Just a Wooden Sword
81 topics in this forum
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Hi everyone just wanted to let you know why its been so quite from here, we've just sold our home In Maine and we'er packing up thirty years of east cost and relocating in chula Vista San Diego California. But I'll get back to the movie, it may take a few months to get settled but I'll be back. So all you creators keep creating kat
Last reply by Dpendleton77, -
- 6 replies
Hello All, Been one of those winters. As you can see by the two pieces, still working in the witch's house. getting close to end. Hope everyone is well IN_THE_MEAN__TIME_welcome.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 2 replies
Merry Jolly Christmas to all. Lots of things happening inside witch Lena's house, here's a tiny clip. I've added more to my web site, kathrynwhitaker.com (fantasy creation) with more to come, check back often. as always thanks for watching, Kat CHANGE.mp4
Last reply by Wildsided, -
- 6 replies
HI All I have been developing my web site, had one before, but It was managed by someone else, so this is a first for me, you can check it out with http://www.kathrynwhitaker.com it's a work in progress any advice cool thanks kat
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, The original Goblin Caves was one i that i had taken down, in 09, So i thought id share the edited version of Goblin caves, with a new close uo of Mac Flin The leprechaun. character's names Mac Flin, leprechaun, Elf Jam, Eppen, Elfin, Trell, Goblins , Fairy Bree. This piece takes place just before Goblin Drums. GOBLIN__CAVE_1_T.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 10 replies
Hi all, This is the opening of the movie, finished. Audio and Sound included,. Thanks for waiting and watching. WHITCLAND_opening.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, for the sake of render time, because of applied texture, i split this clip into three parts, rendering each segment separately, as a layer, then assembling them at the end. Here the Elves and two mice, William and Onton are running across the room to help Mac Flin. And again Thanks for watching tricksters.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 3 replies
Hi all. At this point in the movie the whole gang is inside the witch house, and Elfin is met by one of its inhabitants. :pages_45_and_48.jpg] were getting really close to the ending Thanks for watching inside_the_witch_house.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
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- 9 replies
Hi All. i used a few layers in this clip, Rendering with a black background, then pulled them together in Adobe premier. these scenes do not necessarily fellow in order. Our daughter lost her last fight to Lung Cancer this week. Johnnie Eve Cash with smiles and lots of laughter gave voice to Witch Lena. Not_So_Fast_Witch.mov
Last reply by MMZ_TimeLord, -
- 4 replies
Hi, this was my first attempt at a trailer for my movie. i named it " Trailer . Just A Wooden Sword " Not very original i know, if you can find it , it will be fun, to see, as you will find something strange happened to the video after i posted it. i was going to delete it, then i found it colorful and interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnEGvXCT_bY
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 7 replies
Hi, had to figure a way for the companions to get on the dragons back, being they are now shrunk. A stretched out hind leg, seemed to be a good path way. After i use Adope premiere to speed up the track. Thanks for watching dracolleen_climbing_up.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 3 replies
2t2QYjcWTjQ KWFantasyCreation Fairy Bree's song Hi all, Happy Thanksgiving, just trying to figure out how to put my youtube posting here, not sure if it's going to work.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Hello my fellow Hashers, This is not much more then a jpeg, but it's what i'm working on. i have a question on posting on YouTube, do i need to add their YouTube's code, on this site. iin order to have it play here . Thanks, hope to hear from someone Web___s___mov.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 0 replies
Hi eveyone, were in the middle of a road trip to San Diego ca, so i've not done a lot of animating, kinda miss that, Anyway heres a bit more of what i'm working on, with the dragon and her very small crew . Thanks, as always a_watch_for_traps.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Well, This is the new dragon landing, i tried to keep in mind the suggestion made by Rodney & robcat. and this time i have saved the chor file. Thanks always for watching A_landing_now.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone. I had a big computer problem, a Microsoft error, called "Volume Shadow Copy Service" froze up all my security' So i had to reinstall windows and all my programs to get rid of it. Having backed up and saved helped. "all but what i was working on" In the mess of it all, i lost the one choreographies i was working on. So this picks up where, Dracollen is flying the elves across the ravine, finally coming to the witches house. Thanks all landing.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone, At the start of this project, Martin had mentioned i should considers a narrator. So here's a bit of the beginning I've been playing around with. Thanks for watching maybe.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
