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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey everyone,


I'm pretty sure I haven't posted this before. (sorry if I have)


Anyway, I completed a demo reel some time this summer. I was trying to get my foot in the door in animation, mostly I was targeting game shops. Never really got much response but I think a lot of that had to do with not having a broad enough application range (didn't want to uproot my wife)


Swing by my site and check it out. All CG animation is done with A:M.

The reel is also broken down into the individual clips for the bandwidth challenged


Direct Link 6MG MPG



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That was fun!


You've got a lot of things going on in there.

For my part the two parts that I really liked were the dino running (where the guy runs along side and vaults onto the dinosaur) and the walk cycle with the guy and the gun.


You didn't really ask for critiques... so I'll just say I liked those two areas because they had a polished look to them.


Tell me you are doing a story with them! :)



P.S. The direct link didn't work for me.


Hey Rodney thanks for the reply. You're right I didn't ask for crits, silly me! Please anyone have any comments or crits on any of my stuff shout it out! I'm self taught so I'm not sure what bad habits I've managed to teach myself, so I'm craving that outside eye.


Hey Rodney, what is it about those to pieces that looks more polished? (I've stared at them all so long I can't see them (except I'm starting to finally see some twinning in the fight scene)


So yah, comments and crits greatly appreciated.




by the way I think I fixed the direct link.


First, let me start about by saying that was great and I can only hope to get that good (I'm just starting) out.

Really very impressive!


There was something that was bothering me about the robot fight scene, but I couldn't put my finger on it.


I just watched it again and slowed it down in places and found two things that aren't very noticable.. but seems it's enough to pick up on.


One part where the green bot holds the yellow both over his head.. his hands look like they're open, not clenched around the bots body, like he wouldn't be able to hold him there.


Then when the bot kills the last enemy he does a flip and jumps off the guys chest. It's almost like he just bounces off rather than pushing off.. maybe a bend in the foot or something..


Just an newbies observations. ;)


Great work!


  • Hash Fellow

Hey... I recognize a Showdown entry in there! ;)


I concur with Rodney that the dino clip is the strongest. In fact I'd put it first. Every "insider" I've heard talk about demo reels says to put your best stuff first.


"Steal Something" works well too, and the yellow guy with gun. Yeah 2nd and 3rd there.


The fight scene has alot of complex interaction going on but it takes a bit too long to get going and has enough little weight/timing flaws to maybe lose an impatient viewer. (Apparently they are always impatient)


The lip synch clips look stiffer than your non-talking stuff. They seem to be speaking without breathing.


You might reverse the drawing samples too to put the most attractive ones first.


Good stuff, I hope you get some interest!


Alonso- Nice reel, I see your strength lies mainly as an animator. Your motions are smooth and have a similar 'look' from scene to scene.


I know what you mean about relocating, I am in the same boat. You need to find a couple of off-site freelance gigs. Which unfortunately in the A:M market are slim2none.


What to do...what to do...


The trick is to find a niche in your local area. I have tons of ideas about that and using AM is not a prob. All I have to do is get to where Alonso is!

Good demo reel. A couple tweeks here and there that were mentioned above and it'll be just fine. Definately put the funny dino first.

Can you do a nice textured animation maybe? Just to show them you can do it all?


Good work! :D


Thanks everyone.


Steve your right about the hands on the fight scene. Actually I was lazy (which is really dumb on a demo reel) and I was just using hand clench pose sliders I had made instead of actually positioning the fingers. YOur right as well on that push off from the chest, not enough weight emphasis.


Rob- Yeah I was pleased with that showdown entry and excited that I could actually use it in my demo. I'm still working on my acting skills, learning how to have a character emote and be believable and match the emotions of the voice actor. (I'm sure this is a long long learning path ahead of me)


John - Thanks. Is it a good thing that my motions are smooth and have a similar look, or does that mean that I need to very the texture of the timing more (smooth in someplaces, snappy in others?)


Thanks Jessh




About the lizard guy. It's interesting that you all liked it. I thought it was pretty good but I was really beating my head against the screen with it trying to get a good transfer from my run cycles to my ride cycles, with the jump in between. In the end I felt I hadn't quite nailed it because the weight transfer doesn't quite work during the jump. In the end I think that mainly I slowed down the lizards cycle right there, which doesn't really accomplish what I needed with external weight pulling it off balance and then swinging all around it, shifting it's center of gravity all around. That part always bothers me in that clip.



Thanks for all the encouragement guys



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