sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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We have more than a few people that can win in this category.

I note that it doesn't mention a file format but I would assume at least one copy submitted would need to be OBJ.


Some info from the contest:

The Female Character challenge is open to all designers, no matter their field: both high poly and low poly models can enter the competition.
Submit your female model to the corresponding category:

  • Realistic character (regular women, historical figures, girls, etc., representing various professions, including everyday people)
  • Imaginary character (sci-fi, cartoon, fantasy, stylized, etc.)

Submissions deemed to be adult content are not eligible to participate in the contest.


I see this as well:


Terms & Conditions

In order to qualify for the prize winnings, you must agree to terms & conditions.

Things you must know

  • The Female character challenge will run from the 13th of February to the 15th of May.
  • There is no polygon limit, therefore both high poly and low poly models can compete for the prizes.
  • Submissions deemed to be adult content are not eligible to participate in the contest.
  • Cool renderings are optional but we will definitely consider the presentation of the model when judging.
  • Only 3D models uploaded during the period from the 13th of February to the 15th of May will be treated as valid entries.
  • Designs uploaded to the gallery are not treated as valid entries.
  • Upon joining this challenge, you agree that your rendering scene might be used by sponsors for marketing (non commercial!) purposes.
  • The challenge is open to everyone, including teams, legal entities and people from all over the world.
  • You can submit as many entries as you want.
  • Only models that do not contradict 3D-Coat’s voice will qualify for the prize provided by 3D-Coat.
  • Participating in the challenge and uploading 3D models to CGTrader platform is free of charge.
  • All the entries must be original and not derivable.
  • Employees and relatives of CGTrader and sponsor teams are not allowed to participate in this challenge.
  • Any existing taxes or duties must be paid by the winner. CGTrader is not responsible for any illegal actions taken by the prize winners.
  • We are independent sheriffs of this challenge, so stick to the rules and don't do anything stupid.

Can we get an editorial opinion from Jason Simonds on 3D-Coat’s voice ? I've never seen such a thing in CGI circles afore. There is a bit of a snag(disadvantage) using A:M and then submitting an .obj as they bequest... when I open an obj in C4D that I made in A:M, there is considerable rebuilding to get it halfway presentable, and I am sure there would be work to do as well down the line if you opened it in Maya or Houdini or Max... plus the fact that some of the cool A:M features would need to be reinvented altogther or just forgotten- like A:M hair or SSS...

  • Hash Fellow

It may be impractical on format grounds, I agree.

Yeah, the voice thing is weird. It's like they invented the typewriter and now are worried that someone's writing dirty books with it.

  • Admin
an editorial opinion from Jason Simonds on 3D-Coat’s voice ?




This is quite a very old controversy (the 3D coat voice thing). Circa 2007 even.


Regarding the OBJ thing... say on. Say on.


submitting an .obj as they bequest



I didn't see anywhere where OBJ was suggested but I doubt they will easily be able to open native .mdl files.

I'd be happy to be wrong in this.

Of course perhaps we can include a subscription to A:M along with our entries.

  • Hash Fellow

This is quite a very old controversy (the 3D coat voice thing). Circa 2007 even.

Well, that shows how little attention I've been paying to them.


If your entry can't get passed that morality clause, you're probably not getting the point of the contest. :-)


They are looking for *female-friendly* female models to encourage young girls to consider the CGI/gaming industry ...not over-sexualized pinups.

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