Hi there all, Still in cat chasing mice mode,... this past winter i watched MoonShadow "our adopted kitty" play with his toy mice, so i stoled his moves, not even near as good as him, he's very slick, but it gave me some direction. thanks all Hey_there_run1.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
Hi This picks up after the witch has turned William into a mouse. He's falling from his cage, and Grim, the witch's familiar is hot on his trail. just a short update, no sound. Thanks for hanging with me falling_mouse_3.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
Hi, Rodney had suggested, that i might have the dragon with her crew aboard flying through the mist. so i added a clip of just mist, as a layer over my original video. no sound. thanks guys flying_through_mist.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, first this is a replacementt clip,from the clip (Grim are you hungry) as robcat Suggestion..." the characters with dark forms like the witch and cat need something not so dark behind them so we can see what they are doing. They are fading into the background too much here." Thank you again robcat, for your very helpful suggestion. i have shown both clips, one to be fixed, and one where I attemptedd to fix it. I"m still working on Rodney suggestion of " a layer of (mostly transparent) cloud-like matter (noise/atmospherics?) overlaid on top of this sequence as that would really sell the effect of these characters moving through actual space/flying th…
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
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Happy Holiday's everyone. Well the companions are closing in on finding the witch, granted they're a fraction of their original size. Thanks for hanging in with me. Off_to_find_a_witch.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 12 replies
Hi all, Onton the dark elf and William are still captured by the witch. It's still a work in progress, :)No music or sound effects yet. thanks for watching meow_are_you_hungry.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
Hi In this clip the companions meet their steed as the centipede indicated in the previous clip. I used New blue Motion Effects Elements, earthquake, in Adobe Elements, for the ground shaking. Thanks for watching The_ground_shook.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
Hi Everyone, in this very small clip, the companions meet a centipede. It's a new model. The movie is being created from the book Wizards Last Rule. Which i renamed, Just A Wooden Sword, Because of a scene, that just made sense, I've renamed it. Then again, it may be the sentiment's of a grandmother, who's grandson was 8 when he recorded the part of the Dark Elf, now he's all grown up at 18. looking for others opinions, "Maybe There's More Dragons" Thanks for watching That__s_the_plan.mov Maybe_There__s_More_Dragons.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 1 follower
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I wasn't going to show the whole clip,... but i couldn't figure where to split it. so here it is. In the original story, it was a bug, with a puffed out mouth that sprayed something at Jam, which started him sneezing. But for the life of me, i could not imagine one, so a flower got to job. Thanks for watching ouch__Goblin__togerthe.mov
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 6 replies
Had to find some handcuffs for this scene with Onton. So i chose to model a kind of med-evil type cuff. Thanks for watching
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
Hi In this next clip, i use smoke and steak material together trying to simulate the fairy dust. your thoughts, ideas are welcome
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 12 replies
Still tired and thirsty, the elves are drinking from the brook. This is just my thought, I've read some of the discussions, on how it is better to create a short film. While i agree, it has many benefit. There is something to say about a longer movie. Working with familiar characters and watching the plot unfold, i enjoy the adventure with every new clip. if i were a pro, I guess I would know how each rendered clip was going to look, i am not, so to me, it's like opening up a kiln after the first firing, never knowlng for sure how the colors are going to fire. or how a scene with all its characters will render. Sometimes it's a good surprise, and lot …
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 10 replies
Hi it's been a while, I've been working on other models for different scenes, and time slips away. in this clip i have tried to capture water, not the eases thing I've done. just a catch up, both William and Onton are in the hands of witch Lena, the companion's are trying to get there. Thanks for following along
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, In this small part of the clip, Bree and company sing out a warning about witch Lena. Thanks for watching fairy_warning.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
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Orange pumpkins cold nights gives more time to animate. Here are a few scenes back at witch Lena's place. I used the Technocrane again. i realy like that camera set up
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 8 replies
The last part of Of Dreadwoods swamp has taken a bit longer because of lots of good company in Maine. this summer. But were back at it. Here's some of what I've been working on.
