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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

AM Training Live Streaming Channel


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So, I have another idea floating around my head and want to see if there is any interest, feedback, hecklers, etc.


What I'm thinking of doing is conducting a live streaming kind of training channel off something like ustream, or livestream or justin.tv. I figure it could be about 30 min or 1 hour (depending on the subject being presented). I'm thinking this will be able to provide my information than a regular tutorial or back and forth on the forum of more in depth questions; in that, as someone is watching, they will be able to text communicate with the presenter and ask questions. It could also be some topic from the forum that more people want to dive into and work out the particulars. Like a once a week AM forum broadcast, just an idea.


It would also allow for sequed topics or experimentation during the broadcast..sort of like, what if you changed "that" parameter, what happens, etc.


Subjects or topics could range from What is a spline and why do we use it? to Newton physics to Can I use UV wrap for Christmas presents?


I'm thinking of doing a test run, and would be interested in to see if anyone would like to tune in and provide feedback on picture quality, sound, glitches, etc.


This would be open to new people as well as seasoned professionals in a way to distro knowledge or learn from different techniques.


Interested in what others may think about this type of program. :)

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I think it's a cool idea. A lot of webcomic artists do this and I'd considered it once or twice. I'd always thought it would have been cool to have an A:M podcast, too, but I wonder about the size of the audience making it worth the planning and doing.

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Thanks largento. I am curious about the audience as well, that's why I asked. I used to work for a company that did satelllite training to schools. The school or classroom would send in their request for a particular topic they wanted to learn about and our studios would facilitate a show around that topic and there was 2 way communication with the classroom; that, as they were watching the show, the kids could interact with the on-air talent and vice versa. I was one of the one-man TD in the control room that would work the switcher, remote control cameras, audio board and B-roll VCRs. It was pretty kewl.


So, now I gotz me a Roland VR-3 and it's pretty much the same one-man operation and I'm trying to see what kind of shows I would be able to produce and this one came to mind.


So, say there was a number of people wondering about how to do UV unwrap or such; so, I'd come up with the content I think would be needed for the broadcast later in the week and then people could tune in and interact via chat or maybe Skype with another computer connected.


Just trying to find out if there is an audience and come up with a show that would be entertaining and informative and see where it takes off. I have other show ideas as well. But, I thought this would be a good place to start. :)

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I think that all sounds pretty interesting! But also daunting, as to the prep time vs. the potential audience. The trick would be to get it in front of more than the audience here on the forum, seeing as we have over 10,000 forum members signed up, but only a core of maybe 20 - 30 regulars I would guess. So promoting it would also be a challenge.

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True dat Gerry. But, I'm hoping that by showcasing AM's benefits of splines and ease of use and quickness in animating, that maybe more people will be interested in it. Thereby promoting its growth by examples. It's a chicken and egg ordeal in any given market; but, there's always build it and they will come philosphy hehe


I was thinking of doing a more 3D generalized show; but, then people will always have questions about their particular tool of choice and I am AM centrique at the moment. :) I'm exploring ideas at the moment and seeing which path to go down.

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Is there a way to use the forum to do an email blast out to all the members? I think there must be a fair share of inactive members who would just need a little nudge to reignite their interest. Out of 10,000+ members, if you got say 100 - 200 interested that would be huge.

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I'm not sure about that. I'm sure I'd have to touch base the AM Central on anything along those lines. :) Ustream has a way to tie into facebook and there are iOS and Android apps as well. So, a good opportunity to build up an audience through those channels.

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Yeah, ultimately it's up to the forum overlords and there may be rules preventing the use of members' contact info. But if not, it seems like it would be an excellent use of the forum assets (i.e., member contact info) and of course I'm not meaning that they would hand over the contact info to you, but that the forum manager(s) would do a targeted, nicely presented, one-time email blast.

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I gotta tell you that my experience with tuning in to livecasts on the web is pretty grim. The quality and reliability seems to still be a big problem even when they are hosted by ostensibly experienced webcasting providers.

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If anyone was interested I am broadcasting now to see what the quality would be like. I have another browser open for me to see and it looks ok for demonstration purposes. It's at www.ustream.com and you can search for Animace TV.

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Well, broadcasted for about 50 minutes, and from ustream's side it didn't have any glitches or interruptions. and during that time only 3 ads pop up (one at beginning, middle and towards end) so a good 20 -25 minutes in between ads.


It looked good in the channel window and even going to full screen it had just a bit of harshness too it. Now, mindful that my screen resolution for AM is 800x600 and the ustream window is probably 640x480 maybe 720x480, I'll have to check. Next time, I'll have to try my main screen at 1376x768 to view the browser that ustream is coming into.


First run I would have to say was not too bad. Even for conveying information. Now I would also be broadcasting audio for narration and explanations. Will definately be trying again.

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mouseman, yes the broadcast can be recorded on ustream for later viewing. however, i think i read that it only stays up for a certain amount of time. what's nice about the vr-3 is that it has A/V out so that you can record onto another device. Or I guess I could download from ustream before they take it down and upload elsewhere.

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