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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hello all here at hash animation master im new here and looking to get into 3d animation.


but im useless with it i got it about a week ago and i carnt make nothing just need some advice on where to start once you get animation master with no experince in 3d?



any advice on where to start how to start what to start with???




Thanks in advance guys look forward to replys. im thinking i should quit because i have always been intrested in 3d animation try loads of programs but never get the hang of it so now im trying animation master hope the experts here can help me out cheers :D


cya soon

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Nooo, don't quit yet, it's only been a week. You can do it!


I'm pretty new to AM, so I'm still finding my way around the program too.

I started with The Art of Animation Master book with all the exercises in it.

That's a really good place to start, it's meant for beginners and it walks you through

everything step by step. I would definitely suggest that you start there.

Good luck and stay patient this program takes some time to get the hang of it, but

you'll get it.


Best Wishes, Teresa :)


Oh, and if you get stuck on one of the exercises or get discouraged, just hop right on

this forum, these guys are masters of this software. (literally)


Take small steps...


Go to the Animation Master site and watch the Tutorials! They are excellent. Start with modeling and then work your way up. You must at least try the tutorials in the Art of Animation Master.


The first thing you need to understand is how splines work...start with that.


Learn what splines are, how to make a patch, and then start lathing simple splines and so forth.


This is 3D man!!...this isn't going to happen overnight.


But, you'll be amazed at two things


1. How much you are going to learn in the next month.

2. How little you know even after years of doing 3D.


Oh another thing...make sure you research, study and try something first before you ask questions.


Use the forum!!


Best of luck,




Teresa said it...the "art of animation master book" is a good place to start....thats actually the first place i started.


I'de suggest buying Richard Williams "Animators SUrvival kit" book its really hepful for animating..and well worth the price!


Also when your in the A:M project press F1 itll come up with a help screen for A:M..it should help you a bit.


Once u think youve gotton the basics..try out TAoA:M. Rodney is hosting it..basicly its just every exersise in the A:M book just post them here so you can see it...well ask rodney about it....if you ever need any help then fell free to PM me sometime. Ill try my best to help. THe good thing about this forums is that if you ever have any questions then you can just ask here in the forums....people should anwser you.


Best of luck to you!




Cheers guys for the responses :D


is that book thing rodney hostes on this forum i will search and see.


also i now have richard willams survial kit, and how much does the art of animation master cost because i might get that as it seem very helpful.




on the hash tutorials, i cannot find anything on modeling??




Like i said thanks a lot guys i will keep trying and hopefully after a mounth or so i can actually post something in showoff :D


These are the ones you need to look for on the Video Tuts...


Exercise 10: "FW-190 Figher"

Exercise 11: "Giraffe"


Best of Luck,




"The Art of Animation:Master" ("TAoA:M") is the booklet that comes with your software. It has the lessons in book form.


In the new user forum, there is a thread named The Art of Animation:Master strangely enough. :D


The first post of that thread is a list of all the lessons. Almost all the lessons have a video tutorial to go with it. These are priceless if you ask me.


I just received my copy of the Animator's Survival Kit yesterday... WOW, there's a LOT in there I need to absorb! :blink:


You can always get help here in the forums. Just try to get through the "TAoA:M" lessons first. If you have a problem with a particular lesson, post the question in the thread for that lesson's certification.


Last, but not least, DON'T GIVE UP! If you are frustrated, put it down for a while, take a break and come back and try again later.


Cheers guys but any reason i didnt get the book? with the software?


and yeah i have animation survial kit its rearly good.




but i looked at all the parts of the modeling tutorials on site and i have a few questions if you guys dont mind answering as u lot seem to be rearly good! and animation master whithc im not lol



1.how do i model a building if i cannot get a side and top view? etc with all the view modeling


2.say when you model a human(whitch i dunno how)and connect the bones how do u lock the bones to the body so when your doing an action the bones actaully drag the body with it if you know what i mean.



Sorry if i keep asking questions but dont ask you dont know. also there will proberly be more questions as i get to know the program a bit better, but thanks again for the help so far


edit: Cheers timelord for the link very helpful just like the rest of this forum


If you bought the software new, it should have come with the book. If you bought it used, then you may want to contact the seller. If you cannot find it, look here for a downloadable version of The Art of A:M - ftp://ftp.hashmirror.com/pub/updates/windows/ - pick the folder with your year and download the manual.


What version of the software are you using? How familiar are you with 3D modeling software?


1) If you right click in the modeling window, you can select View and then the direction you want to view from. Also, on your key board, using the number pad, you can change the view.

2 = Front View

5 = Top View

8 = Back View

6 = Right View

4 = Left View

7 = Bird's eye view

You can also zoom in and out and turn you model. I recommend the video tutorials to get the feel for the interface.


2) You will assign Cp's fromo the mesh to the bones. This is covered in one of the Art of Animation Master lessons (Show Some Backbone)




Hi Nathe,


I personally used the tutes on-line, http://www.hash.com/VM/ except for a couple of exercies that are only in the book. I like the on-line because of its speed, and I can pause it while I follow each step & then continue.


How to model anything always depends on the purpose of the model (screen shot, detailed shot, close up, background, etc..)


For a shot with buildings in the background then all you need is modify a cube and apply a decal of a building on it. If on the other hand you need a detailed model, then my advice is to go thru all of the tutorials, then you can go back to the tutorial that applies to what you want and create your model. That's how I do it anyway.


The bones question is also answered in the on-line tutorial.


Hi Dhar and fishman thanks 4 help


i use AM 11.1 and yes it was brought used, also i have not rearly had any experiance in 3d modeling thats why im starting here because i think this commuinty is very helpful and i will produce something soon, and going through all the tutorials at the moment to get the hang of the program,


Cheers once again ppl Nathe :)


lol i'm not even 18 and when i started i just winged it,ya know fool around with it.without even reading the manual i made a toon apple.the down side is thats befor i learned about groups it tok 5 models to make it lol.but just do at least most of the tutuorals in the book then just start from there.it helps to have ok drawing skills.my first real model turned out exactly how i drew back then(a year ago i'm much better now)and thats a bad thing.and if you in school try using a:m for school projects.heak open a buisness if you want.just goof off and get familiar with every thing.and read some tutorals.


oh and about the bone thing it about what realated to what...like for in stance.





in this form when the thigh moves the calf ankle and foot move too.all you have to do is right click the boon and hit attach bone icon on the right


oh and if you wanna know how to model a body just look at the models in the built in library, just cheak the tutoral resourse area, or download one take caution of what you download.



it was for a project



K cheers black mage


but im still trying to model something but no luck no luck at all very hard stuff but i will keep at it (well try lol)




PS: if any body will like to help me with a few things on learning this program would be a help cheers :D




try some work with pre made models.do you have the new trees plugin?if you do try it out, that pic only took me 3 hours total.no i'm not a profestional i'm in middle school and only had this for less than a year.but trust me the more fool around the more you learn.


i'll also post the project.but befor you load the project turn "show hair" off.unless you have a fastcomputer


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