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
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Hello. Still working on Dreadwood swamp scenes,and now the Elderwood Fairies have joined in the muck. your thoughts are always needed
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 10 replies
Still working on the Mud Swamp scenes. i got a little bit further, finally got Mac rope going. your thoughts are welcome no music or sound effects
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi everyone, with the next part under way i thought i post a small clip, no voice or music, trying to get mud has been a trip. and I'm using the TECHNOCRANE_Beta_V15_01_25_2010 , this camera is amazing. thanks again to the creaters of this camera. Dreadwood_swamp_mud.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 14 replies
Hello all. I've been editing all the movie into to one, In some places, adding more video and taking out where not needed. and learning Adobe Premiera 07. Dreadwoods is the next place the elves have to go through on their journey to find Thier missing companions. thanks for watching darkwoods.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone. I went back in time to Finnish this part, that came from pretty close to the beginning, some i have already shown, but i added more to this segment, showing now in it's completion, how William got the wooden sword. thanks for watching and your thought are welcome
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 1 follower
- 31 replies
Hello and happy new year. Boy it takes a long time to put a movie together. even with a story or, story broad, the transition between scenes, has played a important part, at least for me. i omitted a small section of the companions walking through the woods from the cavern where Jam the elf was taker by the goblins, to where they are now. your thought are always welcome goblin__night_drums.mp4
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 4 replies
Hello. In this cave goblin part, the first part was to dark, so I changed the lights, and lower the music. Thanks for watching your thoughts are welcome
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 2 replies
Hi I just got a new laptop, first time ever. I always had a desktop. This has been a challenge with windows7 installing old software, that's not compatible with win 7 and contacting software . The speakers are still a mystery to me, so if the sound in this clip is off, that's why . Anyway i have gone forward, skipped a couple of clips, because i'm still working on them. Even the colors seem a bit different . Thanks for watching, your thought's are welcome
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 6 replies
In this clip, Dragon Dracolleen leaves Elderwood I had quite a few trials with the fire, I attached a fire emitter to the dragon tongue, then dragged it down into the leaves. after trail and error, I finally settled on this. Happy Halloween
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 6 replies
Hello I added this is last scene to Elderwood Will Onton caught movie as was suggested and I added some eye darting for the Elfin charioteer. Lastly , as suggested," they need something to do besides just the conversation" here the elves are toasting they're intention of saving Onton and William thanks always for your advice and thoughts fixes I was wondering if anyone could point me to any tutorials for projecting fire from a object. thanks again
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 9 replies
Hi here, not much excitement around Camp Elderwood, this night, other then the companions are ready to go after the banshee. any suggestion please post them
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 4 replies
This is the opening scene for the movie, which I posted Aug 30 ,08 . At the time mteak2 and KenH gave me some great advice. so in this, I have tried to correct most of them.
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone. I picked up this last part of Elderwood Oton and William. Showing some of what was already shown in last clips, just for clarity of what's going on Thanks for watching appreciate comments
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 11 replies
Hi this piece is a remaking of what was once done, but I needed to put scales on the last dragon scene as well. THIS is shot no music,but with more to come later I went to see IceAge-----Just Wow. ! so good, make me want to through stones at my STUFF I could need some help any thoughts thanks for watchen
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 14 replies
Thought I show how witch Lena's creation went with her banshee Mark Skodacek created the material for the witch brew your thoughts and comment are well come A_WITCH.S_BREW.mp4
Last reply by frosteternal, -
- 5 replies
Hi, in this next part of Elderwood, the Banshee, I've used the models that Mark rigged, , Eppen, Elfin, Trell, Jam, there was a couple of nice surprises that he added with the bow and arrow, thanks again Mark. comments welcome
Last reply by kwhitaker, -
- 4 replies
Hi.. This picks up where (Mac Flin and the book) ended. still working out some kinks thanks
Last reply by kwhitaker,