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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Date for Next Meeting  

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Dear Animation Master User Group,

[ Are we still alive? ]


We all know that is been a long time since we last got together. Too long in fact. Way too long in fact! I feel the midi-chlorians are beginning to fade and that we need to have an emergency meeting of the mid-Atlantic animation Master users group as soon as possible.


There are many exciting things happening in the animation world. Probably one of the most important recent discoveries is http://www.killerbeanforever.com


The killer Bean was the first animation I ever saw that really inspired me to get into animation and when I learned that animation Master is a program that was used to create it, I then purchased my first copy. Version 8.5 I believe.


Now that we are all up to version 15 D., it's time for all of us to reconvene and discuss the animation world.


So I would like to propose the following dates for the next mid-Atlantic animation Master meeting.


The first possible date I have available would be October 25. I actually have one date that would be available but it would be on a Sunday which is September 28. I'm not too sure if anybody is available for a Sunday meeting because usually our meetings go long. I already have something planned for Saturday, September 27 but if that day works for everyone and none of the other days work, then I can cancel the plans for that day.


So here the following days I have available and hopefully they will coincide with everyone else.


1. Saturday, October 25


2. Sunday, September 28


3. Alternate day, Saturday, September 27




There are probably a couple of possible locations where you have the meeting. I think we should all figure out what is best for everyone. As always I offer my house is a meeting place and everyone would be welcome. One of the main reasons that I picked the above dates is because the wife will be away those weekends and I will have the house all to myself. ;- )


Other possible locations. Philadelphia: as of right now we don't have anything laid out for a location but if that's where everyone wants to meet I will research possible meeting places and see what I can come up with and posted in the forum. Don Davis, I can't speak for Don but, done if you would like to host for the next meeting I would be more than happy to bring bunches of food.


I hope everyone has been making an attempt to keep up their creative juices flowing, attempting to animate everyone's a while or do some 3-D modeling or something of that nature. Anyway, please post back to the forum and if you feel the need you can also reply to all via e-mail.


And if anyone has seen Mechadelphia out there in the Internet cloud please throw him a rope and reel him in.

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This is a great idea. A poll. Should have done this sooner.


All those dates are fine by me but I want to make sure Rich can be there too so I'm voting with him.




yes . polls are cool. ok, so november.. man that is a long ways away.. but we GOTTA do it in november... December we will all be to busy. ill post new possible dates.

  • 3 weeks later...

Do you realize we all started on the forum a month apart from each other?>>> Vern in Sept. '03, John in Oct. '03, and me in Nov. '03!!! Just some trivia. John.... how you doing with picking some dates???????

Do you realize we all started on the forum a month apart from each other?>>> Vern in Sept. '03, John in Oct. '03, and me in Nov. '03!!! Just some trivia. John.... how you doing with picking some dates???????



HOLY COW! We were DESTINED to come together. It was fate!


My brother's wedding is next weekend. The Mennonite Historical Society banquet is the following weekend. So I'm booked for the next two weeks.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,


(with his head bent low) Eh, how are you all doing???


Sorry, don't know how I could have strayed so far. I haven't been around and I'm sorry.

I feel like giving that 1/2 assed apology Christopher Reeves gave to EG Marshall in Superman 2, but I will not.


OK so it will have to be November and we could most likely do it at my house but it depends on the date. There are some things going on for me in November (as I'm sure there is for all of you)


What dates are free? Let me take a look and I'll get back to you, in the mean time is there any date that doesn't work?


Don, no need to apologize please. Not needed. Not expected.


So far the only date in November not good for me is the 4th. ;)


I have one big shindig this coming weekend and then I should be free after that... let's just see... brother married... check... historical society banquet... check... no family reunions... check...



  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys,


As of now I am open to every weekend in November. Since this month is almost over I would probably suggest November 15, 22nd or the 29th. I don't think anybody would have anything ready by the first or even November 8. I know I will have some stuff by the 15th.


So the 15th, 22nd or the 29th would work out just fine for me.


Don, if you want to host it at your house that would be great. It's been a long time since we've been at the Casa-De-Davis.


We definitely need a meeting before the end of the year. It's been far too long since we've all gotten together and there's been many things going on in the world of computers and 3-D. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I can start a new poll on this thread for a date so I guess we'll just have to pick one manually.


Let's keep it open and pick a date! My suggestion would be November 15 but I'm up for any weekend in November. I look forward to hearing back from all of you.


Don, if we do get together at your house, I would like to shoot for getting there a little earlier, say around 10 AM to 10:30 AM because we always seem to run out of time. If that's okay with you let me know.


PS, let's make sure we get Mack there as well!


