, choose ful…
Last reply by WillP, -
- 0 replies
Posting a link to these here. They will be available via AMFILMS soon but have a few problems still getting them integrated. For now here are direct links. ** Caution large files ** Tech Talk #4 "Relationships" - Noel Pickering 38 Megabytes These may not stream well, so it might be best to right-click and select "save-as" to save to local drive before viewing. Clips are saved in quicktime and require the Ensharpen Codec (Camtasia) Tips for optimizing your viewing experience: PC users, in the explorer view menu, choose full screen, then right click in the toolbar at the top of the screen and choose autohide. Mac users,in the explorer view menu, c…
Last reply by WillP, -
- 0 replies
Posting a link to these here. They will be available via AMFILMS soon but have a few problems still getting them integrated. For now here are direct links. ** Caution large files ** Tech Talk #5 "Expressions" - Bob Croucher 124 Megabytes Tech Talk #6 "Font Wizard" - Ken Baer 38 Megabytes Tech Talk #7 "NetRender" - Steve Sappington 109 Megabytes These may not stream well, so it might be best to right-click and select "save-as" to save to local drive before viewing. Clips are saved in quicktime and require the Ensharpen Codec (Camtasia) Tips for optimizing your viewing experience: PC users, in the explorer view menu, choose full screen, …
Last reply by WillP, -
- 0 replies
You can find the latest posts here
Last reply by WillP, -
- 0 replies
Now available on the Hash Store, under Extras: The H*A*S*H Tee-Shirt. Shipping for shirts only will be $3 (International $8) and will default to USPS shipping. If ordered with Animation Master there will be no additional shipping charge for the shirt, since we will use it for packing material to pad your software Not trying to steal Verns Pants
Last reply by WillP, -
- 0 replies
We failed to post this release info in this area, so here is the link in case you missed it. OSX Tiger Beta
Last reply by WillP, -
- 1 follower
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See http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&sh...ndpost&p=175164
Last reply by Noel, -
- 0 replies
Here are links to the v15.0g installers Windows Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Windows Installer (CD Box version Update) volume name HASH Mac Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Mac Installer (CD Box version Update) volume-name HASH Fixes since last release: 0005450: [interface] New Selection Filters not appearing (sgross) - resolved. 0005451: [interface] Enhancement to Selection Filters (sgross) - resolved. 0005432: [interface] channel for last item in PWS dopesheet always hidden (sgross) - resolved. 0005213: [Rendering] Can't render SSS when using Render Mode or Render Lock Mode (sgross) - resolved. 0005459: …
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Here are links to the v15.0h installers Windows Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Windows Installer (CD Box version Update) volume name HASH Mac Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Mac Installer (CD Box version Update) volume-name HASH Fixes since last release: 0005425 [Rendering] exception 0000010 (sgross) - resolved. 0005506 [interface] simple Boolean NOT filter not possible (sgross) - resolved. 0005514 [Help File] "Update" in Help menu (sgross) - resolved. 0005515 [Cloth] When Subdibisions is 4, Simcloth causes Crash. (sgross) - resolved. 0005510 [interface] A:M does not remember to Use Settings from The Camera…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Here are links to the v15.0i installers Windows Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Windows Installer (CD Box version Update) volume name HASH Mac Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Mac Installer (CD Box version Update) volume-name HASH fixed since last release: 0005523 [installation (Intel)] No netrender binaries in the AMnet instal..... (sgross) - resolved. 0005239 [_ Not Selected _] hair color does not change color overtime (sgross) - resolved. 0005202 [Hair] Hair system does not colour correctly (sgross) - resolved. 0005479 [_Other] Having to Force Quit When A:M Cannot Interface With Finder (sgross) - resolved. …
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Here are links to the v15.0j installers Windows Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Windows Installer (CD Box version Update) volume name HASH Mac Installer (Web Activated Yearly Subscription) Mac Installer (CD Box version Update) volume-name HASH fixed since last release: 5575: Changing Glossy Specular Render Shader back to None causes program error 5573: Specular color for hair always white 5564: Space Navigator Roll and Spin are reversed under OSX 5571: Light lists lost when a model is swapped in a chor. 5569: Bone heirarchy changes not working if one bone is a light solved also for camera and nulls [*]5570: F…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, There is a small patch added to v15.0j+ to address the text issue in the library panel. You download the new installer here. CD Installer Subscription installer Installer There is not a fresh installer for Windows. Thank you, Hash, Inc.
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Installers: v17.0 Beta 01 Win 32bit v17.0 Beta 01 Win 64bit v17.0 Mac Beta 01 Change Log: fixed all [bug]6089[/bug] Manipulator Options>Translate Only makes bone disappear fixed all [bug]6076[/bug] CameraPostEffect - Active Off?property does not work. fixed all [bug]6083[/bug] Snap Manipulator to Grid is broken "Snap Manipulator to Grid" and "Snap Mouse to Surface" now mutally exclusive fixed all [bug]6082[/bug] CutPlane plugin confused by close splines changed all for [bug]6050[/bug] if the "Property Info" window is visible , the help text for the property is now displayed, when the property is selected if the property is…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Installers: http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_32BIT.exe (Windows 32bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_64BIT.exe (Windows 64bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/osx/v17_beta/AM.zip (Mac) Change Log: fixed all [bug]6104[/bug] AM V17 having extremely slow render times. 24 hours to render a frame that takes V16 15 minutes fixed [bug]6100[/bug] Cloth Simulations don't work properly in Camera View fixed all [bug]6097[/bug] Can't create a double linefeed in AMA text fixed all [bug]6101[/bug] Deleting Chor then closing Project causes crash fixed all [bug]6099[/bug] Flocking PRJ causes crash fixed all [b…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Installers: http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_32BIT.exe (Windows 32bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_64BIT.exe (Windows 64bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/osx/v17_beta/AM.zip (Mac) Change All: Changed Log Rotoscopes empty rotoscopes are not longer loaded/saved rotoscopes for figures having also now their own folder (like camera/lights in the chor), but only when You create a new rotoscope, existing rotoscopes are displayed as before outside a rotoscope folder in a chor this folder is only displayed , when "Show more than drivers" for the model is active New All: [bug]6107[/bug] Snap-To-Surface: Offset-V…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Installers: http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_32BIT.exe (Windows 32bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_64BIT.exe (Windows 64bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/osx/v17_beta/AM.zip (Mac) Change Log: changed mac compiler switch to GCC4.7 fixed all [bug]6134[/bug] Renaming a Rotoscope will always set the name of the image behind the new name fixed al [bug]6145[/bug] Crash at exit , when changing materialtype from Hair or Sprite to another particle system fixed all [bug]6143[/bug] Deleting lights causes next on-screen Render to crash fixed all [bug]6129[/bug] Pasting cut patches after Surface Bake c…
Last reply by Jason Simonds, -
- 0 replies
Installers: http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_32BIT.exe (Windows 32bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/window...ta/AM_64BIT.exe (Windows 64bit) http://www.hash.com/ftp/pub/updates/osx/v17_beta/AM.zip (Mac) Change Log: Changed All new Default Chor.cho Fixed All [bug]6152[/bug] Objects don't render when res exceeds certain size and rotoscope is present. Fixed All [bug]6154[/bug] Rotoscope not properly placed in render when Alpha buffer ON Fixed All [bug]6155[/bug] Selecting Aim At target in PWS causes crash Fixed All [bug]6157[/bug] Rotation keys are not transferred by Copy Paste Fixed All [bug]6158[/bug]…
Last reply by Jason Simonds,