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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Apologies for the butt shot.

Anyone else run into this???

Cps wrinkle in objects when twisting/turning and whatever it is is truly happening to The CP and shows up when rendered. Only happens in action or Chor.

As soon as you click on the Cp it straightens out but then goes right back to being twisted when you advance a frame. This seems to show up randomly.See Pic

This is shutting down my 5 yr. project unless I can fix it. As always ANY help appreciated. These CPs are in their natural state - no bias tweaking at all.


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yes/ it happen on a primitive sphere. the hole sphere did that Then it crashed Animation master. I was working on modeling. was working on robot when it happened just 1 sphere did it then crashed in modeling. My thought at time is what did I do wrong to get that. This Happened on Saturday 



  • Hash Fellow


3 hours ago, svetlik said:

Anyone else run into this???

Cps wrinkle in objects when twisting/turning and whatever it is is truly happening to The CP and shows up when rendered. Only happens in action or Chor.

As soon as you click on the Cp it straightens out but then goes right back to being twisted when you advance a frame.

Yes, I have had that although not recently. It has something to do with there also being a smartskin or Pose with Muscle animation on those CPS.

One of the forum members had a fix but I forget what we called it so I'm not sure how to find it.


-Does this show up in final renders?

-What happens if you press Space (Refresh)

-Does it happen in both Chor mode and Skeletal Mode?

-Is this model Embedded in the PRJ or external to the PRJ?


This does show up in final render but haven't tried rendering out a whole sequence. This model is being saved to disk and the spacebar has no effect. This happens only in Action or Chor (haven't seen it in model mode) and seems to happen only after scrubbing/tweaking skeletal movement a lot.

Seems ok after AM restart but will re-surface randomly.

  • Hash Fellow

Try this. in the Chor, In the Camera view, in muscle mode,

select the affected CPs

Go to Frame 0

Use the cursor keys to nudge the selection one pixel right and back one pixel left


Save As the Chor or the PRJ the Chor is embedded in.



  • Hash Fellow
3 hours ago, Malo said:

Hello,  perhaps to look also on the influences of the weights of its CPs?

This sounds familiar... I seem to recall now that this can happen on CPs that are weighted to more than one bone.

Of course, you often need to weight CPS to more than one bone so unweighting them is not an option.


  • 4 weeks later...

Just to re-iterate. The model is saved out as a model file. There are no CP weights involved. Have tried all the procedures suggested so far and still happening, although it is still random-doesn't happen all the time.

Forgot password and spent the last 3 weeks trying to contact anybody thru every email link I could find and no response. Tried the contact form on support 6 times-no response. Finally had to create a new forum account to get here.

Thanks for all the responses and suggestions and I'm open to any new ones.



CPs still wrinkling! Trying to return to the original problem before all of this password snafu.

Seems to be happening only on CPs that are being constrained to move a percentage of a target joint & happens in Chor. & Action. Haven't seen it in model mode.(yet)

Selecting CPs in muscle mode snaps them back to normal until frame is advanced then they wrinkle again and shows up in final render. Have tried all tricks listed in this thread and so far nothing has worked.

The only thing that works is restarting AM but then wrinkling returns immediately upon frame advance/tweaking.

As always ANY help appreciated.


  • Hash Fellow

Seems to be happening only on CPs that are being constrained to move a percentage of a target joint

And you did them without CP weighting? Are they on a fan bone?


This would have been a good topic to bring to Live Answer Time!.


Crap I forgot that was today. anyway no cp weighting at all. Have never even messed with that yet. Just fan bones constrained to percentages of target bones which normally works really well until the wrinkling happened. Also this character is doing a lot of twisting and turning (it's what exotic robot dancers do)

The models are saved out but have tried embedding and made no difference. I'm working on making a sample Prj that I can upload but so far haven't been able to replicate the problem but if I do I'll upload right away.

Ya think AM doesn't LIKE me?????