I am suggesting the 22nd.


I have a big project due on the 19th. This could mean that I might need that last weekend for the final push. When I say big project I mean HUGE project. It's going well now but and very streamlined but you never know. This is a SUGGESTION only. I am sure one day would not make or break my schedule on a project of this type. So if the 19th is better for everyone else I can do that as well. This is just my rough choice. A work in progress date. A sketch of the date. A diagram on a napkin date. ;)




OK then,


We are on for Saturday the 22nd of November at my house.


Do you hear that Rich????


None of that Tellitubbies stuff



Do you guys still need directions or are there any new members who would dare expose themselves to such folly???


BTW John, I still don't have an PS3 so don't bother with the Blueray discs, unless of course you want to bring yours.


One of these days I'll have to come to one on these meetings. Unfortunately I can't make it this time. Don's house is probably the closest for me, I'm from central Jersey (Princeton area).


Hey mtpeak2


Didn't know you were so close.


You could just hop on 295 and be here in an hour (or if you drive like my wife 45 minutes)


Anyway, the invite is there and if you can make it please do.


Don't worry Mark... I... uh... don't have much to offer at these meetings other than boring web demos (I heard snoring at the last meeting. ;) ) the occasional small project and a few funny stories. Did we have a meeting since I created the terminator model? I don't think I showed that off yet... still haven't finished the lower torso. :( But it should still be fun to look at all the details and get feed back on how to rig it. I am leaning towards the 2008 rig.


Wow! New blood! Hey guys, don't give away too much of the initiation ceremony before the meeting. We don't want to scare him off. The last few new guys got scared off during the Blades Of Trust or Death® portion... it isn't nearly as dangerous as it sounds (the blindfold is now optional). Also, contrary to many rumors, we don't use real goats blood for the the pentagram and we aren't waterboarding anymore until the government decides if it's really legal or not. Bit of a gray area there.






Hi everyone,


While I thought that I would give everyone a call with that good old analog telephone because I thought it would be a more efficient way to get a hold of everyone. Of course I was incorrect. After I talked to Rich Jackson I decided to give down a call and Don said he'd already posted in the forum. Darn, you think being the nerd that I am that I would have checked the forum first. Well it's good to hear everyone's voice anyway.


With the data firmly set in stone and dons graciousness of hosting it at his house I will be there with my elf shoes on and bells around my neck. As a matter of fact maybe we can do a little rendering project while we're all together.


Although I will have a thing new in the animation master arena to show, I will have some thing else new show and with luck I'll be able to learn some the new features and show them off at this meeting. The fact that Don Davis is going to make chili is worth the trip from any direction anyone would come for up to 4 Hour Drive. I think that if you drive over two hours Don send you home with a small container of Chile for you to enjoy on the ride.


Anyway, I look forward to seeing everyone again. It has been far too long but I'm glad were getting together before the year is out. Us nerds need to stick together.


I will see you all over dons house on the 22nd. Grab a friend by the arm and dragged him along. If you see summit on the side of the street pole over and say "hey, would you like to go to an animation master meeting?" (although that might not be a good idea, I think in some states that's considered unlawful )


Oh, I had another thought as far as keeping communication up the and I will e-mail this to all of you guys. I've recently been a little bit in to face book and I think it might be a good way for us to communicate. I just want to keep the communication lines open.


See you all next week at dons house.

I will see you all over dons house on the 22nd.


All over the house? Like... in pieces? Should I be worried?

Sounds like an episode of "Fringe" or "Eleventh Hour".




p.s. I had a weird idea... sort of like a "Myth busters" idea. We all get really really drunk and then... post on the A:M forum.


On second thought, if we did that we might actually do something "all over dons house" or end up "all over dons house on the 23rd". ;)



  • 1 month later...

Yes, there was a meeting.


It wasn't as exciting as we hoped. There was only 3 of us, me, Don and John. We watched the Star Trek movie trailer (I still have problems with Sylar as Spock though. Watch out Kirk! He'll take off the top of your head and steal your powers! ;)) We watched the Robot Chicken Star Wars special. John showed some work he is doing and I showed off my Terminator model... oh and I finally took the entire series of the original Star Trek on VHS that Don has been trying to unload for ages now. I enjoy those Don! Thanks! I suppose I'm one of the few people with a working VCR these days. Oddly enough it's hooked to my PC.


Oh! I got a cool poster of the next Ice Age movie from Don's daughter. Thank you!

Good grief. I got all kinds of cool stuff that day. ;)


He guys, I should have TONS of new AM stuff for the next meeting. Doing all kinds of newton and cloth stuff for "Change Your Pants".



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