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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Discovery Cockpit


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Well, I guess the Discovery needs a cockpit, so here goes. Again, it would be nice to have some accurate blueprints to work from, but the model is getting there. Some of this is guess work as the cockpit is not completely shown in the movie.


Still have the overhead panels to complete along with the seats and rear wall section. Once the model is complete, it will be posted in the models section to go along with the Discovery model.





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Hmmm... modelling a universe. Has posibilities. I mean, how big can the universe be? :D


Just about have the cockpit done. Have the seats left to do now. I've started them a couple of times, but they are just being a real pain in the seat! (pun intended)









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Thanks Steve. No, I haven't seen the websites you are talking of. I've seen the really, really large photos that you can zoom in on (like Obama's innaugaration).


Update: Modelling of the cockpit is now complete. Worked on the seats today on my lunch, and got them to work. Extremely weird design for the seats, with weird angles coming off them.


I will probably be updating the Discovery model tomorrow with the cockpit model.


In the meantime, here are some renders, again using the standard lighting in the default chor. Beside the default camera renders, are renders using the fish eye lense model constrained to the camera. The camera doesn't change position or angle between the two renders, just the addition of the fish eye lense. Even though the fish eye lense model was created in A:M v15, it loaded just fine into v14.c.




Default Camera ------------------------------------------------ Fish Eye Lense

cockpit_0.jpg cockpit_fe_0.jpg


cockpit_1.jpg cockpit_fe_1.jpg


cockpit_2.jpg cockpit_fe_2.jpg

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Thank you everyone.


The completed model has been added to the Discovery project.


As for HAL's brain room, no plans for it right now, but you never know. I do have plans for the monolith, but that is going to be a different project.


What I am planning on doing is a series of small video clips (similar to Robot Chicken), and 2001 is my first project. What I do need next though, is a Dave Bowman astronaut. Not very good at organic modelling, so this is going to be a huge learning curve for me.


How long do you get for lunch anyway?


Officially an hour. :D My son is going to University these days, and I had an extra hour or so after work while I waited for him to come by and pick me up. That is what is great about having the laptop. I just did some modelling at my desk while waiting for my ride home.



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SWEET! You are using my fisheye lens! I love it!


Your fisheye lens is a thing of beauty John. Thank you for creating it and making it available. As I mentioned in my Discovery thread, I did rename it to fisheye.mdl instead of BenLens4.mdl. I hope you don't mind. It is just easier for me to remember what it is for and easier to search for it again later, on my computer.



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