  • Hash Fellow

I would really need to see this working to know more. For now, ignore the wrinkles, and bring it by next week.

  • Hash Fellow

I have an old project that does this sometimes in v19.5 but not always

I recall the work-around way back when was to save,  restart A:M and reload






Yes, looks the same in your sample above. I've even put the model in a Prj. file by itself to replicate the wrinkle but It won't frickin' wrinkle! ARRRR. Was hoping to replicate it and upload it here but apparently that's not going to happen, yet it's stil wrinkling in my Prj. where it started.

I'll keep trying and post an update if I succeed. Thanks.


Ok but now I can't access the FTP site. What the hell is going on??????? Just a blank google page comes up telling me that google chrome isn't my default browser??????


For but a moment my heart soared robcat-thought you'd found it but alas, upon trying again the rotate view tool had no effect with mine. Here's my layout as I'm working on it and I've tried with the model embedded or saved out, the timeline on/off and workbook mode on/off - no effect. I would leave the window on the left alone as it's a camera view and I would rotate the one on the right to view placements and such. Both windows are wrinkling. Although it seems to be only on CPs that are attached to fan bones.

Quitting AM and reopening it fixes it for about a minute then the wrinkles return.

I've made a Prj. file with the same model but can't get it to wrinkle but if I succeed I'll post it.

I tried rendering out short sequences and the wrinkles are there in final rendering mode. This makes me really sad.



Ok that didn't work out. Shit does anything ever just WORK????? Apparently this isn't for idiots to try at home. Don't suppose you could walk me thru this?A_messFail.jpg


Ok, now I can't respond to the forum from my gmail. Gee I wonder what will go south next??? Anyways the relic is back up. A_gmailError.jpg

  • Hash Fellow

I've never ever responded to a forum post by email. I didn't even know that was a thing.

30 minutes to power down and restart? Something is wrong.


Machine's been like that for years, wish I knew how to speed it up. I use Avast virus stuff. The emails I get from the forum must happen because I turn on the "follow topic" toggle at the bottom. And since my new forum identity is linked to my gmail address that's where they go as my sbcglobal.net email can no longer get emails from the forum. Why? Don't know but whatever you did at least fixed my forum ID and enabled me to get notices at my gmail.

Am constantly getting annoying ads from Avast that my performance is crappy because of all this shit that's running that I can't turn off but for more money they could fix it. So I don't gots more money so it don't gets fixed I guess.

Anyways back to the Net render issue that I can't seem to get to work, why? Don't know. That last error message that I just posted was whut I got when I tried to run it.


Also, if you have any suggestions regarding ways to speed up my machine I'm wide open to any and all advice!


  • Hash Fellow

Ultimately, to solve the spline thing we'll need a case that always does it and that you are able to let Steffen and/or me see. I have cases that can make it happen on the screen but they still Final render correctly.

Netrender... again, I need to see what you are doing.

I REALLY wish you would bring this to Live Answer Time.


  • Hash Fellow

 A peculiarity of my cases is that it only happens in the Chor camera view.

It doesn't happen in a Bird's Eye view and if the animation was made in an Action it doesn't happen in the Action.


Haven't been able to reproduce the CP wrinkle reliably. Even now it isn't doing it where it was before but have been trying to replicate it with the same model in a test chor. but no luck. So far it's still random.

I'll bring it to the next Live Time I guess.

The Netrender issue - I'm clueless. If that error message I posted doesn't make any sense to you then I surely don't know.

Thanks for all your effort.

  • Hash Fellow

I have seen that message. It has something to do with NetRender having been run more than once in a session.

I fix it with a complete power off to the computer. Pull the plug even.

  • Hash Fellow

After you are sure you've quite Net Render go to your Task Manager and End Task all these things...



Yes checked the Task mgr. None of those were running. I had deleted the shortcut on the desktop awhile ago cuz I never used it but didn't touch anything in the Hash folder in the Programs dir.

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